Chapter 10: Reparation

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A/N: It's rewind time, babey


After returning Marinette to her parents, Chat Noir walked out the door to give them some privacy. However, he heard Marinette speak to her father with an urgent tone before he could leap away.

"It's my powers... they're gone and I - I don't know if they will come back."

His fists trembled with the amount of force he clenched them with. What did they do to her? I have to fix this.

But first, he had to get to school.

----le time skip to present time----

Chat Noir leapt off of the Eiffel Tower after comforting Marinette. He knew Hawkmoth was still out there. He thought back to the day he had finally found Marinette.

He grabbed Marinette around the waist with one arm and used his staff to vault both of them out of the room. He found an emergency exit and they were out. Free.

He glanced around, watching the warehouse in which Marinette had been tortured in crumble to ashes and nothingness. In the corner of his eye, he saw Hawkmoth; staring at what was left, or rather what wasn't. Then his eyes met Chat's, and the pure ice and hatred coursing through them made him shiver. Chat would deal with him another time. Now, he had to get Marinette home. He turned and leapt away.

Chat had to find him. He made his way through Paris, quickly arriving at where the warehouse had stood.He'd sworn to never hurt people- but Marinette had changed that particular policy. He didn't regret it, not for a second. Walking around, he skirted around wayward beams and ducked under tunnels of dust and brick, he finally found a metal trapdoor. He hoisted it open, gazing into the dark hole inside.


A/N: Now is the time to play the song above.

He grabbed the first rung of the ladder and took a deep breath. Now or never.

Chat swing into the vertical tunnel and found his grip on a lower rung. He slowly made his way down, sensing an increasing dampness in the air. It clung to the leather of his suit, making Chat feel as though he'd been sitting in a cold, mouldy sauna. And the smell. A mixture of the most foul and horrible smells anyone could think of, times six. Bleugh.

Once he reached the final rung of the ladder, Chat stepped down and took a look around. A sewage system. That explains the smell.

At least, all the way down here, there was light. Torches. Flickering, shining an ominous green glow, waves in the sewage water reflecting light and making it move.

Suddenly, his cat senses picked up a sound. It sounded like furniture being dragged along a wooden floor. Strange...

He quickly walked in the general direction the sound had come from, skirting pipes and staying as far away as he could from the smelly water. Boy, it stinks.

His leather suit quietened his footsteps, so he was mostly silent. So far, it had been a straight path, but now he reached a fork. Left or right, left or right?

A faint cough. Finally, another sound!

Chat turned right and kept walking, his footsteps echoing on the grimy stone floor. It can only go on for so long, he thought.

As always, I'm right.

He came to a moldy grate, practically hidden away with its disguise of black, dripping grime. What made it visible to his feline senses, however, was a dim, blue light emanating from within. The grate was also half open, almost inviting.

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