Chapter 2- Observation

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Chat Noir sat, mouth agape, thinking about what he had just witnessed. How was it possible? How had he never seen this Marinette before? He physically shook his head, as if that would clear the shocked thoughts from his mind.

He watched as she left the alleyway, the henchmen groaning and wondering what had just happened. We're in the same boat, boys. He had to know. The powers he had came from his Miraculous, a black paw-print ring on his finger. As far as he knew, she, or anyone else for that matter, had no such thing.

He followed her like an obedient pet, leaping from rooftop to rooftop as she walked home. The sun had finally begun to set. The orange glow basked the city and Marinette, creating an aura of light around her. She looked ethereal. Chat Noir tried to physically shake the thoughts from his head and almost fell off of the gutter he was scuttling across.

He halted, stood up and watched as Marinette quickly walked inside the bakery she called home. He hadn't thought through this plan that well. He sighed, frustration evident in his voice as he battled his own thoughts. He turned and was about to leap away when a familiar voice called to him. "Chat Noir? What are you doing here?"

He cursed under his breath and slowly turned around. His suspicions were confirmed when he saw that the girl who had spoken was, indeed, Marinette. Her face was suspicious. He panicked. Did she know he had followed her? Did she know he had seen?

"Is there a reason you're here or are you just an admirer?"

Her flirtatious smile and light tone put him at ease. She doesn't know. Chat leaped over to the balcony on which she was standing on and perched on the rail.

He replied, "As captivating as you are, princess, I was simply admiring the beauty of Paris. Now there is another beauty beside me."

She blushed. It was adorable. Wait..adorable? Calm down the flirting Chat, this is Marinette we're talking about...

They both watched the sun finish setting in silence. As the stars began to emerge, she turned to him. "Do you want to come inside?"

"Inside?! As in your bedroom inside?!" Chat panicked. She realized what he thought she meant and started laughing.

"You silly cat, its getting cold! I'm inviting you in so you won't freeze out here! Besides, I can bring a couple croissants up from the baker-"

"Okay, I'm coming in!"

Marinette chuckled. " I knew that would bring you in. My dad always said the way to a man's heart is through his stomach."

Chat felt a twinge as she spoke about her father. He seemed like a cool guy, compared to the ice block of a man he had at home. That was mean. He raised me. He knows best, right?

He brushed the thoughts aside as he followed Marinette into her room. "I'll be right back. I'll grab those croissants you so desire." She giggled and went down through the trapdoor. He smiled as he stood in the center of her bedroom. It represented her perfectly. The room was pink, which he knew was her favorite color. Her desk was messy and colorful, and the pictures of Adrien on the wall were... whoa whoa wait a second. Pictures of me on the wall??

As Marinette clambered back up into her room, a plate of croissants in hand, he decided to ambush her. "Hey princess, are these purrrty pictures on the wall your crush?" He asked with a smirk on his face.

To his surprise, Marinette blushed wildly and almost dropped the plate. As she roughly placed the plate on her desk she started stammering. "N-no!!! A-Adrien is a friend of m-mine, and his dad Gabriel Agreste is my idol. The photos are of his d-designs..?"

Chat was too distracted by the delicious-smelling croissants to pick up that she was lying. He nodded distractedly while he picked up the croissant and bit into it. Marinette watched, amused, while Chat Noir basically made love to the croissant. "I knew you wanted the croissant, I didn't know you wanted it this bad!" She laughed. Chat Noir was jerked out of his delicious food fantasy and was embarrassed, to say the least. His model diet meant that he never really got to eat delicious food like this. He quickly changed the subject. 

"I want to get to know you better. Would my purrincess let me find out what's going on in that pretty little head of yours?"

Marinette rolled her eyes. "Down, kitty. That pun was terrible, but sure, ask away."

As Chat kept asking questions, he got to know Marinette and discovered some really awesome things about her that he never knew as Adrien. She loved fashion design and made most of her own wardrobe, she was half-French and half-Chinese, her favourite artist was Jagged Stone and that she even slept with her pigtails up!

Chat finished off his croissant and with a satisfied sigh, grabbed another. 

"Any other questions, Kitty?" Marinette laughed as she picked up a macaron she'd brought up as well.

He saw his chance to ask her about her powers. "Do you have any special talents? You know, something that most people don't have?" He watched her carefully to see if she had a strange reaction.

"Haha! Special? Me! pff... no! I'm just ordinary in every way. Run-of-the-mill, average girl.."

As she kept stumbling with words, he noticed her eyes were looking around the room, as if to avoid eye contact with him. So she isn't just going to tell me then. Maybe I just need to gain her trust first.

"I highly doubt that Marinette. I'm absolutely positive that there's something claw-some about you! Like the awesome clothes you make, that's not average at all!"

He smirked and watched as she blushed. "I t-take inspiration from my idol, Gabriel Agreste. I hope I can be as good as him one day... "

Chat Noir smiled. "Mari, I think you're already better."

"Me? Better! How?"

"Anyone around you can see that you are passionate about what you do. Anyone who even glances at your designs can tell that it's something that you love and enjoy doing. Gabriel's clothing seems to have to love or joy in it, and neither does he- I should kno-"

Oh, merde.

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