More hyenas mean... more power

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Annie left Fuli and Kion so she doesn't have to be involved but Annie was just roaming around the Outlands then suddenly hear hyenas yelping. "Why am I'm hearing hyenas yelping in that cave? Might as well go to that cave besides they probably need a place to stay for the night or something," Annie said to her head. She went to a cave that she never been to before and she explores it. She then found 4 hyenas 2 of them that are in a corner are girls and the other 2 were sitting right next to each other in the middle males. "Hello there I'm not here to hurt you guys... why are you guys in this cave anyways?" "Oh thank goodness it's you Queen," female hyena said. "Oh well I was queen but Kion took over sadly but I'm queen of hyenas tho... but anyways can you guys tell me your names and I can bring you guys safe?" "My name is Livia and this is my sister Lott," Livia said. "Ok and who are you guys?" Annie said. "Tano And he's Nne," Tano said. "Ok so... how about all of you guys follow me and I can take you somewhere safe so you can well stay or just leave tomorrow," Annie said. Annie gather the hyenas and started following Annie. It took them a while to get back to Janja's den but they would finally here. "Hey Annie it's been a while where have you been and... who are these guys?" "Well the girls are Livia and Lott and these males well... I have no clues who they are but there names are Tano and Nne don't you know those hyenas?" "Oh perfect you found them can you please give me a second," Janja said going towards them. Janja grabbed them put them in his den and started hearing nipping, hitting, yelping, and pain. "... ok I guess he does know those guys... but anyways do you girls wanna join this crew?" "Yeah besides like what everybody says it's hard to work on your own," Lott said. "Well ok make yourself at home I know there's a thing where you have to join but prove yourself but I'm gonna take it easy on you guys besides I'm the queen of Hyenas well... in the Outlands actually but still have fun," Annie said. "You know what... all that stuff I said about me being Queen... I think I'm queen of the Outlands but... how can I make it think that I am queen? Maybe if I go to the volcano then probably there could be a lot of hyenas. You know what I'm going there," Annie said talking to herself. Annie started going to the volcano that she hasn't been for a while to see if there's hyenas there. Annie made it to the volcano and sees actually a bunch of hyenas but Vita she's not here just because she preparing for war but she should actually know that there's no point. Annie got higher to the volcano so every single hyena can see her so she can get there attention. "Hey all you hyenas! You all may know that Scar has betrayed us and going against us maybe sensed he's not there appearing in the lava! But don't worry because I have an idea! Sensed I was Queen in the pridelands and I was defeated I'm still Queen I notice because I'm Queen of the Outlands and guess what there's not even a single hyena Queen in the Outlands so guess what I'm now Queen now I finally noticed," Annie said. All the hyenas were talking to each other about what's happening. "Yeah that's right all you Hyena's! Now finally we have a leader in the Outlands so guess what we don't have to go against each other and go against Kion and the Lion guard and we be in the pridelands whatever we want and we eat, yes, we eat as we please!" All the hyenas cheer on. "And one more thing before I leave tell any Hyena's, Jackals, Vultures, Lion's that are in the Outlands, and Crocodiles that I'm your new Queen and we will have a huge and I mean... a HUGE MEETIN! In the volcano tomorrow night once we get all the predators and we will make are own rules and not Kion stupid rules! I will make the rules! You will give me advice! We can rule the Outlands! We can rule the pridelands! We can do anything!!! We're Hyena's and Hyena's never stop until we get what we wanted!" All the hyenas cheer on so loud. Annie got out of the volcano and went back to Janja's den. And Annie felt confident already about what's gonna happen tomorrow.

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