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Copyright © 2014 Misfit Rainbow

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The sun shines only when I see your smile, but the sun soon comes down, and only darkness exist.

I learned the hard way that life is hard. When I was only fifth-teen my mom left me alone to survive by myself with a son well with my little brother to be exact, but my mom never been around to see him grow. I was always with him for his five years. In other words I was his mom.

Since my mom was always off drinking in some bar, and staying god knows where. While I stayed home and took care of little James.

She hasn't hold James once since he was born. She wasn't like this before my mom was always caring, sweet, and always gave kisses and hugs, but now she's gone.

Anyways enough about my mess up life. I'm April Evens I'm seventeen years old, and a senior well soon to be once summer is over. I've been working two summer jobs to pay the rent on my apartment so me and James won't be stuck on the streets.

I worked at the ice cream parlor in the morning and at a bar at night that's near my apartment. Since it's summer my neighbor Payton took care of James when I was off at work. she is fifth-eight years old. she's like a grandma she has blue eyes and white short hair. She's the best.

Anyways other then working almost twenty four seven I learned to move on with life, and only look forward.

[~~~Authors note~~~]

Hey guys I'm back with another Teacherxstudent story! This plot is going to be a little different from the others I've wrote, so I hope you will

enjoy it.



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