Chapter 10

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Ugh! I didn't know what to do. On the one hand, I had Jason, who knew my secret. On the other, I had Tyler, who was my partner for an assignment which I would fail if I didn't go to his house instead of Jason's.

I didn't really have time to think about it, seeing as I had to go off to the Victoria Secret shop downtown, along with two other Victoria Secret angels. The shop had recently opened up, and we needed to raise its popularity. I drove straight to the shop and greeted the other two angels, Melanie and my best friend Sofia. Sofia gleamed at me with her chocolate brown eyes. Her dark brown frizzy hair was styled in a braid. Melanie softly smiled. Her black, mid-length hair rested on her shoulders. The shop wasn't open yet to give us some time to change and prepare. We got ready in a comfortable silence, occasionally complimenting each other's makeup, or talking about a recent event.

A/N Bianca's outfit

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A/N Bianca's outfit.^^^^^
I nodded to one of the staff, letting him know that we were ready. He opened the door, and a sea of girls poured into the the store. When they were inside, their eyes scanned the shop, presumably looking for myself and the other models. That wasn't what scared me, though. It was the crazy glint in all of their eyes. The bloodlust was evident in their faces: it was as if they were hunting down prey. I instinctively took a step back. Without even communicating the others did the same. I was about to quietly suggest that we make a run for it, and not wait to be killed by a bunch of over-excited young women like lambs to the slaughter. It was too late, however, because one of them saw us.

"They're over there!" She squealed. Oh no.

Without warning, the mob came rushing over, grabbing items of clothing as they scrambled towards us. I cleared my throat and took a step forward. I was being stupid; they're only human, what's the worst that could happen? The others stayed back, cautiously eyeing the crowd..

"What's your name?" I said to the first girls.

One hour later and the store was still packed. As soon as I had finished taking a photo with a girl who I learnt was named Hannah, she was pushed aside.  Replacing her was a girl called Brittany, the school's queen bee the one that hated nerdy Bianca and made my school life hell. Really? She could have just been a bit more patient. I tried to mask my annoyance and forced a smile.

"Oh my gosh, I totally love you so much! My name's Brittany. You're, like, my absolute role model! It's kind of funny when you think about it, because you're an *actual* model. When I say I look up to you, I really mean it! Like that speech you made last year, about how we're each others family, and how we should treat others with respect? I took that as my own personal note to treat others better."

When she said that, I just wanted to slap her across the face several times. Her? treating other well? I suppressed my anger, and plastered another fake smile on my face.

"Would you like a photo, Whitney?" I saw her overzealous grin change into a frown.
"It's Brittany, I'm not some drug addict dead singer," She scowled, before realising what she said. "Yeah, I would totally love to take a photo with you!" Brittany chimed, regaining her composure.

I breathed a heavy sigh of relief when Brittany left, and was more than grateful to greet the next person. It was another hour before the store was completely empty.  Myself, Melanie and Sofia left ten minutes later. I was still undecided about what to do about Jason and Tyler, so I asked them before they left.

"Guys' someone knows," I declared. I didn't have to say anymore than that. They knew exactly what I was talking about.

Sofia squealed, like actually squealed before bounding in my direction and giving me a hug.

"You finally decided to stop with the disguise?" She asked, hopeful eyes beaming up at me.
"No. I just said that someone found out, and he's making me do whatever he wants for a whole week," I explained, before realising Melanie was there. I nervously turned to see her reaction. Her face was blank, and her eyes were trained on mine..
"Wait you said he?" said Sofia.
"Yeah, what does it matter if it's a boy or girl?" I answered. Sofia scoffed at my response.
"Don't you read books at all? This is so cliché! Guy finds out girl's secret, keeps it but makes her do certain things, and then they fall in love! I'm so happy for you, and I ship you guys so hard!"
"First off, neither you or me even know him nearly enough to ship him with me. Secondly, you read too many books. What do you think I should do, Melanie?"

Melanie spoke for the first time since we left the store.
"I think what you're doing isn't good at all! Live, have fun, let go of the cover. At the end of the day, you're not going to be able to hide it forever, and it'll come and erupt in your face."

I was doing this because I wanted to have a normal life, and so far I was just a nerd at school. I wasn't in any way famous, other than the fact that everyone thought that Bianca was my cousin. They didn't know that the two Biancas were the same person. As Bianca Richardson there wasn't any pressure, no expectations, no eyes constantly watching everything I did.

I lived a double life, separate from each other, but why did I feel as though they would soon clash?

I lived a double life, separate from each other, but why did I feel as though they would soon clash?

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A/N this is Sofia.^^^^^

A/N This is Melanie^^^^^

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A/N This is Melanie^^^^^

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