Chapter 5- Investigation

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I want to dedicate this chapter to @VoltronPotter101, thank you for your comments and votes!


The next day at school, Marinette limped into class in crutches and a cast, and was greeted with gasps and questions.

'What happened?" Exclaimed Rose.

"Are you okay?!" Asked Nino.

Alya practically stampeded over. "Girl, what the actual heck happened to you?! You better sit down and tell me EVERYTHING." She wrapped her arm around Marinette and helped her up into her seat. Marinette was so busy trying not to trip she didn't realize Adrien was staring at her, a range of emotions, from anger and surprise to hurt and concern, flitting across his face.

Adrien decided Chat Noir was going to pay a much-needed visit to the Dupain-Cheng's home tonight- his afternoon trips to the Dupain-Cheng's had clearly been neglected for too long- a week, but still. 

All day, he watched as Marinette sneakily dodged questions and gave vague answers when she couldn't avoid them. It was quite clever actually, the way no one noticed their questions weren't being answered and were still satisfied by her replies. He wouldn't let her do the same thing.

- -Le time skip because school was boring- -

As soon as the final bell rang, he turned the corner of an empty hallway and transformed. Once he was in his leather cat-suit, he extended his pole and leapt across the city towards a certain bakery to wait for a certain girl.


Marinette limped home, barely needing the crutch. She could use her powers to somewhat hold her weight.  She soon saw the warm yellow light emerging from the bakery, and hobbled faster to get inside. The smell of fresh croissants always cheered her up.  

"Hi Maman! Hi Papa!"

Sabine looked up from the register and smiled at her only (favorite) daughter. "Hi sweetie, how was school? How are you feeling?"

"Fine Maman, i'm just going to head upstairs and get some rest. Can I leave my crutch by the door?"

Sabine merely nodded and returned her eyes back to what she was doing.

Marinette hoisted herself up the ladder towards her room using her arms. Once she dragged herself up, she dumped her schoolbag onto the pink carpet and found the light switch. A click as she turned it on.

And a shriek as she noticed the boy in her room wearing cat ears and a leather tail, looking at her vanity. He straightened up and grinned, with what looked concern? emanating from his glowing green eyes.

"Seriously? You scared the merde out of me! I'll grab some croissants- how did you even get in here at night?"

"Don't bother, i'm good," He tapped his temple. "Night vision. You really should put a lock on that door. Wouldn't want anyone coming in and giving you trouble."

"Chat Noir-"

"I told you to call me Chat, or Kitty." He winked

"Chat, you can't just stroll right in whenever you please. Secondly, I can protect myself just fine without your help!"

"Clearly, considering you're limping. What happened to you?" Chat demanded. 

"I tripped."

Chat Noir locked eyes with Marinette, his captivating green eyes leaving Marinette frozen like a deer in headlights. He stepped closer, instantly invading her personal bubble. "I don't believe you. If you'd just tripped, why would you have written this note and stuck it to your mirror?"

Marinette's stomach dropped and Chat pulled a pink stickie note out of his pocket. On it, Marinette's messy writing was legible- there were only a few words written on the note.


- Buy Milk

- Finish Alya's Dress

- Kill a man for breaking my leg



A/N: Hi chickies! I am so sorry about this wait! I know, I know, I need to sit down and start planning what i'm writing! I feel like theres a bit too much filler, but I'm not the best at moving a plot I haven't planned along. This chapter isn't as long as my other ones but its the best I could do. Totally not feeling motivated. 

I want to say thank you for 100+ Reads! I am in no way shape or form a good writer and don't deserve this love. Speaking of, I would love some feedback and would love your suggestions even more! Leave a comment of anything you'd like this story to have! Don't forget to vote if you like this so i'll write more!

Bye for now! xoxo

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