Chapter 2

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Mani P.O.V.

I tap my foot impatiently and sigh heavily as I sit across from Dinah and Ally. Lauren is almost 45 fucking minutes late. We were all supposed to meet for lunch today and Ally is insisting on not ordering until she gets here. Fuck that. I'm hungry and when the waiter comes back, I'm ordering.

"How do you put up with her? This is why I don't invite her anywhere. She's a fucking flake so she probably won't come at all. She probably was on her way and got her dick stuck in something like some random sluts vagina." I say with a roll of my eyes.

"She'll be here. Just calm down." Ally says as she puts her phone to her ear. This is bullshit.

"Mani is right. How you tolerate Lauren is a mystery to me as well." Dinah adds.

"She's always been like this." Ally says in Lauren's defense.

"That's not an excuse Ally. When adults say they're going to do something or be somewhere at a certain time, they are and if they're running late they let someone know." I say and Dinah nods in agreement.

"Lo, where are you?" Ally says into the phone.

"Oh, well hurry. Mani is getting mad again. Okay bye." She sits her phone down on the table.

"She said she was having car trouble."

"So she couldn't have taken a cab? The subway? Or fucking called 45 fucking minutes ago?!" I say frustrated and Dinah puts a hand on my shoulder.

Lauren pisses me off so much. How did I put up with that for a year? Oh right, love. Well fuck that. All I did was get my heart broken. I don't know why I expected her to change or even try. She'll never grow up, ever and it's sad. It's just ridiculous and the most pathetic part about all of this? I still fucking love her. What Lauren and I had was something I've always wanted but her being her, it just couldn't last. You would think that after being broken up for two years and being in a relationship, my feelings would be long gone but my heart has always been an idiot.

I have no future with Lauren. She's a child in a womans body. She doesn't even want the things I want from a relationship. All she wants is sex and someone to clean up after her, cook for her, wake her up in the mornings, do her laundry and the list goes on and on. I'm not her fucking mother and I won't play mom to her. She's a grown ass woman and she needs to start taking responsibility for things.

"I don't believe she had car trouble." Dinah says.

"Yeah. That car trouble shit is her favorite excuse to everything. There's nothing wrong with her car or she would be going ballistic. She loves her car and it's the only thing she takes care of."

"You guys shouldn't be so hard on her. She tries." I shake my head at Ally. She's so naïve. She tries to protect Lauren no matter what. If A, a cop, some random man and Lauren were on a street and Lauren killed him, she would tell a judge she didn't do it. She'd say she had a reason because to her, Lauren always has a reason. I admire her loyalty but some people just don't deserve it. The waiter comes back and Dinah and I order. Ally still wants to wait for Lauren so she just gets another water. Ten minutes after the waiter leaves, Lauren walks up to the table.

"Hey, sorry I'm late." She says as she sits to the right of me. I roll my eyes and take a sip of water as Dinah and Ally tell her hello. She's hungover, I know it. The fact that she said hey and not some comment to Dinah first, she walked up to the table very sluggish and she has on sunglasses but only the really big dark ones she uses for hangovers. If she orders a Bloody Mary, I will really know.

"Where were you?" I ask and she turns her head towards me.

"Trying to start my car." She lies. Lauren maintains her car very well and almost never has any problems besides a flat tire.

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