chapter:18 Make Me Forget

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Chapter 18

I walked all the way towards James school in a daze. Just thinking. Once I was in the school I finally snapped out of it a put a smile on my face. I walked Into the school office and was greeted by the staff.

"Hello dear, are you here to pick up your brother." Said a little old lady with gray hair.

"Hello. No I'm actually here to pick up my son." The little old lady looked shocked, but soon snapped out of it.

"Ok darling what's his name." She said.

"James Evans. He's in kindergarten."

"Ok give me a moment." She said walking over to her desk, and doing something's. I sat down on one of the chairs and waited. I looked around the office and saw a couple of students awards also some drawings.

"I just informed the teacher he will be on his way now." The lady said.

"Ok thank you." I replied.

I waited for a couple of minutes just walking around the office till I heard a door open, and a pair of arms wrapped around my legs.

"Mommy!" Said James holding onto me. I went to pick him up, and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"Hey buddy. Your ready to go home." I said placing him on my waist. For a five year old he's pretty small, and light.

He nodded his head, and I signed the paper to take him out. Me and James walked to the apartment.

"Ok bud why don't you pack your things for your sleepover. Then we will go to the diner for lunch after I take a bath." I said.

"Ok." He said before running into his room.

Once he was in his room I walked into my room and found my uniform for work. After I drop off James at his friends house I'll head straight to the bar.

I got into the shower letting the warmth of the water fall over my body. I placed my head on the tile wall, and I was just thinking about Alex, and how much I probably hurt him. I felt tears starting to form, and I tried my best not to cry. I quickly wiped the tears from my eyes, and turned off the water.

I got out of the shower, and placed a towel over my body. I got changed, and decided to wear my glasses instead of my contacts today. I put my hair up in a messy bun, and skipped putting make-up on today.

I walked into the living room, and saw James sitting on the couch swinging his legs back and forth holding his batman travel bag in his little arms. He was so cute.

"Are you ready to go bud?" I asked as James jumped from the couch.

"Yes mommy." He said in his little cute voice.

"Ok let's go." I said holding his hand as we made our way towards the door.

Me and James walked hand in hand all the way to our favorite diner in town 'Granny Addie's Diner.' I remember when I was little my mom always brought me here in the morning for breakfast, but she stopped.

We walked in to the diner and was greeted by Spencer one of the waiters he was around his thirty, and married with the owners granddaughter Samantha also known as Sam. There's such a cute couple.

"Hiya Spencer." I said I'm a cheery tone.

"Hi uncle Spenc." James said with a little wave.

"Hi Bud!, April I haven't seen you around lately we've all missed you." Spencer said giving us a big hug. He was basically family to us.

"I know we've been kind of occupied with school. But it's nice to see you again how's Sam." I asked.

"Sam is fine she's actually pregnant." He said with excitement in his voice.

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