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'BLAKE'  I screamed

He came running up the stairs and forced the door open. I was on the floor crying.

'What's up my love?' He asked me.

'B-Blood' I stuttered. His eyes widened as he saw a pool of blood around me.

'We need to get you to hospital, now'

We jumped in his car and he starts to drive to the hospital. Once we're there he picks me up bridal style and runs to the maternity ward.

'My girlfriend is pregnant and she is experiencing sharp pains in her stomach' Blake says to the receptionist.

'Take a seat, we have a long queue' She replies.

'MY GIRLFRIEND IS IN DANGER, MY CHILD AND HER MIGHT DIE!' He shouts. A nurse comes over and calls us in.

He rushes into the room and puts me on the bed.

'So what's wrong with your baby?' The nurse asks me.

'Well, I've been having sharp pains in my stomach and I saw blood today' I replied.

'Ok. Can you lift your t-shirt up love?' She asked me and I lifted it up revealing my small bump. She put a very cold gel on me and started prodding me with a camera.

I gripped Blake's hand and he smiled at me reassuringly.

I looked at the screen and saw that my baby was not moving at all. My eyes filled up with tears.

'I'm so sorry guys, you had a miscarriage. I'll leave you two alone now' The nurse says.

'Hold on!' Blake says. The nurse turns around. 'Do you know what gender it was?'

'You were going to have a little girl' She says and smiles sadly then leaves.

I break down into tears and so does Blake. We hug each other very tightly.

'I'm so sorry Blake, we lost our little girl and it's all my fault' I said to him.

'Anna, listen to me' He said and lifted my chin up so I could see him. 'None of this was your fault, it's just fate. This was probably meant to happen. And as I said, having a little girl or boy will never impact my career because I would rather leave my career than risk losing you and our child. You mean the world to me and you've impacted my life so much, considering we've been dating for 6 months'

'Thank you so much B. I don't know what I would do without you. You've changed me a lot and this has been the best 6 months of my life' I reply.

We lean in and kiss passionately.

'Lets go home' I say and we leave the hospital with our hands intertwined.

Once we get home, I call my parents.

'Anna! How're you doing?' My mum says.

'I'm good' I reply.

'How's the little one?' My dad asks.

'Actually that's what I wanted to talk to you about' I broke down in tears.
'We lost her' Blake said. My mum and dad was silent.
'I'm so sorry' My mum speaks up.
'It was meant to happen' I say in between sniffles.
We hang up and Blake does the same when he calls his parents.
*4 months later*
I am going to see Shawn Mendes live!!! OMG I can't wait!
And even better Blake bought me VIP tickets!! This is gonna be the best day ever!!

I quietly get out of bed, trying not to wake up a sleeping Blake. I sat on him and said:
'Babe time to get up, we're going to see Shawn today' I whispered. He slowly opened his eyes and grinned widely. I bet he was just as excited as I am!
He woke up and pecked my lips.
We went to go and brush our teeth and eat breakfast.
I got dressed in my Shawn Mendes merch and jeans with my white converse.
Blake was wearing a white top and black jeans with his white vans.

We decided to take the train as B will be too tired to drive.
*2 hours later*
We finally reach the O2 arena where Shawn is playing
There is a long queue of people waiting for what I assume is m&g.
What I didn't know that Why Don't We we're supporting and their outside the venue talking to B...
Well after 2 million years I finally updated 😂😂
I'd just been busy with exams and everything but now I'm on Easter break so hopefully I'll be updating more!!
Anyway who's going to see Shawn or has already?

"Can I Be With You?" // Blake RichardsonWhere stories live. Discover now