Chapter 12: Machination

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When Adrien arrived at school, he was surprised to see Marinette wasn't there. Even though she was often late, she always managed to be there on time to greet everyone. Her empty desk reminded the class of when she last went missing, and as time continued, Adrien felt more and more uneasy. He decided to visit her after school, as Chat Noir. But investigating a little bit as Adrien couldn't do any harm.  He turned to Alya behind him. "Alya, where is Marinette?"

She looks at him, her forehead creased with worry. "I don't know. She isn't replying to any of my texts. But I'm sure she's fine. She's smart. She won't do anything irrational- not after what- what-"

Alya's eyes filled with tears and she ran out of the classroom, the shocked eyes of everyone following her out.

"What's up with her? What a drama queen. I bet she's doing it all for attention, just like her little bitch of a-"

"I'm going to stop you right there, Chloe."

Chloe's bored eyes widened as she noticed what Adrien supposed was fury in his own emerald orbs. "Didn't you learn from last time? I am sick and tired of you mocking Marinette. She has been to hell and back. You have no idea what she went through, do you? How she was beaten, starved, abused in ways you can't even imagine-"

He stopped myself and horror filled his chest, constricting his lungs, sealing his throat, constricting his breathing. I can't wait any longer. I need to see her.

Adrien snapped out of his thoughts when he noticed everyone staring at him. I must have been out of it for a while.

"Miss Bustier, I have to go. Now."


He couldn't wait. He jumped out of his chair, sending his things flying everywhere. Without bothering to pick them up, he ran straight out of the classroom and transformed, leaping over the roofs of Paris to the Dupain-Cheng Bakery.

He burst into her room, his stomach clenching and legs aching. "Marinette! Marinette, where are you?" He yelled. There's no response. Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my go-

Chat quickly noticed a neatly folded piece of paper on her bedside table and ran over to it. A ransom note?!

He quickly unfolded it, reading the letter. This my battle? A steaming pile of merde, more like!

He had to find her, and stop her doing whatever suicide mission she had bent herself upon completing.

Perhaps... perhaps that was his undoing.


His pole made a ting! sound every time it hit the ground. The roofs flew past Chat as he glided through the warm Parisian night, the only sound that of his pole and shady dealings. No time for that now, Marinette could be in danger!

He landed onto a nearby window sill, puffing slightly, sweat glistening on his forehead as he took a moment's rest. He slid down onto the sill, his leather-encased legs swinging over the ledge. Chat admired Paris, his home. Marinette's home. Twinkling lights, the Eiffel Tower in the distance. A moth flew over to the window beside him, its beige wings folding open and shut as it tried to get toward the light. It reminded Chat of something he had so stupidly forgotten. The one thing Marinette could have been after.

The one man Marinette could have been after.

Chat stood so quickly he was almost dizzy. Reaching for his trusty pole, he vaulted back over Paris, this time racing towards the destroyed warehouse.

He leapt into the sewer hole, its lid already askew. What if she already is in here?!

Chat had no time for ladders, simply sliding down on the left-side rung like a fireman's pole. His padded feet pounded against the concrete as he raced toward the blue light. Only this time, the light was gone. Darkness greeted him. I know I'm in the right place. I went the same way as last time. Maybe-?

A/N: Play the song above now!

Chat jumped at the sound of metal clanging into the water and spun around to see the grate he had entered into was once again locked into the ground. A trap!

They must have known.

Laughter. Joyous, cruel laughter bounced around the room, leaving Chat disoriented. "I told you, Chat Noir. You harmed me. Now we all want your blood. And this time, we shall get it."

Hawkmoth stepped out of the shadows, holding a single blue butterfly in his palm.

"Beautiful, isn't it? An ochaerian merscaito. Thought to be extinct. Luckily for me, I chanced upon a lost colony when I was in Brazil. So very valuable. They are entirely in my control. Just like you."

He closed his fist around the sweet creature, its wings flapping as it battled against his palm. A crack sounded as he crushed the butterfly, opening his fist again to let it drop to the ground. It spun like a dandelion seed, its light already fading. "And just like yourself, I have the power to kill them at any second. However, I think you'll be with me for quite some time, Chat Noir. Once I find who you are, I shall announce that I, Hawkmoth killed the famed Black Cat. Then Paris shall be mine for the taking."

Just as Hawkmoth finished, three men leapt out of the shadows, surrounding him on all sides. Chat didn't have time to retort to Hawkmoth's delusions before engaging in battle. The first man, a large burly figure, charged at him. Chat leapt into the air, landing on Burly's shoulders. He punched him quickly in the head and the man fell like a downed beast. As he fell, Chat jumped off and faced the second man, a tall, lean man- String Bean- as he swung a punch at Chat's jaw. He dodged back and it hit his nose instead. A soft, high ringing was going through Chat's ears and he felt blood gushing out.

Chat growled and ran at String Bean as he aimed another punch. Chat slid straight through his legs, grabbing his ankles and pulling him toward the ground, where he landed face first. For good measure, Chat kicked him hard in the stomach, adrenaline coursing through his veins.

The third man, a short, stocky figure, saw the fate of his fellow morons and tried to run. Chat leapt after Coward as he turned a corner, grabbed his long, greasy black hair and threw his head against the wall. He slid down, unconscious. For now.

There has to be a way out of here. Chat ran in circles, looking for an escape route. "There's no use, Chat Noir. You're a cat in a cage. I've got you now."

Chat turned, arm rearing back to punch, only to feel a thin needle in the small of his back. Spots instantly started dancing in the corners of his vision, getting blacker by the second. Chat turned woozily and sluggishly aimed a punch in the wrong direction. As he fell, Chat again heard cruel, cold laughter.

It all went black.

A/N: Hi chickies! Is the story dragging a bit? Are you enjoying it? Please let me know what you think! LIKE and COMMENT so that I feel passioned enough to continue writing! School has just started again so unless more people read, vote and comment, this book will become a very low priority! So please do!


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