Chapter 9

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When I got home, Mom asked about training. I gave her simple, one-worded answers.

"Hon, can you read your sisters a story before they go to sleep?"

I groaned. After the day I had, I just wanted to go straight to sleep. When I got to the twins' room, it was like they knew I was coming. They were both in their individual beds on opposite sides of the room, their books tucked neatly on their laps. I sat on the couch in-between them, sighing.

"What story?" I asked.

They each handed me the two different books, as if they thought that I would actually read both to them. I examined the covers of both of the books. One was Sleeping Beauty, and the other was Coraline. I got up, put the books back in the bookshelf and sat back down.

"How about I tell you a story instead?"

They both shook their heads and opened their mouths to protest but stopped when they saw the firm look on my face.

"There was once a girl called Scarlett Cole, and she was a secret agent. One day, she was sent to go on a mission with other agents. They had to go undercover in a highschool. Scarlett and the others had to change the way they looked, so that the bad guys couldn't recognise them. When...." My voice trailed off when I saw that they had already fallen asleep. I got up and tucked them into bed with a kiss. I turned around to see mom leaning against the doorway.

"Thank you," She muttered as I passed.
I nodded and walked to my room, hopped onto my bed and passed out.


I groaned and rolled over, slamming my hand on my phone in an attempt to snooze the alarm. I went back to sleep. Only when I heard someone's voice did I realise it was someone calling me, and not an alarm.

"Hello?" The voice said.
"Jason?" I questioned. I was about to stutter, before remembering that he already knew about my secret.
"How did you get my phone number?!" I exclaimed.
"I have everyone's number. I would have called you a long time ago if I knew I would get a chance to hear you snore," he said, laughing.
"I do not snore!" I insisted.
"Yes you do."
"No I don't!"
"Yes you do."
"No I don't!"
"No you don't! "
"Yes I do! Wait, I mean I don't!" I yelled, realising what he had done. Honestly, how childish could he get? I suddenly felt a smile creep onto my face. I shook my head. Why the hell was I smiling?
"You admit it!" Jason yelled back.
"What do you want?" I said, scowling.
"I need a coffee?" Jason said, as if stating the obvious.
"And what does that have to do with me?" I asked, immensely confused.
"Remember our deal?"
I scoffed. Really, I was actually going to have to act like his little PA? All that would do is draw more unwanted attention towards me.
"I like a black coffee with three sugars and a drop of milk," He continued.
"It's not a black coffee if it has milk," I mumbled before saying okay and ending the call.

I dropped my phone onto my covers and fell back onto my bed into a deep sleep, only for my actual alarm to go off. I got up reluctantly and carried out my normal routine.

When I was about three minutes away from school, I realised I forgot the coffee and headed back to Starbucks. By the time I got to school, I only had ten minutes until class started. I spotted Jason and the rest of the boys. My brain immediately went to Tyler. My eyes scanned the area around them to see if I could find him. I soon spotted Tyler leaning against the lockers. When he saw me looking in their direction, my staring was greeted with an unpleasant scowl. I blushed and turned my head the other way, pretending to be looking for something inside my locker for some books, when I already had them in my bag.


I abruptly heard someone yelling my head loudly. So loudly, in fact, that everyone in the hall turned to see who it was, me included. Running down the hall in my direction was Jason. When he got to where I stood, he smirked and held out his hand. I bitterly gave him the coffee. Everyone at this point was watching our interactions.

"Well hello to you too," I said as I put my bag on my back.
I started walking to my first class. Jason walked beside me, which only aggravated everyone even more. I tried my best to ignore the whispers surrounding me.

"Why are you following me?" I said, shooting Jason a glare.
"What do you mean? We have the same class right now. Plus, I thought I should say thank you for the coffee by letting you spend some time in my presence," He triumphantly stated.
"Answer this question for me, are all teen boys dicks?"
He burst out laughing at my response.

I was sitting in geography class, when the bell for the end of the day rang. I let out a yawn and stood up with everyone else. I headed out of the school building. Today was a tiring day, and I was going to have a tiring night. I had heard so many rumours in school as to what was up with my involvement with Jason throughout the day. Some said I seduced him while he was drunk and was now pregnant of his child, others said I payed Jason to be my pretend boyfriend. There were about a thousand different other ones, which somehow all ended up with me pregnant with Jason's child. I wasn't really worried. For me, it was the height of entertainment in what was a normally mundane school. Like, seriously? I paid Jason? The guy who probably used dollar bills as toliet paper? I might be going a bit too far, but so were the rumours.

Jason made me sit with him and the boys for lunch. Let's just say it was immensely awkward, especially when Charles offered me a slice of pizza. I refused and didn't bring my hand forward. He dropped it, so it ended up in Tyler's lap, who was sitting between the two of us. Let me tell you, he was *not* happy. The rest of the boys just acted as if I wasn't there. It would probably would ruin their "image" if they were seen talking to me. I could see that they didn't understand why Jason was even talking to me let alone letting me have lunch in his group. On top of all of that, Jason's was making me do his homework, so I had to go to his house. I know that I was the year's nerd, but no-one has ever told me to do their homework. Just when I was about to open the door of my car, a hand landed on my own and I felt something like a jolt of electricity. I looked up to see Tyler. He seemed to have felt it too, because his eyes were wide open. We stood there, frozen, until Tyler spoke.

"You're coming over to my house to work on the project," He said, more like an order than a request.
Really? The one time I can't work on it is when he decides he can?
"I-I-I can't. I'm going to Ja-Jasons house."
I thought I saw Tyler's jaw clench, but his face quickly relaxed, so I disregarded it.
"Well, you're coming over anyways. I'm only able to work in it today, so if you want to fail I'm fine with that. Besides, I'm sure Jason can find someone else to run his errands for him." And with that, he left.
I restrained myself from banging my head on door of my car. I didn't want to fail, but I didn't want to upset the one person who knew my secret. What the hell did I get myself into?

That was the only thought that came into my head. Why was Bianca suddenly hanging about with Jason? Why did it bother me so much? The rumours I heard at school were outrageous, but I couldn't help but be curious. Bianca was hiding something, and I was going to find out what it was.

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