And once again there attacking

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Annie and the crew were back at Janja's den. "Ok we did but Chungu why did Fuli came out of nowhere and almost attack me?!" Annie said. "She just saw you went up there," Chungu said. "Well... Janja can decide but anyways we did it guys all we need to do is repeat it over and over again and they think he's doing it and they kick him out and then we can strike just like that." "That's great but what if they figure out what we're doing?" Janja said. "The animals they don't know where doing it but the one I kill we kill know what we're doing but guess what there dead so no proof." "That's perfect then you can be Queen again very simple but what if this plan doesn't work don't you have a plan B?" Janja said. "Yes I do have another plan... the snakes you remember they will attack the pridelands and then we came along and deal with Kion, the lion guards, and the snakes and then we took place simple as that but I haven't seen them attack yet... i think there waiting until I turn Queen but I don't need to worry that right now," Annie said explaining. They had there plans but suddenly a loud roar came out of nowhere. "Is that Kion?!" Cheezi said. "I think so let's get him wait... where's Anja?" Annie said worried. "I'm right behind you guys," Anja said behind them inside the den where they on. "Oh didn't see you there but stay here Anja. Alright guys let's go attack." They all went outside and sees the Lion guard but not Fuli. "Umm... where's Fuli?" Cheezi said. "Something seems off Annie when Chungu said she saw you I think she's still to the Pride rock," Janja said. "Yeah but she's neither trying to ruin are plan or in a bad situation she's trying to get out of. Ok let me talk this one out guys, Annie said whispering. Ok Kion! What are you doing here?!" "Where attacking sensed you attack us!" "Wait! Where's Fuli she's not with you!" "Wait... she's not here?! I guess she couldn't fight... well in that case! I still have the lion guards!" "Yeah that kinda doesn't count but if you say so... ATTACK!" Annie attack Kion first by tackling him and pinned him and started nipping him. And the rest are attack the Lion guard. "So are you gonna tell me where Fuli at?" "Annie I don't know she's gone when we came here!" "Yeah yeah whatever," Annie said. Annie grabbed some vines and tied him up again. "Ok now this time i have so much time to sabotage," Annie said to her head. She left Kion in the ground and Janja looked at Annie and he know what's she's doing. Annie finally got to the pridelands and looked what happen. "So there's still blood in the water and the zebras are complaining about it and the zebras at the Pride rock are... arguing with someone? I should go to the pride rock first and be sneaky," Annie said to his head while zooming in. Annie went to the pride rock and she sees what's happening and she sees zebras arguing at Fuli about the mess. "You kill my brother why did we ever trust you lion guards!" A zebra said. "Wow that went perfectly then I expected," Annie said. Then she heard a zebra coming up and Annie was getting ready to pounce and have another dead body here. The zebra came up and Annie pounce on him and bite his neck. Then Annie still have paint and she painted the symbol again. "Ok now all I have to do is get people down here... HEY GUYS LOOK WHAT THE LION GUARDS DID DOWN HERE THERE CRUEL!!" Annie said yelling. Annie went back down and hid in a bush. The zebras came and sees the zebra dead with the same symbol. "Yep I did great didn't I," Annie said talking to herself. Annie left the pridelands and started going to Janja's den. When she made it then once again Kion is tied up and the lion guards are wounded. "Let go of me JANJA!" Janja said. Annie looked what's happening to Kion and Janja, Janja was nipping and stomping. And Kion is in pain again. "Well I guess I was right Janja is brutal. Alright Janja let him go." Janja let him go so Annie can talk to Kion. "Why are you doing this Annie?!" Kion said in pain. "Well you see Kion you basically started all this and you may wanna go check on the pridelands your Animals are not happy about what's happening... and I didn't do it... it's probably Fuli who's doing all of this," Annie said explaining. She cut the vines and Kion got out of here so did the lion guards. "Sigh... they need to stop attacking and focus on there animals," Annie said disappointed on Kion. "So How's the plan going?" Janja said. "The plan is working flawlessly the zebras were arguing about what's happening... and I think kicked Fuli out of the Lion guard i just gotta wait and yeah." "Ok... do you wanna speed it up?" "Speed it up... sure but... not right next to Anja." "Oh yeah let's go somewhere private and then we can start with something I always enjoy," He winked.

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