eight;; sleepover!

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By now it was the end of November and nearing Thanksgiving break

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By now it was the end of November and nearing Thanksgiving break. Katya and I had been kind of a "thing" in secret for a few weeks now even though we hadn't exactly put a label on it yet.

We decided to finally tell Dela and Miz about us at our monthly Barbies sleepover, because they honestly deserved to know.

  "I'm nervous." I whispered to Katya before we walked in.

"Babe, we'll be fine. They support us regardless."

She short me a reassuring smile and we walked in hand in hand.

Dela and Miz were laying on opposite ends of the couch, Miz was absentmindedly flipping through channels and Dela was fast asleep.

"Well you two sure have been touchy lately," Miz giggled, "Dela wake up!"

"I am awake." She said groggily, obviously still asleep.

  After we all sat around and talked for a little while, Katya decided to go for it.

"Sooo we have something to tell you guys!"

She gave me the biggest smile I'd ever seen her wear, before proudly announcing ,

"Me and Trixie are... a thing!!"

  "Dang it!" Miz laughed, passing Dela five dollars.  "I'm so happy for you two and all but that's another bet lost to Dela."

Dela literally jumped up and ran around the room squealing, "I'm so happy for y'all!"

I could've lived in that moment forever, in a room filled with so much love from my best friends in the universe and my beautiful girlfriend-type-person.

I planted a bright pink kiss on Katya's cheek as we all curled up on the couch, watching a Disney movie marathon and eating all of the snacks that Dela's kitchen had to offer.

Somehow, we all ended up sleeping the night on the couch and, as normal, I woke up in the Russian's arms.

Tonight, I kissed her head, pulled her closer to me, and fell back asleep, listening to her cute little breaths and feeling more peaceful than I had in my life.
a/n: just a short fluffy chapter bc we all need more of the barbies in our life

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