Chapter One- The beginning of the end

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You may have heard the story of Grisha McLaggen. But there are two sides to every story and this... this is his side. Allow me to take you inside of the young mind of who would one day become the Greatest Dark Wizard of all time. Lord Voldemort. 

Tom Marvolo Riddle, Heir of Slytherin. I knew her. I resented her and yet I could never escape her. This is our story.  

I stared out of the window as the train trundled through the countryside trying my utmost to ignore the aimless ramblings of Lazarus Smith sat beside me. So pathetic... it was a wonder to me that he could ever been a Heir to one of the great founders of Hogwarts. He had potential but yet so immature, so naive...

I resisted the urge to scoff as Wiglaf deflected most of Lazarus's points. Wiglaf Sigurdsson the Heir of Ravenclaw, so transparent despite his desperate attempts at appearing mysteries and withdrawn. He was nothing more than an intelligent, righteous bore... 
A loud snap broke my train of thought, frustrated I clenched my jaw as Smith childishly slammed his book shut in protest to Wiglaf's lack of support. 
Suddenly I felt sharp pressure on my shin causing me turn my hide to face the girl sat opposite me. Grisha McLaggen, Heir of Gryffindor. Her bright blue eyes twinkling between myself and the other two boys as she smirked at me. She was the embodiment of Gryffindor. Brave, courageous and loyal to a fault. Out of all of the Heirs there was something about her that lay deeper, a hidden strength that intrigued me. Whether it was my own past experiences which gave me the intuition I do not know but something always told me that her life was not as pure and innocent as it appeared. 

I followed her gaze fixing the two boys with a cold gaze causing their conversation to fall into silence almost immediately, I resisted the urge to smirk in satisfaction. They may have thought themselves my equals but they where anything but nor would any of them ever be. I merely needed to use them until I achieved my goal. The Heirlooms. 

"What?" Lazarus blurted out breaking the silence. I left his unintelligent question hanging in the air unanswered as I turned my gaze back out of the window as the passing Northern countryside. 

If I had thought the Heirs were a fleeting moment in the greater scheme of my plans then I was unfortunately sorely mistaken. This was only the beginning of what would be the largest challenge to everything that I believed to be true. 

And she was to become the front and centre of it all. 

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