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** The next morning Tommy an Ajah wake within each others arms... they both head too the kitchen where Ajah will prepare breakfast for them and "JMir" **
So, how'd April take the news? Besides going into labor early.....
She left me. She wants me to get all my shit out the house, in 8weeks we're gonna start working on the divorce, she only wants me involved when it's involving "Beauty". I understand her decision and I'm happy with it honestly...
<Grabs Ajah by her waist an Pulls her close to him>
I'm ready too start working, an building our own family, me an April have been done for a long time. This just made it more obvious, I choose you Ajah. I choose you... I love you and I want to be with you.... I know it's gonna take time to trust me and I'm okay with that. I'm gonna do whatever it takes to keep you an my children happy. Seeing April cry that way and hearing her tell me how I hurt her honestly....it honestly made me realize that I was better off with you an that I should just let April go, my feelings just aren't there for her anymore. An I have you too thank for that.... now I know you didn't plan on doing this to me and April's marriage but it just happened... nobody's to blame here but me.... from his point on I'm being 💯 about everything and I'm being honest with myself....
Well I'm glad you finally taking your responsibilities like a MAN should. But you gonna have to do more than just spend a few nights here and "Break things off" with April you gonna have to prove your self worthy.... 8weeks go by fast so those divorce papers need to be finalized by the 5th week... if you want me to believe in you or anything you say TOMMY 🙄.. but anyways...... I got a lil tip sent to my phone last night about "JMir's" mom
<Ajah whispers >
I heard his mama & HIM plotting on me an my dad. Don't trip on who told me just know they did, an too think I was starting to like that nigga. Now I may have to kill him, now I gotta watch him... and he's in my fuckin house 😳😖
Wait.... who told you that?
Didn't I say DONT TRIP! Don't trip just know my Tips are rarely wrong.... so what are we gonna do? Are you gonna tell TB? Or should I??
< Gotti called and informed Ajah about "Jai" & "JMir" Seeing That "Rosa" was Gotti's babydaddy plug... an now that "Rosa" was dead "HaKeem" took all of her clientele... Gotti was ease dropping when she over heard "HaKeem" telling her BabyDaddy all about
Nah, you ain't tellin him shit... let me do it. Man I hope yo "tip" is right or else yo dad gone be pissed Ajah, I'm not tryna be out here running around on a blank mission.
Trust me, we not on a blank mission. It's some shit about to pop off and I sense it, we gotta stay on point at ALL times can't let HIM see us sweat.... I'm sure he's telling them all about us.. damn I hope this ain't connected to "Rosa" or "Loco"
< Ajah Paced Back an Forth in the kitchen nervously, wondering if "JMir" was sent to kill her over "Rosa" & "Loco" an now she's pregnant 🤰🏽 an he's living with her 😳.... "JMir" walks up slowly startling Ajah & Tommy a bit >
GoodMorning Family... damn it smells good in here sis, you must can really cook 😂
Tommy&Ajah- GoodMorning
Ajah- yeah I can definitely cook alright (Side-eying JMir)
** BuzzBuzzz ** ~ A Text from April flashes across Tommy's phone ~

April: We're getting released tonight at 7pm.. don't be late please! An I hope you got all of yo shit out of my house because my mom sisters an aunt are coming to help me out with "Beauty" since your gonna be half way across town from now on......

Tommy: Bet, I'll be there!
Tommy: & that's fine, I'll get my stuff in an hour... see y'all later

April: K! See ya 👋🏽
Aye, bae thanks for the breakfast 😘 it was good. I gotta go ... April want me to get my shit before I go get her an the baby tonight... ima hit yo line when I'm done ✅
K, see you later bae! Be safe! Text me when you get too your destination‼️
I will bae!

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