Chapter:7 Apologize

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Chapter 7

Class was a big blur I really hated school but I did it for only one person, and that was for James.

So I could go to college, and get a education and a good job. Also so I could be a good example for him.

Thinking about James made me through the day. I paid attention to what the teacher actually had to say this time. I wasn't day dreaming like yesterday.

Once math class was over me and Dakota where walking down to the lunch room when I realized I had detention. I groaned before stopping in my tracks.

"Why did you stop." Asked Dakota tilting his head to the side making him look like a puppy.

"Detention." I said.

"Have fun." He said waving and walking into the lunch room.

I walked all the way to Mr. Travis's class muttering words under my breath. Once I was In front of his door I didn't bother to knock I just walked in.

Mr. Travis looked up from whatever he was doing and signaled me to sit down. I walked over to the middle of the class and sat down.

"Ah just the person I wanted to see." He said standing up and leaning in front of his desk, giving me a smile.

I gave him a look of confusion. Why would he want to see me anyways just yesterday he told me he didn't want to see my face.

"I wanted to apologize for my actions yesterday. For yelling and what not." He said walking closer to me.

"It's quite alright." I said nervously.

He gave me a smirk before sitting in the seat in front of me, and facing me. He didn't look angry at all he looked more at ease, but that soon changed.

"Anyways I'll I wanted to say was that I'm sorry, and all I ask for is for you to keep what happen between me and you to yourself, because if this gets out my life is on the line not yours. You would simply be the victim and me the bad guy. Do I make myself clear." He said in such a calm voice but it felt like there was so much hatred coming from him.

I gave a nod, and he smirked even bigger if possible. I got chills just by being near him right now.

"Good. Now you may leave." He said getting up and walking back to his desk.

I quickly got up not wanting to be in the same room with him for one more second. He gave me the chills just by the way me smirked or talked. I opened the door about to walk out.

"Goodbye April." Those words cause me to jump out of my skin. I didn't replied I just walked out. Never turning back again.

I didn't want to go to the lunch room. I just walked outside and sat under the willow tree thinking. I pulled my note pad out of my bag and started writing what came to mind.

Darkness within. Poem.

His eyes so dark, like the world with no light.

So much hate from within.

Black feathers, as dark as his soul.

He makes me sad, and shiver in fear.

Hatred as deep as the sea it's self.

After I finished I put my note pad away in my bag. I rested my head on the tree closing my eyes.


Ok here's chapter 7 what do you think so far. Please leave your comment below telling me what you think. The poem is made by me sorry if it's not good it's my first time doing this sort of thing. It's a bit short.



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