Chapter 3- Suspicion

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As soon as Chat uttered those words, a feeling of dread filled his stomach. What if she figured out who he was? Even a stray cat could tell he was familiar with Mr Agreste.

"What do you mean, Chat?" Her wide eyes reminded Chat of a curious kitten.

"I- I j-just mean that, um... cats can tell these sort of things?"

It seemed, however, that his bumbling excuse didn't ring any bells in Marinette's brain, as she just looked at him weirdly and then continued talking about fashion.

Soon he looked at the clock on her wall and was shocked at how time had flown by- it was nearly midnight. "As much as I love this conversation princess, it's time for me to head home."

Marinette looked disappointed, and Adrien felt a pang of guilt for ending their conversation so abruptly. "I'll come by again soon."

Her face brightened as soon as he spoke. It was adorable. In like, a friend way... right?

Soon he waved goodbye, jumped off of her window ledge and was soaring once again through the buildings of Paris.

Marinette turned away from her window and sighed. That had been close. That dumb cat had almost caught her using her powers. Just before he had arrived, she had been about to create some designs. It would have been hard to explain why scissors and fabric were floating in the air!

Authors Note -- - - -

Hi chickies! This chapter is extremely short, but I need to update more so I'll give you this tidbit. I love every one of my 10 of my wonderful readers :)

UPDATE: wow, we've come a long way from ten reads! Almost at 1k now! I'm just rewriting and adding more below, so this chapters a bit longer now!

UPDATE:*evil laughter ringing in the distance as I edit with 4k reads*


The sound of an alarm ringing faintly pierced the fog of Marinette's subconscious. Sabine Dupain Cheng shaking her awake was significantly more successful.

"...wake up Marinette!"

Marinette woke with a start to see her mothers smiling face peering down on her. "Bonjour, mama."

"Good morning. Could you please get yourself ready and come down and help us? We're making macarons- and they could really use your special touch!"

"Oui, mama. I'll be down soon." Marinette set about untangling her limbs and wiping a bit of drool off her chin. She brushed her hair, put on her clothes and climbed down the hatch to the bakery. If she didn't know her way around this house blind already, the wafting scent of baked goods would have led the way.

"Morning, sleepyhead!" Tom chuckled from behind a piping bag. "Although, I should say more like afternoon."

"Very funny, Papa. I'm here to help!"

An hour later, Marinette brushed a flour-covered hand to her cheek. They were finally done! Trays of perfect macarons that would sell faster than Jagged Stone concert tickets.

"Thanks for your help today, mon chéri. We couldn't have done it without you!" Sabine smiled.

Tom turned around and put some of the macarons on a plate. "Here, a special treat for you and Alya as a reward for your help!"

"Thank you mama, papa!" Marinette kissed both her parents on the cheek and took the plate back up to her room. She first put a few in her bag for her and Alya to enjoy at school, but still had around six left for herself. She sighed with content, placing them next to her on the chaise and pulled out her sketchbook, ideas swirling in her brain. Her flow was only interrupted by a rap at her balcony entrance.

"Hey, Marinette, are you in there?"

Marinette jumped with a start, looking up to see a grinning cat flashing a Cheshire smile down at her. "Are those macarons?" Chat Noir breezed as he came into her room.

"Oh yes, do come in." Marinette rolled her eyes as Chat grinned sheepishly. She waved a dismissive hand at the plate. "Help yourself."

Chat grinned like a cat who got the milk and settled down to munch. "Whatcha workin' on?" He said through a mouthful of macaron.

"Just some designs. I saw some unique stitching and it inspired me. Plus, it's a great way to relax after baking all day."

"I can tell you have- you have flour, right there." Chat unthinkingly brought a clawed finger up to wipe off the flour, somehow it turned into stroking her cheek. Marinette looked at Chat, eyes wide. Neither of them seemed to move for a moment.

"Got it." Chat grinned awkwardly as he hastily brought his claw back.

Marinette shook herself out of it and turned back to her sketchbook. Chat turned back to his cookies. That was how they spent the afternoon, and the next several afternoons after that- ending with Chat jumping off the balcony and leaping through Paris. They talked for hours, or didn't talk for hours, just enjoying each others company. A strong bond was beginning to grow between them.

A few days later, as the sun began to sink and a golden light bathed her room, Marinette sat in her chair and sketched out some designs. However, she soon felt restless. She went down the stairs and told her parents she was heading out. As soon as she waved off their light-hearted warnings to be careful, she stepped out onto the cobble-stone streets of Paris, the evening sun almost disappearing.

She walked to the park and sat down at her favourite bench, in front of a large fountain. She liked to come to this spot and think. However, it seemed that today was just not her day.


As the light was struggling to stretch across Paris, the fellow gang members had found their injured comrades. Their almost insane story was told, the only evidence; the word of the members and their injuries. After the wounded henchmen described the girl, the other members spread out through Paris to see if they could find their new victim, and avenge their friends.

Whoo! Extra content! Damn, I've been lazy. It's been like, years since I started this book and still haven't been bothered to finish it. Oopsies.

Bye chickies!

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