Chapter:19 Nightmares

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Chapter 19

I was lying in bed when I heard a thud waking me up instantly. I shot up scanning the room then coming Face-to-Face with a dark figure that was at standing at the end of my bed. I was about to scream bloody murder but I couldn't find myself to.

"Hello April nice to see you again." The dark figure said getting closer till I saw his face it was the guy that rapped me the guy I hated for what he did, and he was standing right in front of my me.

"It's a shame that you got saved, because we could've had so much fun, and a shame your boyfriend had

to die." He said pointing to the floor with a bloody blade in his hand.

I looked where he was pointing, and there was Alex on the floor blood around his cold body. I felt my tears as they streamed down my face like a river. I was about to say something, but I still couldn't seem to find my voice for some reason. I looked back at guy that did everything that ruined my life in a day without blinking.

I really hate him.

"But now you have to die."

Next thing I know he's on top of me with his hands wrapped around my neck. I couldn't breathe, but I was yelling while my eyes were closed. I didn't wasn't to see his face.

I could hear someone yell out my name shaking me in the process. I was too scared to open my eyes.

"APRIL WAKE UP!" Yelled a familiar voice.

I opened my eyes, and saw Alex hovering over me with a look of concern, and fright in his eyes. I couldn't say a single word my body was in complete utter shock all I was doing was balling my eyes out. it was a dream, but it felt so real.

"Ssh it's okay. It's okay I got you. I'm here." He said wrapping his arms around me as I sobbed into his shoulder.

"He. Was. Here" I said between sobs.

"Calm down April it's just me and you. ok. he won't hurt you no more." Alex said in a concern tone. All I did was cry while he hugged my tight against his chest. His chin was resting on top of my head as he rubbed circles into my back. I could tell my sobbing was finally stopping, and so did Alex's.

"Are you fine now?" I nodded my head on his chest. "Do you want to talk about it." I just pulled him into a tighter hug closing my eyes. It felt so safe in his arms.

"No. Please Just hold me." I said in a Hoarse tone.

He didn't say anything he just wrapped his arms around me, and laid with me. My breathing finally got under control, and I was just laying there with my eyes open taking deep breaths as he played with strands of my hair. I maneuvered my head so that I was looking up at Alex's face to my surprise Alex was looking down at me with loving eyes. hi blue eyes looking into mine, and he said those three little but powerful words that made everything alright.

"I Love You." he said with a warm smile I didn't say anything I just kissed his chin then cuddled up into his warm chest listening to the sound of his heart beat.

I felt my eyelids become heavy, and I was becoming tired. I closed my eyes and let sleep take over in the matter of seconds.

I woke up feeling groggy, and I felt a head ach coming on probably from crying for so long. I looked at Alex who was sleeping peacefully his hair falling over his eyes slightly he looked adorable. I smiled at myself because the thought of Alex popping into my head I noticed he was just in his boxers and I felt a blush creep onto my face.

I quickly rolled off the bed making my way towards the bathroom looking at myself in the sink my eyes where blood shot, and there was tear stains on my face. I turned on the water to the bathtub and striped from my clothes I felt dirty and gross.

I stepped into the warmth of the water and let the layers of dirt fall of my skin. every single time I washed my body I still felt dirty on a way I was scrubbing hard trying to get his scent of what was left of him off me. I stopped and my skin was red and irritated from scrubbing to hard I felt somewhat clean, but not fully.

I stepped out of the tub and wrapped the fuzzy blue towel over my body. I took one last look into the mirror and noticed my eyes weren't as red as before. I sighed while walking out of the bathroom into my room. I took out a pair of gray sweats and a shirt that said 'Music Is My Life' across it. I walked into my closet and close the door behind me so I could change 'don't want Alex waking up and thinking I want to seduce him. ' I thought to myself

once I was finished I walked out as the sun was barley coming up and shinning into my room. I made my was towards my bed and gently laid down beside Alex cuddling into his side looking out the window admiring the little things like the blue sky and white clouds.

Do you every notice when you have those times when there's this one thing that can kill you, but it doesn't its like dodging a bullet, and the next day you notice every single little thing like the birds singing, dogs barking, the clouds moving, how the sky is blue, and other things that life haves to offer.

all you have to do is enjoy these moment because there's probably never going to be another time like this again.


hey everybody I hope you enjoyed this chapter sorry it took me so long to upload. but school just started and I might not upload often, but I will do my best to.




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