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England, October 1415 A.D. - bank of River Wye, West Gloucestershire

Evening. Evening they said, but for Jungkook it looks like it's barely twilight of the day for the brilliant luminosity of the area surrounding the small crowd.
There are torches lighted all around, lanterns, and then, of course..the fire path: a rather long way littered of burning embers on which he'll have to walk on barefoot.

Jungkook stands petrified in front of said path, twisting the hems of sleeves in his hands, quite terrified. He tilts his head backwards, to see if Jimin has or has not arrived yet. And of course there he is, standing in the crowd with an unreadable look on his usually so expressive and readable face.

His gaze wanders then on the others, lingering longer on the Head Priest's and Agatha's. Yoongi is intensely staring at Jimin, who instead looks at the other way, making sure not to meet his eyes. Agatha is waiting for Jungkook on the other side, together with Yoongi, they are the highest authorities in the monastery, meaning they are Jungkook's mentors, or.. or something like that at least.

Suddenly drums start booming in the air, startling everyone who was not aware they'd be there, then the nuns get closer to the embers, throwing powders into them, and so filling the air with the intense smell of incense. The friars stand by the sides of the area, one each three holding a censer as well.

As the music comes to an abrupt stop, Agatha moves his gaze back to Jungkook, smiling at him.
The boy gulps down as Yoongi gestures him to walk for his purification.
Jungkook takes a breath, searches Namjoon in the crowd and stares at him. Then lastly he turns back to face Jimin once more. The latter gives him a concerned glance, both hands joined before his own chest.

The next Prophet takes another big breath in and flips on his sandals, crouching down and, one lace after the other, removes the footwear. He then slowly straightens, his eyes settling on the bright oranges and reds of the flames, then back to Agatha.

''Take control of who you are''

He hears her voice inside his own skull. The boy shakes his head, then lifts one foot, hesitantly placing it on the embers. At first the path is so hot that he does not feel anything for a few seconds. With both feet on the flames, he lets out a sigh, and a sort of uncomfortably starts dragging up from the bottom of his body.

He hisses out of nowhere, now he does feel them burn.

>>Pull up your tunic!!<<

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