Chapter 1- Revelation

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Marinette was not a normal girl. She had normal friends, a normal house, and a normal family, but she was not normal. For you see, Marinette had a power called telekinesis. She could control and move things with her mind.

It had started when she was very young. She was able to get her dolls to march around the room, to get sweets to float down from the highest shelf. She was able to design clothing quickly, as she could cut fabric, stitch it and iron it all at once. She knew she had to keep it a secret. What would people do if they found out she had powers? It was hard to not be spotted. She could only do small things, like catching apples before they hit the ground and dragging balloons back down to earth. She was a friendly, generous and caring girl. Not even her best friend Alya knew!

All of that was about to change.

One fateful day, she was strolling along the Seine River in Paris when she heard a shrill scream coming from a dark and dirty alleyway. Curiosity rose inside of her. She had to try and see what was going on. She slowly ventured inside the alleyway, first looking left to right to see if anyone was nearby. She just forgot to look up.


A certain black cat was patrolling the rooftops of Paris, watching for trouble. He too heard the scream. He leaped from the rooftops down onto the top of a lamp-post, and there he perched as he watched Marinette, his classmate, walk into the alleyway. Why is Marinette going towards the danger? He wondered. He decided to follow her to make sure she was safe, and to make sure that she had no part in whatever shifty business was going on in that alleyway. He leaped onto the rooftops once again and followed her blue hair into the darkness.

Marinette began to feel as though she was being watched. Nonetheless, she continued into the alleyway, her heart picking up speed like a race-car when the flag was waved. Adrenaline pumped through her veins, as she walked purposefully into the alley. Suddenly, she saw 6 men surrounding a gorgeous young woman. She was on her knees, trembling as they stepped closer to her. She knew what she had to do.

"Hey! It's not nice to hurt an innocent person!" She announced, sauntering in as if she owned the place. "Why don't you let her go, and go find something better to do!" She acted confident but she knew this could go very wrong if she made a mistake.

Chat Noir watched with increasing worry. What was Marinette doing?

Marinette stepped towards the men. One of them, a bony, bald, ragged man with the smell of cigarettes surrounding him like a cloud, blocked her way. He smirked at her and drawled. "We don't want to hurt ya kid, but if you try to stop us, I don't think you'll be leaving this alley alive." He grinned, a toothless, greasy smile, as the other men began to crack their knuckles. He was clearly their leader. The woman behind them looked at Marinette, tears streaming down her face. Marinette could not, absolutely not let them do anything to her.

She spoke again, soft enough so that only they - and Chat Noir - could hear. "I don't think that it's going to be me getting hurt in this situation. I'll give you a chance. Easy way or the hard way?" The men started cackling, making the mistake of not taking her seriously. They turned away from the woman. Marinette glanced at her and mouthed run. The woman nodded and took off, leaving the girl to fend for herself. The men suddenly turned around and saw her making it into the end of the alleyway, and escaping. They growled and began to advance towards Marinette threateningly. There was no escaping this now.

Chat Noir decided. He was going to jump down and get Marinette out of there. As he prepared himself for the inevitable fight, he gasped.

Marinette looked straight at one of the henchmen and said: "The hard way it is then."

She raised her palm and suddenly the henchman was launched into the wall. A sickening crack was heard as he hit the bricks and fell to the ground. Marinette knew she hadn't killed him, she was very confident in her abilities. Years of training herself had not gone to waste- even if said training was just picking groceries off the ground and saving balloons.

 She faced the 5 men left, who were looking at their companion with no grief, rather surprise. They turned and began to charge.

Marinette raised both her hands and two more henchmen flew into the air, yelling and kicking their arms and legs flailing everywhere. She brought her hands together and they crashed into each other, both thudding to the ground. Another henchman came up to her from behind with a knife. She twirled around to face him and punched him in the stomach, hard. The man fell to the ground, gasping. She threw him out of the way. 4 down, 2 to go.

The last henchman drew out a gun. He aimed and fired.

Chat Noir watched in stunned silence. He had never, never seen this side of Marinette- or seen anything like this before. He watched with dread as the last henchman fired at Marinette. He almost fell over, about to leap when he saw her pinch her thumb and pointer finger together, stopping the bullet in its tracks. She twirled her finger and the bullet turned around to face him. She let go and the bullet went straight into the henchman's foot. He fell to the ground, kicking and screaming in pain. 

Mari knew he would be fine- she didn't aim for anything important. Mmaybe lose a few toes. He had spares.


Alas, one man had been forgotten. The leader of them all had snuck away, hiding behind a smelly dumpster as he watched her take out all of his men. Pure hatred and anger circulated through his mind. 

He would get her back. He would find her. Then, he would kill her.


Woo! The first chapter ever is written! I'm pretty happy with this. I'm just going to apologize now (if anyone is actually reading this haha) for how long these chapters are going to take to come out. School is about to start, so I might forget about this. Leave your opinion about this chapter in the comments below! What else do you want to see in the story? Bye chickies xo

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