Chapter 6

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Don't just stand there, say something!

"Well you see, well, me, and um, never really liked, and um, yeah, that's it."

Tyler raised an eyebrow, probably wondering if I had a screw loose.

"Just a suggestion, but can you say that all again, but actually use a coherent sentence, maybe?" He suggested smugly.

It looked like I was going to have to tell him the truth. Wait, I can't just throw away years of pretense just cause I couldn't think of a lie to tell Assface here.  I decided to do what I did best: Lie through my teeth.

"My cousin and I never really liked each other and so we refused to have our pictures taken together, hence why the two of us are not in any photos together."

Tyler looked sceptical, but nonetheless nodded.

Deciding to change the subject I asked:
"You hungry?"
Really that's all you can think of? food?
"Yeah um, sure." Tyler stuttered, almost hesitantly. He almost seemed embarrassed.

I shrugged it off and led him into the kitchen, where I gave him a plate of noodles. I was just about to devour my food when I heard him make a sound.

"This is *so* good," he blurted out.

I blushed and awkwardly thanked him. Damn girl, really? He said the food was good, not you! Get a hold of yourself.

2 hours later, Tyler and I were watching a movie to take a break after we had finished the project. It turned out that Tyler was not as bad as he seemed. I mean sure there *were* rumors that he smoked since eleventh grade, but those are just rumors. There were also rumors that he was the reason for his parents divorce, but they're probably false too. And sure there are also rumours about....

The angry buzzing of Tyler's phone brought me out of my thoughts.

"I have to go now," He explained.
"Oh, okay."

I led him out, closed the door behind me and slumped down onto the floor, my back against the door. After he left, I felt as if the house was filled with an atmosphere of emptiness. It was probably nothing, I don't know why I was worrying about it.
I hadn't known how long I had sat there for, but it was probably a long time because someone was trying to get in. I got up and smoothed down my pants. I turned to see my brothers enter through the door.

"Ugh, I thought you guys weren't coming back from college for another two weeks!" I whined.
"Well we were given two weeks holiday in advance so that they could deal with the leaking problem, and we decided that your life had probably become immensely awful without us," Carl complacently stated.
"But I thought that we had decided to leave our insulting matches to midnight on Facetime. Why did you have to come back? I was just getting used to living in an actually normal house on a regular basis," I groaned. "Caden do you hear this? She was getting used to living in a normal house. We've been gone for way too long!" Carl gasped, mock horror present on his face.
"I know bro, thank God we came when we did! Looks like the girls weren't doing as well as we had hoped," Caden remarked.

They then looked into the kitchen, and as if it was timed, their stomachs rumbled, without saying anything further to me they pushed past me and dashed into the kitchen.

After about one minute I heard Caden yell from the kitchen.

"Bee! what happened to all of our snacks? Why are there only healthy junk in the fridge and every single cabinet!"

I shook my head at their typical behaviour.

"The twins have been eating all your snacks, and you know mom and I are both on diets. The only options you have is to eat something healthy, once in your lives."

I walked into the kitchen as I said this to see the grimace on both the boys faces.

"Or you can check the freezers and grill some of dad's famous kebabs," I continued.

Grins were plastered onto their faces before they fell again.

"But we can't cook," Carl wailed.
"Well I guess you better learn."

I was not going to be their slave if they wanted to eat they would have to cook it themselves...

Forty minutes later I was serving the boys their kebabs. I stood my ground at first, I really did, but when they gave me those puppy eyes I just couldn't say no.
Yeah, you really showed them who's boss, didn't you, Bee?

I choked on my kebabs when I saw that it was nearly 9pm. I hadn't even started my homework! To my brothers, getting the right amount of chilli sauce on their kebabs was more important than helping their choking sister. I started coughing more violently causing Caden to hesitantly put down his kebab. Really, these are the siblings we got stuck with? They were putting satisfying their hunger over my life? Caden smacked my back, which caused a piece of chewed up meat that I was choking on to land smack on the center of Carl's face. Carl looked up, eyes blown wide.

"Quick, Caden, get water!" He ordered.

I smiled, thinking the water was for me. However, that wasn't the case. Caden gave it to Carl, who in turn got a sheet of kitchen paper and spilled the water on his face to get off the food on his face. I had finally got myself together.

"You guys suck!" I upbraided.

I ran up the stairs into my room. I was halfway through my geometry homework when I heard the front door open downstairs, which was followed by four groans.
I chuckled. I guess mom, dad and the girls had found out about the boys early holiday.

I woke to a start when I heard someone call my name. My first thought was that I had over slept and that my mom was yelling. I let out a sigh of relief when I saw it was 6:41 and it was my dad's voice. I slowly pushed off all my books surrounding me off my body. I must have fell asleep while studying.

After I changed I hurried downstairs made myself a sweet chilli wrap and shouted for my sisters. Not long after I had done so, I heard the pit-pat of my sisters running down the stairs.

"Hey!" I cried when I saw Alisha and Amanda grab each of my wraps and take a big bite out of them.
"I was hungry!" Amanda tried to reason.

I fumed silently within myself before turning to the fridge to make another one but nearly let out a shriek when I saw that there was no more chicken. After the twins ate their, or should I say my breakfast I told them to get into the car.

I dropped the twins at their school before telling them what I did everyday:
"Be good girls, love you!"

Shit, only got fifteen minutes to get to school!

I scrambled into my school into my school building when I arrived. In my rush, I had accidentally bumped into someone. I looked up and groaned out loud. First no breakfast, then a run in with Queen Bitch? It was really setting me up for a bad day.

What do you guys think? I know there wasn't a lot of action and you're probably wondering when it starts to get juicy but don't worry the next three chapters will be filled with more than enough to excitement to last a lifetime.

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