This can't be

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Kion's POV. Kion was disappointed about what happened today. He got tied up three times the first one was long ago, gotten beat up by Janja the most but Annie she doesn't sometimes but let Janja do it, and now there just enemies. Kion approach to the pridelands. He then went to the pride rock and now here's a lot of arguing. Kion went up there fast and then sees a lot of zebras having an argument. "Hey Kion," Fuli said grabbed Kion from behind. "What's happened here Fuli?! Why did you leave me and the lion guards with Janja and Annie?!" "Listen I can explain I." Kion looked what's behind her back and sees blood and a dead zebra behind her. "Did you kill that zebra?" "What?! No I didn't it has to be Annie," Fuli said. "What do you mean?! You have blood in your back and the symbol in the zebras leg Annie doesn't even know how to make that symbol but you and the rest of us. And you have blood in your back. And don't think I can see a little bit of blood in your ear and your teeth!" "That was... all Annie," Fuli said about to cry. "Sigh... then why is there bite marks in that zebra?" "I don't know I didn't do anything Kion you always trust me but why you don't right now?" "I. I just do know why I don't trust you besides you were the only cheetah that was in this pride rock when I left but... why do I have to say this but... it would be best if you... leave?" Kion said giving an awkward smile. Kion was shaking crazy and sweating from all that. "You know what... I guess it's best. I'll... see you later... I guess," Fuli said sobbing. Fuli left the pride rock and Kion felt real bad but he doesn't want anymore killing. "Sigh... I guess I see how it is when a Lion does that I should go ask the Zebras." Kion looked the zebras and they were mad. "Hey Zebras Why are you guys up here?" "It was all your cheetahs fault!" "Don't worry... she's gone for good," Kion said. "Yay! Thank you Kion!" All the zebras said. Kion well... thinks he did the right thing... hopefully. Fuli's POV. Fuli ran as fast as she could away from the pridelands and now notice she was in the Outlands. "Why does it have to happened to me!" Fuli said crying and sobbing. Fuli doesn't even know what happened first she saw Annie in the pride rock. Second she sees a Lion guard symbol and a bite mark. Third now this. Fuli only has one suggestion. "Sigh... I guess I have no choice but to join Janja/Annie and his/her crew. I can't be alone like this," Fuli said kinda cheer up. Fuli made her decision and did what she has to do. Annie's POV. Annie was playing around with Anja for a while. Then they stopped sit and down and talk. "So... Mom what happened when you put me in the den?" Anja said confuse. "Well... you remember the animals I told you?" Annie said. "Of course mom Lion, Cheetah, hippo, bird, and honey badger." Exactly Anja." "Hey Annie Chungu needs you there's someone here that wants to talk to you," Janja said. "Oh... ok you play with Anja I'll check." Annie got outside of Janja's den and found Chungu and Cheezi. "Hey Chungu where is he or she?" "She's over there," Cheezi pointed. Annie looked where Cheezi pointed and it was Fuli. "Oh... what does she wants? Whatever I'll check," Annie said to herself. Annie went towards Fuli. "So... why you here another one of your traps?" "No Annie I. I wanna join you," Fuli said. "Oh how come?" "Kion kicked me out." "Oh that sucks well... I guess you can join but are you sure because there's a chance of being enemies with Kion and the lion guards so are you sure?" "Yes I wanna join I don't want to be alone." "That's actually a good decision besides for some predators they will be nothing when there by there selfs but... there's something you gotta do but I'll help you for this one... so how I join is that you need to kill a animal in the pridelands but sensed you left and there well... enemies or frenemies right now then I would highly recommended I gotta help you but if you don't that's fine. And I don't want it probably Janja, Cheezi and Chungu want it besides they haven't eat for a while but I did," Annie said. "Alright I need some help actually I don't wanna be seen." "Seen you say... Well how about this I'll do the hunting and you'll help me but guess what the grass in the pridelands really fits you so you'll be behind me and once I Fine a zebra then I'll attack it first and you come along then me and you can drag it together," Annie said. "Yeah that's a good idea let's do it," Fuli said giving a hand shake. "Are you sure because no one wants your fur touch sensed you said that," Annie said. "Wait how did you know?!" "Kion told me that long ago when I was Queen. But if you say so." Annie shake Fuli's hand and started going to the pridelands.

The Lion guard, revenge of the QueenWhere stories live. Discover now