fourteen;; an angel cried

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when raindrops fell
down from the sky
the day you left me,
   an angel cried
I pulled on one of Katya's old sweatshirts and sneaked out of the house and to me and Katya's secret spot, a tall oak tree halfway between our two houses.

The rain started to fall as I headed towards the tree, but I was so happy to see Katya that the drops barely phased me.

As I approached, I noticed that Katya was already sat, criss-crossed under the tree, her pale face illuminated by a cigarette.

"You smoke now?" I asked, demurely stepping out of the dim glow of the streetlights and into the shade with her.

"I know, I know. It's awful for me. It just relieves a lot of my stress."

"You're stressed?"


  "What did you want to talk about?"

"Come, sit down." She asserted , solemnly patting the patch of grass beside her.

I reluctantly plopped down in the cold wet grass as she put out her cigarette. She leaned her head on my shoulder and I placed my hand on top of hers.

"Trix, you know I love you, right?"

"I mean, I sure hope so!" I giggled, clutching her hand. "I've missed us so much."

"You're making this so hard for me." She breathes, leaving a small kiss on my neck.

I pulled away quickly. "Making what so hard?"

"Trixie, look. I love you, but I think we might need to... take a break."

"I don't understand? Where is this coming from?"

My voice was coming out trembly and broken, but I was trying my hardest to keep my composure.

"Beatrice. Listen-"

"Don't call me Beatrice. NOBODY gets to call me Beatrice." I was shouting now, tears streaming down my face.

"I love you. I promise Trixie, you are my world. But, I need to focus on other things for a while."

"Other things?"

I knew it. Courtney. A wave of realization hit me and left me with an empty feeling, yet somehow, I was also filled with a burning rage.

She planted a kiss on my forehead, and as she walked away I noticed that Courtney had been there the whole time, a few feet away, watching the whole thing.

"Do you have a light, babe?" I heard her ask, as they continued down the dimly lit street together.

I noticed soon after, that I'd received a notification from the Barbies group chat.
Katya❤️ has left the group.

As raindrops fell from the sky, the day you left me, an angel cried.
a:n/ this HURT to write

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