Chapter 13: Intervention

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Shoutout to @TaliaAppiah for encouraging me to finish this book! This chapters for you, love!


Marinette had finally found some members of Hawkmoth's gang. It was fairly easy, considering their faces were permanently engraved in her mind. Marinette had a sense of déjà vu, because she found the two assaulting a woman in an alley, the same way she had met them what seemed like so long ago.

"Give us your money!" The first man shouted, brandishing a gun at the trembling woman in front of him, as she shakily opened her purse.

"That won't be necessary, ma'am." Marinette said calmly as she walked over. Although she kept her cool, inside her blood was boiling. The two men turned around, recognition and fury clear on their faces. "You." The first man snarled, ignoring the frantic woman as she ran away. "You destroyed everything."

"Actually, that was Chat Noir. Don't blame me. You guys were the stupid assholes who thought it was a good idea to kidnap me."

The first man grinned now, revealing a row of yellowed teeth. "How the tables have turned."

What the hell does that mean? Never mind. I have a job to do.

Marinette raised her palm, lifting the second man (who had wisely remained silent until now) into the air. She clenched her fist, and the man started choking, scratching at his neck and gasping.

"Where. Is. Hawkmoth?" Marinette spat.

The first man looked at his friend in the air, before shrugging and turning back to Marinette. "I dunno."

"You lie." Marinette snarled. She released her palm, allowing the man to fall to the floor. He took gasping breaths, hunched and coughing. The idiot thought he was free.

Marinette used her powers to throw him against the brick wall, and a sickening crunch resounded the alleyway as he fell back down to the floor. He didn't get back up.

Before, Marinette would have felt extremely guilty about killing him, but now rage was coursing through her veins. She would do anything to find Hawkmoth.

The other man looked at his companion, shock and a bit of fear twisting his features. "You bitch." He snarled, charging straight forward at Marinette. He threw a right hook straight at her head, but she dodged quickly, and nimbly flew to the side. The man staggered forward, continually trying to punch Marinette, but she continued to dodge. As the man grew tired, his punches grew clumsy.

Marinette grabbed him by the arm, and using her powers to lighten the load, flipped him over, throwing him onto the pavement.

"Tell me right now where he is or I swear to God I will rip you apart limb by limb." Marinette snarled, pinning him down.

"You *cough* should be more concerned about *cough* the whereabouts of your *cough* precious Chat Noir." The man grinned.

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" Marinette growled.

"Idiot thought he'd be *cough* your knight in shining armour- got himself into a sticky situation." The man fell limp as he lost consciousness. I'm gonna kill that stupid cat when I see him.

Marinette quickly lifted her hands up. She had, at some point, started choking him. Whoops. She looked at the bodies emotionlessly . She'd changed these last couple months. She'd been kidnapped, assaulted, lost her powers, gained them back... and she'd fallen in love.

But one thing hadn't changed. She still didn't need a knight in shining armour. What use is a knight if you can do it all yourself? But it seemed that now she was going to save Chat Noir.

Thinking back, Marinette couldn't pinpoint the moment she'd fallen for that stupid cat. Maybe it was during one of their afternoons together, or their fights. Maybe it was when he helped her escape Hawkmoth. It didn't matter, because she had all the time to figure that out once she saved his stupid butt.

She leaned back down over the man and checked his pockets. Got it. Wolfgang Schnade. What kind of name is that? But she found what she was looking for in the logo in the corner. A butterfly, with the words HWK Inc. underneath- and an address.

Perfect. Now she could get revenge on Hawkmoth, and find her kitty.

A/N: Hi chickies! I am SO SORRY it's been so long! I've been so busy and totally forgot about this story! But here's some new content (finally, I know). I didn't even think I was gonna finish this story, because I got into a bunch of other fandoms and prioritized them for a bit. Dont worry, Miraculous always comes first :D. Marvel and Harry Potter now also own my heart. What fandoms are you guys in?

COMMENT and VOTE for more content! If I don't see that people really want this story to continue, I won't do it- I have other things to do. So PLEASE tell me :). Much love!


Mind Power MarinetteOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora