A new member

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Annie's POV. "Alright were in the pridelands let's get started. Oh the river is still with blood," Fuli said. "Oh it still is I thought Kion fixed it by now but I guess he didn't but anyways let's get you that zebra," Annie said. Annie found a zebra and started sneaking on it. Fuli was right behind Annie trying not to be seen. Annie was getting ready to pounce and she pounce, then Kion came out of nowhere and jumped on Annie. "Hey what are you doing Kion?" "What are you doing?! You were gonna kill a zebra were you?" "No I was starching working on my jumping so that's why I wanted to jump on the zebra so I can practice," Annie lied. Fuli came up from behind and knock out Kion with a rock. "Oh... you did it. I didn't notice they'll be rocks here so... shall we continue?" "Yeah let's continue." Annie looked at Kion thinking about an idea but I guess she has to share it to Fuli. "Hey... Fuli there's something I have to say... I put those zebras in the river, I tried to kicked Kion out but I didn't notice it'll kick you out what happened anyways?" "Oh don't worry it wasn't your fault well Kinda. I was eating mice and I squashed a mice with my back and the blood got it on my back and my ears." "Oh that's a bummer but... I was gonna sabotage Kion sensed you knock him out," Annie said. "What are you gonna do to him?" "You still have blood on you because your gonna use the mice's blood to make it think Kion kill a zebra." "That's brilliant I still have it let me rub some blood on him and you can hunt that zebra." Annie started hunting a zebra and then found one and pounce on it. Fuli put blood on his mouth and body and she dragged Kion all the way to the pride rock. To the cave and place him there right next to the dead zebra thinking that he did it. Annie and Fuli group up back to the Outlands. "We did it Fuli I got the zebra did you put blood on Kion and put him right next to the dead zebra that was in the cave?" "Yeah I did my part. So am I'm in?" "Yep I guess your in so let's bring this zebra back home and give it to the rest," Annie said. They carried the dead zebra all the way to Janja's den. "Hey Annie your back and... let me guess Fuli wanted to join?" "Yes Janja she wanted to join and I did that thing she needed to do here's the zebra now give it to your crew and to Anja as well and I'll chill with Fuli for a little bit ok?" "Alright Annie," Janja said. Annie and Fuli got in a private area. "So... what do you mean your plan?" Fuli said. "Well my plan was to sabotage the pridelands and get them to kick Kion out think that he did it but sensed you were kick from Kion I guess neither the hold Lion guard is gonna be kicked out and we can take him out with a huge army, or if they kick Kion out then I can take his place simple," Annie said explaining. "

The Lion guard, revenge of the QueenWhere stories live. Discover now