Chapter 11: Recollection

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I'm in the warehouse. How am I here? I escaped!

"Hello, Marinette."

I turn and see Hawkmoth walking toward me. He slaps me roughly across the face and I cringe. A sadistic smile stretches his lips. He reaches for my arm and twists it, laughing at my scream of agony-

"Marinette! Wake up!"

Marinette jolted awake, her body and her sheets covered in sweat. Her maman looked down at her, extremely concerned. "You were screaming, honey. Are you okay?"

"Y-yes, Maman. I'm okay. Just a nightmare, is all."

...Not a nightmare. A memory.

Maman looked down at Marinette and nodded, smiling softly. "Okay sweetie, go back to sleep. But get changed first."

Marinette nodded quickly back.

Sabine left the room and went down the stairs. Marinette sat up and ran her fingers through her hair, rubbing her eyes. Even the dream made her feel sick.


A leather-suit-wearing superhero jumped down into the pink bedroom.

"Chat Noir! What are you doing here?" Marinette's knees were weak.

"I was patrolling nearby, and I heard screams. Was it you?"

"I- Yeah."

Chat Noir's emerald green eyes lost their twinkle as he glanced down in concern. "What was it about?"


"You're a terrible liar, Mari. I'm here. When you're ready to talk, I'm here." He pressed a small, gentle kiss to her forehead. "I'm sorry I havent come over in a while- criminals to bust, cities to save. You know how it is."


He turned to jump back out of the window, and Marinette surprised both of them when she grabbed his wrist.

"Chat? Can you stay? Please?"

Chat turned back to look at her, his eyes bright once again. "Sure, but I can't for long since my transformation will wear-"

"I won't look. Promise."

Chat's smile turned into a grin as he settled himself on her chaise. "That sounds wonderful. Maybe you should get changed though, princess."

Marinette realized she was in a ratty old Jagged Stone shirt and tights, which were covered in sweat. Dammit, dammit!

She turned and walked into her bathroom, changing into a pale pink top and black shorts. Yes, this will do. She turned and walked out again, laying in her bed.

"Will you lay next to me, Chat? Please?"

Chat's eyes widened, whether at her outfit or at her request, she didn't know. He nodded silently and laid beside her. Marinette felt hesitant arms wrap around her waist, pulling her closer to him. There were definitely blushes on both of their cheeks. "Goodnight, Chat."

"Goodnight, Princess."


As Chat sat on Marinette's chaise and waited for her to get changed, he couldn't help thinking of the screams he heard. They sounded agonized. It made him shudder. What had she been dreaming about?

Marinette walked out of her wardrobe, wearing a pale pink singlet and tiny black shorts. She looks delicious... ohhhh no. 

"Will you lie next to me, Chat?"

Oh hell yes!

...What is wrong with me?


As he laid beside her, his arms (entirely of their own accord) circled her waist and brought her closer to him, Chat Noir subconsciously spooning Marinette. He tried to blame it on cat instincts.

Oh, stop lying to yourself, Chat. 

I think I might be falling for Marinette.

He felt her breathing even out as she fell asleep, her chest rising and falling rhythmically. In her sleep, she wriggled closer. The blush Chat had been fighting to lower suddenly came back ten-fold. He smiled to himself and fell asleep.

In the morning, it was Adrien Agreste who gently pressed his lips to hers and transformed, leaving her sleeping peacefully as he ran back home.


In the morning,  she awoke to sunlight on her face and an empty bed. It was warm, so Chat must have just left.

She slept so peacefully, better than she had in the last week or so, since the abduction. No nightmares of her ordeal. Marinette hadn't been able to talk to anyone about what else happened in that hellhole.

She shuddered and rose out of the bed, slipping on black skinny jeans and a pale pink wool sweater. After saying goodbye to her Maman and Papa, she headed off to school.

When she saw Alya, Nino and Adrien, she no longer felt overwhelming butterflies. Adrien's smile no longer made her knees weak. Her stammer was almost gone! Alya interrogated Marinette, wanting to know what changed but Mari just smiled and shook her head. 

-----le time skip until after school, night time-----

Marinette tossed and turned under the sheets, her forehead lined with sweat. She couldn't get the memory of it out of her mind. The memory of him. But... I think I know what I have to do. To get closure. To sleep at night.

I have to find him.

And kill him.

And so, in the early hours of the dawn, she silently rose, writing a short letter to her parents.

Maman, Papa,

I can't tell you why I've gone, or where. But remember that I love you so much. Thank you for everything you've done for me.

Chat Noir, this is my battle. I don't need a knight.



She placed the letter onto her bedside table, slipping on a black top, black jeans and a black leather jacket. She picked up her black duffle bag from under the bed and packed a few more clothes, some food, weapons and any other supplies she might need. Her powers made the bag weightless.

She quietly snuck out of the bakery that had been her home for so many years. Now, she was on a mission.

She vowed not to return until she had fulfilled her task.

He would die.

A/N: Hi chickies! Please COMMENT and VOTE for more! This ones a teeny bit short, sorry about that! Remember that your support will not only make me write more but release chapters early! I'd love to hear what you think happens next. Don't be a ghost!


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