Chapter 5

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I am sooooooooooo sorry!
I know I said that I would see y'all in a week but it has been a month. But I was very busy with exams promise to make it up to you with a double update next week.

I groaned as my alarm went off. Getting out of bed, I threw my alarm across the room against the wall, before climbing back into bed.

Lazy much

Shut up

Muttering curses under my breath, I soon realised that I wouldn't be able to go back to sleep. Guess I have to get ready....
The events from yesterday kept on repeating in my head.

Let's just say that after we arrived at the hall everything went downhill from there. Putting on my nerdy glasses I took them off when I saw that I had forgotten to put on my coloured contacts.

Heading downstairs I yet again saw that my mom was awake due to the mountain of pancakes stacked on a plate on the kitchen counter.
They looked so nice

But you can't have them

Just one wouldn't hurt...

One turns into two then three then four then five then six then seven then ei--

I get it, But I'm only going to have one!

Remember a moment on the lips a lifetime on the hips.

Whatever. I took one and before I could change my mind I took a bite. I felt like I was in heaven when I tasted the strawberries. I was just about to reach to get another when my hand was slapped away. I turned around to see my mom tapping her foot on the ground.
"Now I know where all my cupcakes have been going!" My mother laughed.
"But mo-om, they're just so delicious I couldn't help myself," I whined.
"Have fun working off those pancakes for three hours!"
My mom walked out of the room. I tried to discreetly take just one more pancake when I heard her shout:

"Bianca Beverly Kyle, don't you dare!"
I groaned and settled for a granola bar. Looking at the time, I decided that it was too early to leave for school. I headed back up to my room, flopped onto my bed and went on my laptop. I spent my time watching stupid videos of pandas sneezing.
Wow so productive!

I know, aren't I just?

After a while, I checked the time. My jaw dropped. I was going to be late, again! I scrambled down the stairs to see my mom and my sisters.
"Well, well, look who we have we here, " my mom taunted.
"Not in the mood for any of this, including school, " I responded rudely. 
That was my first mistake.
"I'm here now, aren't I?"
My mom sent me one look and I knew that I was about twenty feet under. My sisters sensing what was happening tiptoed out. I sent then a 'help me' look. But they just shook their heads while grinning widely like idiots.

My mom clearing her throat brought my attention back to her.

"Umm I'm late so I'm going to go so I don't have to get a late pass," I said meekly.

My mom held out her hand, tapping her foot.
"Phone, " she said.
"What" I asked, bewildered.
"Give me your phone. Just because you're in a bad mood does NOT mean you take it out on others. You're grounded for today, and if this repeats itself, I'll make it a week."

Grumbling to myself I dropped the twins off at school then headed off to mine. Getting out of my car, I ignored the looks of disgust I got, keeping my head low. If I told somebody my two lives they would probably wonder why don't I get people kissing up to me when I am Bianca Kyle's 'cousin'. It's because when I first got transferred to the school, people had no idea about it. On the first day the popular girls bullied me, basically making a statement as to where I stood in the school's 'hierarchy'. So everyone else bullied me. By the time they found out, it was too late. If they started to act all friendly towards me, it would tarnish their reputation. They would be labelled as 'cowards', or 'fake'. And so they harassed me, along with everyone else. Every single day. My recollections were suddenly interrupted when I bumped into someone.

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