November 18 2018- Chapter 1

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"Rudyyyy" I hear my mom yell from most likely the kitchen.
"YESSSSSS???" I yell back, knowing she hates when I do that. I walk downstairs to the kitchen and find her there. "Yes mom?" She looks up from her phone with a little bit of an annoyed look.
"First of all you know I hate when you yell from your room" Yet she can yell to my room from the kitchen? " and second of all we are going out to dinner with an old friend of mine, so you have an hour to get ready" She goes right back to her phone after telling me.
"Yep" She says still not looking up from her phone.
"I'm already ready" I say looking down at my plaid shirt and black jeans. She looks up at me and then down my outfit.
"Oh no no no no, Rudy we are going somewhere nice with an old friend of mine, so you have to dress a little more girly please. Wear that dress I got you last year for your birthday." And again she goes back to texting someone on her phone.
"Fine" I huff running back upstairs.

I pull my closet apart trying to find the box that the dress I am supposed to where is in. I finally find it under a pile of old t-shirts. It was a army green somewhat fitted dress, that thankfully had a high neckline.(Picture Above) I pulled out some strappy black heels to make me taller and paired it with a black clutch. I threw on some concealer and mascara too distract from my bags.
I walk downstairs an hour later and see all my brothers and my dad in suits and my little sister Elle in a black and white dress, matching my mom. We walk out to our cars and get into them. I was in the front seat of my oldest brother Jem's car with my other older brother Torin and my younger brother Micah in the back. My parents and my sister Elle and my brother Doc in the other car.
We arrive  at "L'AMOUR" the fanciest restaurant in our small town, we had never been here before, I wonder how we had enough money to go now. I walk in my arm around Micah's waist. We were the closest since we are Irish twins, 11 months apart, we told each other everything and are each other's best friends. My mom asks the front desk where are table was and the lady leads us to roof, it was cold outside so I don't know why we were going outside. I shiver as we are lead to are table, where a woman and man and there three sons are sitting. I sit across from the sons and they both look at me, I noticed they are identical twins. They look me up and down while I sit down before they turn back to talking to each other.

"Molly!!!" I hear someone scream my moms name.
"Kendra!!!!" My mom screams as she and the other woman hug each other, for a very long time. When they finally calm down and sit down, they introduce everyone.
"Well this is my husband Darren and my three boys Niall, Finn and Briggs" Kendra says gesturing to everyone, Niall was sitting straight across from me and Finn was next to him.
"And this is my big family" my moms laughs pointing to each of us "this is my husband Ben and my 6 kids, Jem, Torin, Rudy, Micah, Doc and Elle" my mom says pointing each of us out before she starts a conversation with Kendra. My dad and Daren start talking and my brothers are all on their phones. I try talking to Elle but she was talking to Briggs. Niall and Finn were still staring at me, it felt a little creepy how much they were looking at me. I finally look up at them and make eye contact with Niall, his eyes felt like they were burning into mine.

"Rudy eh? That's and interesting name" Niall finally speaks, his voice very deep.
"Yeah if you couldn't tell my parents like unique names" I respond a little bit of sass in my voice.
"Oh yeah hahah I forgot Doc ahahaha."
"His name is Docker, that was a common name the year he was born."
"Oh okay, how about Jem that's a little weird."
"His name is Jeremiah, that's not weird at all, Jem is a common nickname" the sass in my voice growing.
"Oh awkward, sorry just not the best at conversations."
"It's okay" my voice calming down a bit.
"So what school do you go to?" He actually acts interested while his brother is typing away on his phone.
"Northward High School."
"Oh really that's where we go, never seen you around." That's where I have seen them from, school, they're the popular boys.
"Yeah I don't do much at school." I look down quickly at my phone and see my best friend Guy had texted me.
"Rudy! No texting please!" My mom yells at me for the end of the table. I look around and see all my sibling and both of Niall's siblings on their phones, but I decide against arguing with her in front of everyone.
"So Ru what do you do than?" Niall asks.
"Ru?" I question his sudden nickname.
"Yeah I figured I should give you a nickname since everyone else calls you Rudy." Actually my best friend calls me Roo Roo, but that's not necessary to tell him I guess. "So Ru what do you do than?" He asks again.
"She volunteers at an animal shelter, everyone loves her there, she wants to be a vet and probably will." I turn and hit Jem across his head, he always brags about me it gets annoying, the overprotective brothers.
"Oooo fancy girl, what animal shelter?" He seems sincere and sarcastic at the same time.
"Um Northward SPCA."
"Cool, that's where we got our dog Princess."
"Hahahah princess did your mom name her?"I laugh that was such a popular name.
"Um no I named her, 2 years ago, I am a softy for animals." Awww that's so cute. Wait no not cute. Ew.

We finished dinner and said goodbye. I gave Kendra, Darren, Finn and Briggs all hugs and now it was my turn to hug Niall. For some reason I had butterflies in my stomach, I probably just ate to much. He walked up to me and wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me close to his body. My arms wouldn't move and my body felt limp in his arms.
"Ru this is when you wrap your arms around my neck, so we can get this hug up and over with."
"Oh right haha" I wrap my arms around his neck and quickly go to pull away, but he keeps a tight hold around my waist.
"See ya in school tomorrow Ru" he whispers in my ear before letting me go. I go to walk off and he taps my bum before turning around and walking to his car. I hop in the back of Jem's car and cuddle into Micah's arms. I am almost asleep when I hear my brothers start talking.
"Yo Micah what do you think about Niall?" I hear Torin say.
"I don't know, he seems nice, he mainly talked to baby." They all had a thing about calling me baby even though I was the middle child not the youngest.
"That's my point, baby can't get caught up with him, he's a player and not the nicest guy, I heard he beat up one of his ex girlfriends." Torin says.
"Oh my gosh that's sick, he definitely can't hang around our baby." Micah responds squeezing me gently.
A couple minutes later I feel someone wrap their arms around me and lift me up, I inhale and realize it's Jem. I'm set down on a bed, definitely not mine, as it smells of Axe cologne. Next I'm pulled into someone's arms, I recognize it as Torin and I soon drift off.

First Chapter Hope You Like It!!! I Have Big Things Planned For This Story!


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