chapter 2

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Treasure Kyle's POV
I put the waffles in the oven and started working on the whipped cream. I know, not the healthiest of meals but at least they leave home, full. I looked at the clock before realising that the girls had to be in school in an hour. So i do what any other mother would do.  Yell.  "Bianca" as i say or rather scream, the name of my eldest daughter i see my twin girls skip down the stairs. I give them their breakfast and let me tell you if you were there to see the sight you would think it was the first time in weeks that they had eaten when really it was twelve hours ago. I tell them to go wait in Bianca's car.

A/N≈ Bianca's mom above

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A/N≈ Bianca's mom above.
I decide to give my daughter ten more minutes to get ready. Or should i say, i decide to give my 'niece' ten more minutes.  I really do not like this whole disguise thing i think she should just be herself and it is just a matter of time before the paparazzi start asking about when my daughter will be home.  I am brought out of my train of thoughts when a feel two snaking themselves around my waist.  I lean back into them,  already knowing who it is.  "morning honey" my husband greets.  We have been married for 20 years and there has never been a dull day. We got married  when  we were both eighteen and i was pregnant and gave birth to the boys a year later.  Then fast forward two years and i was pregnant again with Bianca then fast forward ten years and i had the twins. It is a miracle i  managed to be a size four when i have had five kids. If i was an six i would have to say goodbye to being a model. Though you better not get dirty thoughts i do not model lingerie, at least not any more. I would shit myself if my kids saw me like that so i model fairly decent clothes in trend for women ages twenty to thirty. I know your saying 'but your thirty eight ' i have a very good and healthy lifestyle so i can pass for thirty. A kiss at the back of the neck sends back to the present.  "Good Morning" i say to my husband.  "I need to head off now we are shooting the last scene in the movie" he says quickly while i turn around and fix his tie"that is fine just remember to pick up the twins from school"i say as he heads out the kitchen door. "boys or girls?" i hear him ask. "You know which ones!" I yell back. I hear him laugh before the sound of the door closes behind him. I see the time and I decide to do what my mother did to me"BIANCA BEVERLY KYLE IF YOU DO NOT COME DOWN RIGHT NOW I WILL DRAG YOU DOWN MYSELF BY THE EAR! "i yell.  For someone who is supposed to be a nerd she sure is going to be late. Quicker than you can say school i see Bianca run down the stairs, grab an apple, say goodbye and run out the door. I laugh, but feel i strain at the back of my oesophagus(i have a PHD in biology) must be because of all the yelling i think as i make myself a cup of tea. Now that everyone has started their day i guess i should start mine. I quickly write a note and stick to the fridge telling Bianca about my whereabouts before going upstairs to get changed.

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