Huge meeting

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Annie open his eyes and sees Janja there staring at Annie. "Janja... what are you doing?" "None thing Annie I'm just talking to Fuli," Janja said. Annie looked behind and sees Fuli. "Wait then why are you two talking to each other but I'm right next to you guys... never mind I need to get up right now I got things to do... can you guys keep an eye on Anja please?" "Yeah we will," Fuli said. Annie saw Tano and Nne right next to each other talking Annie went towards them. "Hey guys what happened yesterday?" Annie said. "Well you see me andd Nne worked for Janja but we betrayed him long ago besides I never seen you before who are you again?" "Annie... but anyways did Janja give you guys punishments?" "Well we can't eat for 5 days or drink water, we got to work for him all day every day until he stops then he gives us a break for one minute, and me and Chungu have to give Janja a back scratch and I don't see that harmless," Nne said. "Well good luck with that." "Have you ever get punishments by him?" "No actually he was nice to me actually have a heart for once besides she wouldn't punish a girl that'll just be abuse but you guys he goes harsh with males like you so I would highly recommend you guys try to play nice or else he's gonna flip and give you guys punishments for sure," Annie said. Annie left and was trying to find Livia and Lott but they were no where to be found. "Well I guess I can go do something like... sabotage besides haven't done that for a while. She was gonna go to the pridelands but then she spotted a Lion cub. In another cave. "What is with animals that are in caves?" Annie said to herself. She went to the cave to talk to the cub. "Hey there my name is Annie. What are you doing here in this cave?" "Oh I'm not a cub actually I mean like what everybody says when they see you small but you didn't notice that there a teenager there a teenager. And I'm here because I got lost and I figure it was hard being alone. Oh and my name is Urain," Urain said. "Nice to meet you so... do you wanna join my crew?" "Yeah sure is there any lions in your crew?" "No but there will be soon but you should join me but how about you follow me so I can take you home," Annie said. Urain follows Annie to Janja's den. "Hey Janja I found a Lion cub that's in the Outlands not the pridelands." "Oh I was gonna scream that your a maniac and... oh I seen this Lion before the one you had a simple job and I couldn't be able to nip you sensed you ran away but... sensed I found you... mind if I have her Annie?" "Well if she's your problem she's not neither so..." Annie dashed away and started going to the pridelands. She was at the pridelands and figures at what to do first. She sees Zebras all separated. Annie started to kill one and dragged it all the way to the pride rock. And made the Lion guard symbol and started making little chunks of bites to think the Honey badger did it. She then got out of here and it was night when she left the pridelands. She started heading to the volcano. She hears a lot of talking in there and she knows that this is gonna be a perfect meeting. She enter the volcano and sees all the animals she wanted bring. Hyenas, Jackal's, vultures, Lion's in the Outlands, and Crocodiles. They all saw Annie and started cheering. She got to the same place so she can talk to all the animals. "Hello all of you guys and probably Janja, Mzingo, Vixen, Zira, Kovu, And Makku! I want all you leaders up here right next to me!" They all got right next to Annie. "So it's great for me to be Queen of the Outlands and everything but we got plans for dealing with Kion and everything for good besides he's probably stronger now but anyways... I said to all of you Hyena's and sorry for Jackals's, Crocs, Lion's, And vultures who didn't heard this but I want to have advice for rules that we should have in the Outlands. And I want all of us to take over the pridelands but not today we all need to be prepared once we're ready to attack but anyways I'll go first. So I want the Outlands to kinda look like the pridelands just Kinda but at least let's have some trees and grass well. Right next to a river or pond. Because what Janja said before he said something an a curfew and Mzingo said something about the trees I see that and everything sensed Kion doesn't want to play fair. So how about this all the vultures will grab as much seeds as possible and grow trees in the Outlands that have a bit of grass and right next to a pond or river. Any question?" "Yes one what if there isn't dirt in the Outlands?" Mzingo said. "Then we have to use the burnt dirt but it'll take a while to grow tho so to keep in mind. Alright next thing all the Hyenas out there including me are not getting that much food but mice's and everything and there just starting to kill each other to get the food just because there are food. So about this we can go to the pridelands and get the food but... if you see hyenas that are starving you have no choice but to share besides it's hard but it's worth it. Any question on that one?" "Annie what if the Hyena's doesn't want to share?" Janja said. "That's actually your decision you need to figure out besides there's gotta be another way to share. Alright now ponds Crocodiles are well having some problems about them. There all small they don't have enough room and all. And you try to ask Kion if you can take the river but he's gonna he like. "Of course but your not aloud to kill zebras or stay in there forever," Annie acting as Kion. "Of course he's gonna be that but guess what you can expended the size of the pond you know that right Crocodiles? It's very simple just get rid of much dirt that's blocking the way and everything and boom you have your free space. Any question?" "Is there another way to get rid of the dirt to make more room for the pond?" Makku said. "Well hey Hyenas or Jackals to help you dig. Now for the Jackals, every single Jackal and Hyena think that hyenas are smarter then Jackal's but the Jackals say Jackals are smarter then Hyena's Yeah yeah shut up already if your a female your intelligence is perfect. But male Hyena. There kinda smart but there tough and everything so there's a difference between those two but me... I'm both in strong and intelligent. Any question? No I think I have already answered the question but whatever. Last one Lion's. So the thing about Lion's is that Hyenas are afraid of Lion's but I'm confused that some or a lot of hyenas are afraid of Kion but over the fact that he's a cub and everything he has the roar and all that. But still don't he doesn't even use it sometimes but only use it in special accessions but then all you Lion's think that you can do that as well can you? Of course you can but... it depends on who you are... and I have already answered that question as well... so we have all are rules which some of them were kinda rules but still tho so we have a queen which is mean hooray but... now the meeting had come to an end so I will see you all tomorrow because I am tired,"

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