sixteen;; Kameron's POV

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I turned my phone off and gathered my thoughts.

To be honest, I was scared out of my mind. Katya, being a junior, had always intimidated me a little bit.

But Trix is one of my best friends and she deserves better than this.

I remembered from her countless jealous rants exactly where Katya lived, which room and everything. Luckily enough, I lived within a block of her house.

As I approached her tall dark house, I pulled a speech together in my head. I took a deep breath and walked in.

"Hey Pat! May I please talk to Katya for a minute?" I asked as politely as possible.

"Yep sweetie, first door on the left." The small Russian lady absentmindedly said, obviously too wrapped up in her soap opera to care who was visiting.

I creeped up the stairs to the messy bedroom upstairs.

"Can I come in?" I asked softly, tapping on the doorframe.

"Sure." The small Russian replied.

There was a range of sensations that washed over me as I walked in.

It was freezing and almost foggy due to the amount of cigarette smoke that was wafting around the room.

I paused and coughed due to the overwhelming smokey smell, but continued and sat down on her window seat.

"What do you need?" Katya asked, curled up under layers blankets.

"I think you're making a mistake... about Trixie." I sputtered out.

"Of course I am." She responded, dryly, her voice muffled by the comforter that she remained hidden under.

"Then why would you do it? You know good and well that Trixie Mattel is the best part of either of our lives. What gives you the right to hurt her like that?"

I knew my voice was too loud and that I was probably being mean... but I couldn't help it. I was hard to make me angry, but when someone did... it wasn't very pretty.

She was sniffling now.

"I-I know... Trixie is the best thing that ever happened to me."

I sat down on the bed near her, my voice softer now, "Then what happened?"

"Trixie is simply too good for me. She deserves galaxies and I can only offer her a few stars, in the long run, she'd realize that and leave me alone...
I just cut her off now before she could hurt me."

"I know Trix. She loves you, more than anything. More than pink, and glitter, and berry-scented stationery! She hasn't stopped crying since y'all two talked."

"She loves berry-scented stationery a lot. But even if she would take me back-"

"Which, she would." I interrupted.

"Courtney really doesn't like me and her together."

"Screw Courtney! Why do you care so much about what she thinks?"

"I don't!! I mean, look, she could ruin a lot for me. She knows...things about me that no one else does and I really don't want those things to get out!" Katya exclaims, wiping her tear soaked face on a blanket.

"Look, you still like Trix, right?"

"Of course."

"Talk to her. And if anything happens with Courtney, we'll take care of it."


Katya gave me a hug, Pat gave me a cookie, and I was able to go home peacefully knowing that everything was going to be okay.
a/n: I promised myself that I wouldn't switch POV's as much as I have in previous stories, but it was important, Linda.
Anyways, back to Trixies point of view next chapter <3

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