Chapter 4

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Bianca's POV

"Bianca honey, look at me! Yeah, just like that, now I need you to look out into the distance as if you are an ethereal angel in pensive thought," The photographer barked.
"Okay... And we are done!"

I stretched my arms, my limbs stiff and exhausted from posing for too long. I had just finished posing for a newly established magazine called Grey Area. They thought having me on their cover would be great exposure, so they called my manager. I've always liked modelling for the more earnest, smaller magazines more than the million dollar ones, so of course I happily agreed.

A voice yelled as I was making my to way my car. I turned around to see my manager, Cheryl , trying to push through the plethora of fans that had gathered and to catch up to me in her six inch heels. When she was finally beside me she bent over, hands on her knees, trying to catch her breath. She adjusted her black powersuit and pat down her short, pastel blue hair
"Don't forget the after-premiere party of your new movie! I'll get a dress sent over, " Cher said, in-between breaths.
"Don't worry Cher, it's my own movie, of course I'll remember!" I laughed. Exchanging goodbyes, I went inside my car and headed home.

When I arrived home, I went straight to the living area and flopped onto the couch.  I was absolutely exhausted and all I wanted was a long nap. Just when I was about to close my eyes my phone buzzed. I went onto my phone to see that I got a text.

'Ugh, I swear to God if this is another text from Cheryl telling me to go to the studio I will rip her hair out!' I thought.
I mean I deserve a break, right? 
I let out a sigh of relief when I saw it was not her but frowned when I saw it was an unknown number. Who on earth could it be? I went into my messages and read the text.
"Hey, this is Tyler. When are we doing the project? You know it's due in five days, right?"

I gasped as the realisation dawned on me. In the midst of my hectic schedule, the project hadn't even crossed my mind! I received another text from Tyler:
"We can meet up at your house today or tomorrow, whichever you prefer."

I looked at the text, numb.

'What the hell should I do? I need to go to that event today, but the 'nerd' not completing an assignment definitely wouldn't go unnoticed, ' I pondered. I was about to text him to come tomorrow, but I doubted my schedule wasn't jam packed.

'Oh well, I'm going to have to make like wonder woman and work miracles tomorrow and be in two places at once. Not that hard, right?' I tried to reassure myself, but for some reason I had a *really* bad feeling about this.

A/N Bianca's dad above(Colin Firth(imagine him with green eyes))I did not know I had fallen asleep until I saw my dad, adorned in a sleek black suit, shaking my shoulders and saying "Wakey wakey, sleeping beauty

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A/N Bianca's dad above(Colin Firth(imagine him with green eyes))
I did not know I had fallen asleep until I saw my dad, adorned in a sleek black suit, shaking my shoulders and saying
"Wakey wakey, sleeping beauty."
I drowsily slapped his hands away in vain, my dad still persisting. After what seemed like five minutes I finally gave in and sat up. "Ugh, Dad, why did you wake me up? I still have a few hours!" I said while yawning, my eyes still adjusting to the light.

"Actually, you have one hour left, honey," My father chuckled.
As soon as these words left his mouth i flew up from the couch already prepared to tackle my father. As if he sensed my anger, he took a few steps back and gave me a sheepish look.

"What the hell, dad! You know how long it takes for me to get ready!"
He opened his mouth to say something but i didn't catch it as i had already bounded half way up the stairs.

After I got ready, I looked at myself, proud that I was able to do everything in 85 minutes.
'But you're still late,' my mind smugly remarked.
I shrugged. Better late than never! My dad did not come into my room to tell me to hurry up, presumably afraid that I would blow up on him. I hung my head in guilt, remembering my behaviour towards him. I made a mental note to be extra nice to him today. I was sure my father knew I meant no harm, though, and that sometimes my temper would get the better of me.

A/N Bianca's dress above'I would have been done a lot earlier if my sisters didn't mess with my make-up,' I sighed in irritation

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A/N Bianca's dress above
'I would have been done a lot earlier if my sisters didn't mess with my make-up,' I sighed in irritation. I took one final look at myself and silently thanked the heavens that Cheryl had gotten a decent dress delivered.  walking down the stairs I saw my dad sitting on the couch I was sleeping on. When he saw me he didn't say anything but he did let out a sigh telling me he was beginning to get impatient.

My guilt suddenly deepened. I shouldn't have fallen asleep, then maybe we wouldn't   be late to our first movie premiere, celebrating our first movie with both of us in it. Shrugging the thoughts I smiled gently at my father, indicating my improved mood and entered the limo. I needed to stay positive.

In the limo, tensions were high. Before the guilt consumed me, I decided to apologise to my dad.
"Uh, dad, I'm really sorry for lashing out at you, it was entirely my fault that we're late," A few seconds passed, and my dad responded.
"Honey, none of us are perfect, I get it. I should have known better than to wake a sleeping beast!" My father teased.
"Dad!" I whined, a smile plastered onto my face.

After taking in a deep breath, I walked up to the door with my dad. The body guard gave a glance before opening the door to the halls. We walked in and I could practically feel all of the stares coming from the people already there burning through me.

'Well what do you expect when you arrived two hours late to your own movie premiere?' My brain taunted.

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