Meeting the Family

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I tell Elena and Caroline that Justin and I have to go they asked if I can handle it and I said yeah and I asked if they can handle the cops and they said yeah. I vamp speed him away and decided to drive his Truck and let him lay back while I tell him everything from when I left Mystic Falls till now.

He seems shocked considering I died Not once but twice and I'm sitting right next to him having a conversation. Oh my god Justin is Elena and I'm Stefan oooo this got bad.

I'm taking us to Matt's new place there buds along with him and Ty do it doesn't matter.

Once I reach there I tell him to get out and wash up and put on some of Matt's clothes. He does as told.

About 30 minutes later he comes back out in jeans and a Flannel. He comes around on my side and asked to drive I let him.

I hop in on the other side and let him drive to his house and his Dad and brother will be there in an hour so we rush to his place.

Once we're there we go in and head up to his room and change into something more appropriate.

Justin: So you died... twice.

I laugh: Yeah.

He walks and stands in front of me: If you don't mind me asking which one was worst.

Angel: The first one definitely.

Justin nods and I know he wants to ask why.

Angel: Basically it was hell even though he was drinking my blood to the point of my death. It was scary I literally was being drained when my blood was being taken from my body I felt apart of me leave and then eventually everything went dark and I was scared.

Justin: What was it like over there.

I look at him: I don't want to talk about it. But I'll tell you this. Your human and you won't go to the place I went too. It's a place called The Other side. I'll tell you the rest when I'm ready.

Justin nods: What about the se-

Angel: My second death. Baby went over Wickery Bridge. The feeling was different from the first time. I could see clearly. my sister seemed to be suffering for the second time. I held her hand and I felt her slip away and then my lungs started to burn and it wasn't pain it was sort of like a sensation. Soon the burning felt cold my finger tips went numb and the last thing I remember was a splash from above and then all of a sudden I saw light. Then apparently I was in and out for hours and then they told me what I became. I prefer the second death over the first.

Justin: I'm so sorry.

I shake my head as I take off my clothes.

Angel: Don't be it was bond to happen. Vampires and supernatural creatures are around me. If you don't want to be wi-

He grabs my hand: This makes me love you even more your so strong and I know you won't hurt me. You helped me live. Now I'm going to make you feel alive.

Angel: I already do feel alive when I'm around you. I just couldn't tell you that because well- you know.

He nods and grabs my hand.

Angel: What are you doing I'm first.

He looks at his Rolex: We got 45 min before my family gets here. So let's blow off some steam.

I smirk: Of Course.

I let him take the lead and we get into the shower and I think you know what happens next.


We're now putting on are clothes. He puts on a suit and he looks hot as hell I honestly want to rip it off and do dirty things to him but I can't. Dinner time with his family and his Family is almost here.

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