Tonight we strike... again

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Annie went back to Janja's den and when she came back she was amazed. She sees a lot of dens and starting to be a town already. She explore for a little bit and then she sees the lion guard but not Kion. "Wait... did they all got kicked out?" Annie said going towards them. "Hey the lion guards why are you guys here?" "Well you see where all been kicked out all because of Kion," Ono said. "That's unexpected did you guys join?" "Yeah we all did," Bunga said. "Wow... I didn't expect that to happen. Well... let's like I'm gonna be taking over the pridelands again." "Yeah with us this time but I think it won't be that hard besides Kion is all by himself without any defense so this is the perfect timing for an attack like this," Fuli said. "Yeah now to come to think of it... Ono two things go to the vultures and Jackals area and get them to meet at the volcano. Hippo... sorry I forgot your name but. Go to the volcano and make sure all the predators are in the volcano and get them all line up. Bunga come with me we're going back to the... wait actually hold on I need to check something at the volcano," Annie said already heading there. She made it and of course what she thinks. "Oh... I guess Zira already killed him that easily," Annie said. Zira is eating Scar's body. "Umm... Zira I gotta tell you something," Annie said scared. "Oh didn't see you there... sorry about this Umm... what you need?" Zira said. "Well... I'm gonna take over the pridelands again and this time I know this is gonna work, so I need all your Lion's and get them in the volcano... actually no take your time getting back to your pride rock and I'm gonna send a honey badger. Don't kill it! Just wait until he want all of your troops including Kovu and you. To attack at the pridelands so I would highly recommend you do that now but take your time eating Scar," Annie said. "Alright," Zira sitting still eating Scar. Annie started going back to Janja's den. She made it and sees the lion guards sitting down. "Alright I'm back so Bunga I want you to go to Scar's Pride rock don't worry he's dead Zira now owns the pride rock so you should be fine. Alright there's the plans now let's start them right now!" It's been a freaking 5 hour and it took forever to get things ready. They got all the troops in the correct position and waited on Annie's orders. "Alright leaders for sure I'm not gonna let this happen again I got this... Alright y'all! Let's start moving." All the troops started moving. Annie keeps thinking she's gonna make that same stupid mistake when Kion used the roar out strange dust into her eyes and made a vision and then noticed it's fake but she got a plan for that. They got to the pridelands and sees about so many Lion's. "Well I didn't expect them to have about a thousand of Lion's so... ATTACK!!!" Annie said doesn't even care. They all charged in and attack. Annie charged in first full speed and hit a Lion with a tackle and a bite in the neck. Then some other Hyenas join in the fun. They killed the lion  that quick and Annie started going for another one. But this Lion is strong so she needed to get on top of it and start biting its back so the Lion could get tired. She did all that and call the Hyenas who killed the other one helped Annie taking the strong one out by biting the neck and keep on nipping the Lion. They finally killed the Lion's that were not in the pride rock. Annie then got tackle from a Lion and pinned down. Then she finally noticed it was Kion. "Kion?!" Annie used her legs to push him off her. "So you wanna fight I can totally beat you!" "I like to see you try Annie," Kion said. Kion used the roar and got dust on her eyes. "Do you feel any different Annie?" "Well one... I'm immune," Annie said drop kick Kion. "Wait what? How?!" "It was very simple. I had to fine that crazy monkey that I forgot his name but I forced him to make me immune and he did so..." Annie whistle to get Bunga attention. Then a hold bunch of Lion's came out of nowhere attacking the other Lions that was gonna attack Annie. "Smart play but it's not gonna happen." Annie tackle Kion and Kion blocked her attack and made her had a headache. "Ow! You... so you have to give me a headache don't you Kion?!" Annie said. Then suddenly Janja and Vixen came out of nowhere. Janja drop kicked Kion and Vixen grabbed Kion and slammed him in the ground by a rock and made Kion unconscious. "Alright we got Kion now... let's bring Kion up the pride rock and let's deal with the Lion's in the cave and." Suddenly a snake almost bite Annie but Annie grabbed it and stomp on it. "Oh no it's the snakes! Of course now we have to deal with snakes?! Alright guys! Let's deal with the snakes first and try not to get ourselves poison by one!" Annie said. Annie looked around to find Vita and she found her being guard by venomous snakes. "Sigh... why does it have to be venom alright here I go," Annie said taking deep breaths. Annie charged in but then about five snakes bite Annie's leg and started biting them off. She tackle the venom snakes first grabbed Vita by using her teeth turn back and head back to the pride rock. She slammed her and sit there tired. "Hello there Vita why are you here?" "That was my plan Annie! I been waiting for so long and my troops are all dead now. Now what do i do! Die?!" "Well... that's one option but nah. I'll try to figure out something but for now. I'll let you get out of here I got other things to do," Annie said left. She went inside the cave searching it and found  nothing. "Alright Kion you sit here knock out and let me make a speech." Annie went to the ledge and started making a quick speech. "Alright y'all! We have taken over the pridelands again finally that took forever but we did it. So you guys can move to Outlands and Pridelands so you guys have fun being here I'll be in the cave for any question!" Annie said loud and proud. She went to the cave sitting right next to Kion and waited.

The Lion guard, revenge of the QueenWhere stories live. Discover now