"It's Camila"

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When she was sure Camila was going to be alright for the moment Lauren loaded the grilled chicken wraps she had been making on a big plate and placed them in the middle of the kitchen table before setting the table, after setting three regular plates she put the fourth one back into the cupboard and took out two soup plates. SHe didn't want Camila to be the only one at the table who didn't get solid food. Camila was staring at the empty plate that had been set in front of her as though it was a particularly challenging puzzle she had to solve.

"Let's see if the others are ready for dinner, shall we?" Lauren asked, opening the kitchen door and leaning out so she could glance into the living room. Upon seeing that her parents and Chris seemed to be done discussing the situation she called them to dinner.

"It looks lovely, Lauren", Clara complimented Lauren when she entered the kitchen, before turning to Camila, smiling warmly.

"Hello, dear. I'm Clara", she seemed to be uncertain whether or not to approach her for a moment and settled on giving her space for now "I'm Lauren's  mom. I'm sorry Chris was so loud earlier, he was caught off guard. I'm very glad you're here with us tonight though."

She sat down on her usual spot on the other side of the table from Camila when Chris and Mike joined them, both sitting down on either side of Clara, so that Chris ended up sitting next to Camila.

"Sorry for the yelling", he said awkwardly, not looking at Camila, but staring at his plate instead.

"Start eating, the food's getting cold", Lauren ordered, interrupting the slightly uncomfortable silence. The remaining Jaureguis reached for the wraps while Lauren was busy placing the pot with the chicken soup on the table before taking a seat at Camila's other side.

SHe scooped two spoons full of soup into Camila's plate before serving himself the same thing. "Okay, careful, it's still hot", she warned the other girl.

Camila didn't reach for her spoon.

Lauren didn't quite know what to say, she had a sinking feeling that maybe Camila thought the soup wasn't meant for her  or that Lauren had just given it to her as a joke of some sorts.

SHe settled for simply asking "You don't like soup?"

Camila's eyes shot up. "It smells very good." SHe whispered as though that would answer Lauren's question.

"You don't have to eat it, if you really don't want to, but you know you can, right?" Lauren asked softly.

"I-... I can have some of this?" Lauren asked, hope thick in her voice.

Lauren nodded, taking a spoon full from her own plate hoping to set an example for Camila.

Camila tentatively took the spoon in hand and experimentally dipped it into the soup. SHe guided a small spoonful to her mouth, her eyes fixed on Lauren waiting for a reaction. Lauren just smiled at her and looked down into her own plate, focusing on her food only occasionally sneaking a glance at Camila eating from the corner of her eyes.

"Sis", Chris said from across the table. "SHe's so skinny, you should feed her some proper food! Here, have a wrap!" He held a wrap in front of Camila's face, causing Camila to flinch back from the sudden invasion of her personal space. Her eyes went wide when she saw what was being held out in front of her.

"No!" Lauren called, both Chris and Camila looked up at her startled. Lauren snatched the wrap from Chris's  hand and placed it back on Chris's plate. "SHe can't have anything solid, she can't stomach that yet, just eat your dinner and mind your own business." It sounded a lot harsher than she had intended it to, but she had explicit orders to not let Camila have more than she could digest, which at the moment wouldn't be very much.

"Lauren's right Chris", Clara jumped in, backing Lauren up. SHe didn't pay attention to what she explained to Chris though, because Camila looked utterly crestfallen at the sight of her now empty plate.

An hour later Lauren was making up the guest bed for Camila, mentally kicking herself. SHe should have taken more time to explain to the other girl exactly why she couldn't have any more food at the moment. SHe obviously hadn't entirely understood or otherwise she wouldn't have looked so sad, would she?

Camila was in the next room, brushing her teeth again, she had looked delighted when Lauren had suggested she do that again before going to bed.

Lauren heard the soft footfall of socked feet approach the room and turned to see Camila nervously wringing her hands. "May I use the ... the toilet?"

Lauren was dumbfounded. "Yeah, yes. Yes, definitely, of course you can." SHe stuttered, shaking her head to clear it. "Whenever you want", she said, just to make sure there was no misunderstanding. "Erm... use as much toiletpaper as you like" Lauren added awkwardly.

"Thank you!" Camila gasped before hurrying back to the bathroom as fast as her weak legs would carry her, leaving Lauren alone to wander what this request had been about and whether Camila hadn't always been allowed to... No, she wouldn't go there. The day had been too long and straining already.

Lauren was glad she seemed to have regained some strength after having dinner and taking the medication Clara had picked up at the pharmacy for her. The bed was ready when Camila returned once more.

"Can I slee-... could... Where may I sleep, Lauren?" SHe asked, very quietly.

"Here, I just made up the bed for you." Lauren kept her voice as cheery as she could. "Do you wanna lie down? It's been a really long day, I'll go to bed soon as well." SHe pulled back the blanket for Camila, gesturing for her to crawl in.

Slowly, never taking her eyes off Lauren Camila sat herself down on the mattress.

"How do I please you?" Camila asked, looking up at Lauren carefully.

The nauseas feeling that had been rising up in Lauren's stomach off and on all day as back full force.

"You don't have to please me, Camila. I just want you to have a good night's rest, okay?" SHe pulled the blanket up, gently guiding Camila into a horizontal position, tucking her in gently.

"If you need anything in the night, anything at all, no matter what, don't hesitate to call for me, okay? My room is on the upper floor, but I'll keep my door open, so if you call for me I should be able to hear you, okay?" Lauren explained as patiently and with as much emphasis as she would to a child suffering from nightmares

Camila nodded, eyes darting nervously to Lauren's hands that were still holding onto Camila's blanket.

Lauren sighed deeply. "I'll see you tomorrow morning. Try and sleep well."

SHe got up slowly and walked out the door, leaving it open just a crack before heading to her own room.


Exhausted, Lauren lay on the bed, hugging one of her pillows to her chest as hard as she could, letting silent tears roll down her cheeks. Sleep wouldn't come. SHe watched her alarm clock go from 9 pm to 11 pm without drifting off once. Her mind full of horrifying images of Camila, the slaves at the market, Camila being whipped, the trader and his syringe,...

There was an urgent knock on her door. SHe ignored it, she knew it was Chris by the way his knuckles pounded against the wood. "Lo?"

"Lauren, Lauren, come on please!"

"Please go away, Chris, I don't wanna talk right now." Lauren said quietly. Chris opened the door anyway.

"No, sis you gotta get up! I think I did something awful."

"You did, Chris, you really shouldn't have yelled at her, she was terrified and-" SHe stopped when she saw how pale Chris looked.

"It's Camila." Chris said.

"What happened?" Lauren's eyes widened and she was on her feet pushing past Chris and running down the stairs within seconds.

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