Chapter 9: Detection

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Hi chickies! I've lost internet at home due to a large storm which means my publishing will no longer be every Saturday :( I'll do my best to update when I can! xoxo


At first, Chat Noir didn't respond to Marinette's kiss. She quickly drew away and stammered. "I- I don't know w-what c-came over me! I am so sor-"

He cradled her head in his clawed palms and brought his lips back to hers. After a moment of shock, Marinette responded eagerly.

Their lips moved together, tongues darting back and forth. Marinette's hands slid into his blonde hair. His clawed fingers grabbed her waist, bringing her body right against his. Sparks were all she could see from behind her closed lids. Music was all she could hear.

All too soon, their mouths parted and they were both panting, trying to regain their breath.

"What- what was that for Princess?"

"To say... say thank you for saving me."

All sorts of thoughts swirled through Marinette's head; What about Adrien? The hamster? She dismissed them, looking Chat directly in the eyes. "Chat- please take me home."

"With pleasure."

His arm around her waist, he launched his baton. Together they flew over evening Paris. It felt so good to be above ground, with the Parisian sun beating down on her skin and the wind in her hair.

They landed at the bakery, and she suddenly realised her parents would probably be so, so angry. She tried to slow her heart as she opened the bakery door. "Why is the place shut?"

"They couldn't continue while you were missing. They went out looking for you every day. Everyone was searching for you."

Marinette felt a ripple of guilt. I did this.

"Princess, I know that look in your eyes."

He grabbed her hands and pulled her eyes to his.

"Never, even for a second, think you are guilty. This was not your fault."

He kissed her forehead gently, as though that would calm her down. Needless to say, it did the opposite. When his lips left her head, all she could do was nod.

Just in time, as her parents walked through the door.

They looked absolutely terrible. Maman had puffy eyes from crying and Papa had large, purple bags under his eyes. They both looked beaten and joyless.

Until they looked up.

Maman made eye contact with Marinette and froze for a second in shock. She braced herself for the worst. Instead-


Sabine jumped towards Marinette and wrapped her in a hug, sobbing onto her shoulder. She wrapped her arms around her Maman and held her as tight as she could.


She looked up and Papa stood, looking at her with tears in his eyes. He quickly walked over to wrap her and Maman in a huge, tight bear hug. "Papa, I need to talk to you." She whispered. He nodded quickly and hugged them tighter.

In this tender, loving, moment, what of Chat Noir?

Well, he smiled at them, winked, turned and walked straight out of the door before anyone had a chance to thank him.


"Papa, Maman. Something's wrong."

They instantly met her eyes. "What is it darling?" Sabine anxiously asked. "I'll bandage you up right away!"

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