Chapter 10

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Blake's POV

I have messed up.

What have I done?

I need to apologise to Anna.

I grabbed my coat, put my shoes on and ran out the door.

George's POV

We were nearly at Anna's house, we had to get the train since she lives all the way in Manchester.

She was heartbroken, of all the pictures that I have seen of her, I have never seen her this bad.

I like her. In fact, I've liked her ever since Blake showed me pictures of her.

But I couldn't say it, cause I knew that he liked her.

We arrived at Anna's front door and she hugged me. 

'Thank you for coming back with me' She whispered in my ear.

'No worries' I replied. I had to resist the urge of kissing her.

'Do you want to stay over because it's already late at night'

'Yeah sure, but I have no spare clothes'

'You can borrow my brother's. I'm sure he won't mind.'

'You have a brother?'

'Yeah, his name is Zach and he just got signed to a band, Why Don't We'

'Oh great!'

A man came outside, who I assumed it was her dad.

'Anna, who's this little lad?' He asked Anna.

'This is George, one of my best friends' She said, pointing at me.

'Hello' I shyly said.

'Come in, or are you just going to stand there?' Her dad said to me.

I reluctantly went into her house and I followed her up to her room.

Anna's POV

'Hi Zach' I shouted as we approached his room.

'Hey!' He shouted back.

'Can my friend borrow some of your clothes?' I asked him.

'Sure, go and pick whatever you want'

I let George go in and pick his clothes for the night. 5 minutes later he came out with jogging bottoms and a hoodie.

George's POV

I went into Zach's room and went to get my clothes for the night when I heard him say 'You must be George'

'Um yes I am' I replied

'I remembered him telling me that he was in a band with you. Where is he anyway?'

'Oh um him and Anna are going through a rough patch today so I'm here to make sure that she is ok'

'That's nice, well have a good night George'

'You too Zach' I said and with that I left his room. 

'What took you so long?' Anna asked me.

'I was talking to Zach' I replied.

'Oh ok'

Anna's POV

I went to my room with G behind me.

I grabbed my pjs and went to get changed in the bathroom. When I got out, George was already in his jogging bottoms and was topless.

Gosh, that was a sight I liked

Shut up my mind said you still like Blake

Which was true, I still liked Blake but maybe, just maybe, I had a tiny crush on him.

We got into bed and I started to drift off to sleep.

George had his arm around me and pulled me close.

'Anna...' He said and leant in. I felt myself lean in too. 

He kissed me and I kissed him back before pulling away.

'Night Anna' He said.

'Night George' I replied. Seconds later Blake opened the door.
'ANNA!' He shouted, seeming pretty angry.

Authors Note
Sorry for not updating in 3 weeks. I've been pretty busy.
Who do you want to be together Blake and Anna or George and Anna?
Comment below!
Hope you all have a good day/night xx

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