Holiday - Part I

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*Time skip to a few weeks later*
Blake's POV
It's Christmas. My first one with Anna. I literally can't wait!
I'm gonna surprise her with holiday tickets to Australia. On our first date she talked about wanting to go to Australia.

I woke up really early (surprise, surprise 😂) and I gently tapped Anna on the shoulder and she immediately woke up.
'Merry Christmas babe' I said to her with a kiss.
'Merry Christmas Blakey' I replied kissing him back.
'We better go downstairs and open our presents with Abbie, mum and dad'
We brushed our teeth and went downstairs.

Anna's POV
When we got downstairs, Soulla, Abbie and Nik immediately greeted me.
After we finished eating breakfast and all that stuff, we went to open our presents.
Soulla got some nice clothes, same as Nik and Abbie.
Blake got a few things for his guitar and I got him a limited edition Beatles T-shirt.
I got some t-shirts from Hollister, wireless headphones and Shawn Mendes merch.
After we opened all our presents, Blake took me upstairs to his room.

'Close your eyes, Anna' He said. So I closed my eyes and he guided me upstairs.
Once I opened my eyes, I saw a present in front of me.
'Merry Christmas' he said 'I saved my present for the last'
'Awwwh you shouldn't have Blake' I replied. I opened it and I saw two tickets to Australia.
'No worries, anything for you'
I gave him the biggest hug and kissed him.
' As much I would like to do this now, we need to pack' Blake said. I looked at the tickets and we were leaving at 11pm tonight.
I started panicking a lot I didn't know what to pack.
After two hours of packing, we were finally done and we had to leave for the airport at 4pm.
Blake lugged my bags downstairs what a gentleman 😂
We said goodbye to Soulla, Nik and Abbie because they knew already.
We were on our way to the airport..,

Merry Christmas everyone!
I know it's nearly the end but enjoy this Christmas special 💚
Next part will be up New Years Eve
Much love xx

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