Chapter:17 I Want To Be More

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Chapter 17

I was shock he was kissing me and he was sober, and what shocked me the most I was kissing him back. Our lips in sync with one another. I could feel my mind wander off into a haze but quickly snapped out of it.

I pulled back quickly. My heart was beating 20% faster than usual and I was taking deep breaths to catch my breath as his eyes looking into mine. I could feel my cheeks heat up there probably as red as a tomato.

"April I have something to tell you." He said taking a step closer to me, but I took a step back not wanting him to get near me right now.

"W-why? Did you kiss me. This is wrong your my teacher." I said looking away from him.

"I know it's wrong but it feels right when it's with you. I don't care if I break the rules. I-I just couldn't help not being able to kiss you Again like the first night we met. I know what I said in the past made you want to hate me and I hate myself for yelling at you, blaming it on you. I just didn't know how to express what I'm feeling inside my heart." I didn't look at him once but I did listen to what he had to say.

I let every single word sync into my mind. Trying to process it bit by bit. What did this mean. Does it mean he had feeling for me.

"Please look at me." He said moving my chin so I was now looking into his eyes. I could feel my tears forming around my eyes.

"Why?" Was the only thing I said.

"Why? Because I have feels no other teacher should have for their student. I have this feeling in my chest whenever I see you it just like sparks, and I just want to hold you a kiss you. Make you happy whenever your sad like early. I want to be more than just your teacher because I have this feeling I can't hold in any longer. Every day since I apologized I thought of ways to tell you this but I'm afraid if I tell you those three words everything will change, and I'll lose you forever." He pulled me into a tight hug.

I was just there standing in a daze is this a dream? I didn't know what to say. That's when I heard those three words I snapped out of it, and I knew it wasn't a dream.

"I love you." Alex whispered in a low husk voice. I could feel his breathing against my ear as he said those words.

"I'm sorry." Was all I said as tears streamed down my cheeks.

He pulled away and I could feel him staring at me. God I probably look like a baby. "Sorry for what April." He said wiping away my tears with his thumb letting it linger around my cheek after.

"Sorry for the words I'm about to say." I pulled away trying my best to stop my tears. I was able to control them for a while.

"I don't love you. We can't ever be together your just Mr. Travis to me. Your just my teacher." Those words probably hurt me more then they hurt him.

Each word felt like a stab to my heart. I felt like I wasn't talking it felt like someone else was doing it for me. That's how much I knew I was lying to myself, and Alex.

I looked into Alex's eyes full of pain I couldn't hold my tears back any longer I knew I would burst out crying any moment.

"A-April..." Was that last thing I heard before quickly grabbing my things, and running out the class taking of my glasses letting my tears fall making my vision blurry but I knew where I was going. I was heading towards the football field.

Once I was under the bleachers of the football field I cuddled up with my backpack laying on the ground crying my eyes Out.

I can't believe I pushed away the only person I loved. How I hurt him. All I could see is his blue eyes and how hurt they looked when I closed my eyes. My eyes starts to hurt and I could feel my tears stop and I was just laying and sobbing to myself. 'It's been a while since I had a good cry' I thought to myself.

I felt my phone buzz from my pocket I didn't bother sitting up. I just reached for my phone trying to read the name the best I can, but my vision was blurry from crying, and because I didn't have my glasses on.

I blinked a couple of times and finally read who it was from. 'DAKOTA :)' I opened the text and read it my best.

'Hey April where are you? You didn't show up for class, are you ok?'

'I'm fine Kota. Just went home early. Had a headache. I'm picking up James early today, he's going to spend the night at a friend's house so I'll see you tomorrow.'

'Ok hope you feel better soon. See you tomorrow.
<3 you.'

'Thx <3 you to.'

I put my phone back into my pocket now sitting up. The headache from crying finally hit me, and I groaned in pain. I cleaned my glasses with my shirt and placed then back onto my face.

I took out my phone and looked at myself my eyes were red and puffy from crying. I looked through my backpack and pulled out some eye drops and my make-up.

I placed a couple drops of the eyes drops it to my eyes, and tried my best to cover up the puffiness around my eyes with the makeup. It was kind of noticeable but not as much as before.

I put all my things away into my backpack getting off the ground wiping myself off of any dirt then started to make my way towards James school. Still thinking of Alex.


Hiya everybody here's a new chapter I hope you enjoy it I know it's quite cliché and whatnot. There will be a new chapter coming soon called *drum roll* 'Make Me For Get.' What do you think it's going to be about leave your comments of what you think below.

What would be April and Alex ship name?



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