Chapter 8

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I climbed the stairs to my room and saw a nice green dress on my bed.

I was just about to try on the dress when my pants buzzed. I took out my phone and saw a text from my trainer, Charles.

Feeling a bit sick, won't be able to train you today 🙇 I heard your school has an underground training camp that they reserve for the sport teams? I've called in and they allowed you to use their premises for this evening!

As a model you need to train and keep fit.  I'm not one of those people who train and don't eat, though. I mean, I love my food, and nothing can part me from it. I really saw no point in training without a trainer, so I texted Charles back.

You know I'm not feeling up to it either, so I think I'll skip this one.

In less than a minute I got a reply.

You're going, and that's it! Your mother told me that you've been secretly been eating desserts. You have to work off that fat, or else you won't be that fabulous size 2 that everyone knows you as!

I huffed in anger. Trust my mom to go and report me. I'll be damned if I went to go and give out to her about it though!

Fine! What time?

7.00-8.00 AM. No-one should be there at that time 😉

k, ttyl.


Ugh! As soon as he said he was unavailable, I literally had jumped with happiness hoping that I could spend the rest of the day in bed, and possibly eat some stolen treats. But *no, * just because I had a few snacks, I have to have a one hour session.

It wasn't exactly a few.

Shut up brain. It was to me.

I put on my disguise again, just in case there was someone around, but I planned to take it off as soon as I started training.  I was at the bottom of the steps when my mom called out.

"Where are you going?"
"Training," I answered before slipping through the front door and hopping into my car. 

Once I had reached school I got out and headed towards the elevator in the gym. I entered the code Charles had given me. The elevator brought me to what looked like an empty warehouse, but once the lights switched on my eyes widened at all the high-tech equipment. I wasted no time in setting up. I took off my disguise and started the training session on a treadmill.

What I loved most about the room was that one of the walls was basically just a huge mirror to see yourself in. Maybe exercising today wasn't such a bad thing? I put in my earphones and sang along to 'Let You Love Me' by Rita Ora.

After about an hour of intense exercising and numerous sing alongs I was finished. I went to a sink in the bathroom, that was yet again in front of a mirror. I washed and dried my face, then I applied my pimple cream. I put my hair in a messy bun, wore a baggy tracksuit top and bottom, put on my contacts and my nerdy glasses. I turned in my tracks to leave, only to be stopped when I saw Jason, a member of HOT, staring intensely at me with his emerald eyes.

Dammit! Charles said that no-one would be here. What the hell do I do?

"What are you doing here?" Jason asked calmly, after a small pause.

In a sense, I was glad the he was the one who started the unavoidable conversation, but also not so glad, as I had no answer prepared. I guess I should have, as this was an obvious outcome.

"Umm you see, ummmm, I, well, um, I-I-I-"
My stammering was interrupted when he said:
"If you say 'um' one more time, I'll actually start to think you're having a stroke."

The smirk on his face that appeared when he saw how flustered I was never once left his stupid face. Although I found it to close to a smile, it wasn't like Tyler's that was just perfect.

Wait, are you're comparing him to Tyler, and did you just call that *asshole* perfect? Girl, Jason is a fine specimen of a man, enjoy this view while you can!

"I have a-a-a cousin who works as a jan-janitor, and I needed some space to think, so he let me in here."

Jason didn't look even the slightest bit convinced.

"Really? So Bianca Richardson-or should I say-Bianca Kyle hi has a janitor as a cousin? Now, give me one good reason I should believe that," Jason said, amused.

He knew?

Jason's POV

I got out of my car and walked onto the school premises. I wasn't supposed to be there, but I wouldn't get in trouble if I was caught. I opened the door of the gym and winced. The last match had left my arm in a bad shape, and all the guys kept bugging me to get an appointment and do some physiotherapy. But I don't want to. I mean, pay someone to act like they care? No thanks. Plus, the pain would probably wear off, though I've been feeling the tear in my arm for about a week. My mom was seriously worried, and had even gone as far as to hire a physiotherapist without my knowledge, but I didn't attend either of the sessions. And my dad? Well, he felt the same way I did. Work until it works again. I brought forward my good arm this time to key in the code of the underground training ground, only to discover that it was slightly ajar. What I saw stopped me in my tracks.

In front of me was Bianca Kyle, the famous teen celebrity working out in our training grounds. I thought that nothing could have shocked me more, but what I saw next did exactly that. Bianca had her eyes closed, and was facing the mirror wall. I could see what she was doing, but because of the angle she was at she couldn't see me. In those few minutes I saw her transform from the famous Bianca Kyle to Bianca Richardson. It was like a blow in the stomach; How the hell hadn't I realised?

She turned to leave, but stopped dead in her tracks when she saw me.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, trying my best to mask my surprise.

Bianca stuttered quite a lot, saying umm over and over again, probably frantically trying to think of an appropriate answer. I cracked a joke, then she gave me some bullshit about having a cousin as a janitor. I narrowed my eyes, not believing her for a second. For someone who's an actor, she really can't lie to save her life. Or, maybe this is part of her act?

"He knows." I heard Bianca say quietly. 
"Yes, I do. Now, you're going to tell me everything," I answered.

Back to Bianca's POV

I sighed inwardly. now that he knew, there was no point in acting.

"Why should I tell you?" I growled.
He looked shocked at the sudden change, but quickly regained his composure.
"Well think about it this way, sweetie, I'm the only one who knows but there's a whole school full of people who would like to, you know?" He remarked. The smug look he had was enough to set me off.

I threw a fist towards him. As if he had already predicted my outburst, he caught it. I couldn't miss the way he flinched in pain. I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Are you..." I trailed off, worry laced through my voice.
"Don't change the subject." Jason said, quickly letting go of my fist.

And that was how I was forced to tell my story to the one person I didn't expect to have to tell.

"There, I told you, you'll be quiet now, right?"
My heart nearly beat out of my chest when he shook his head.
"I will, but only if you do whatever I say for two weeks." Jason stated.

With no other choice, I nodded and hastily left. I slid down the wall of the building, trying to calm my heart down. For the supposed 'gentleman' of HOT, he sure was a massive dick. What the hell was I going to do?

What did you guys think? Tell me if you want anything else to happen. Tyler or Jason. I think I'm rooting for Jason.

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