November 28 2018- Chapter 5

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I walk into the school with my head down, not wanting to see anyone familiar. I get to my locker and look up to unlock it, I grab my Biology and Calculus books, putting them in my bag.
"Rudy?" I turn around and see Sawyer standing behind me. I immediately wrap my arms around his torso, inhaling his scent, he wraps his arms around my back and slowly rubs his hand in circles, in a calming motion.
"Thank you Sawyer, I really needed you yesterday."
"I'm here for you Rudy, always if you need anything I'm here for you" He whispers softly in my ear.
I pull away from him and see Niall standing about 20 feet away staring at us, I look back at Sawyer and smile at him.
"Wanna walk me to class?" I say walking away a couple of steps.
"I'd love to, for you of course!" He says interlocking our fingers. I've never held anyone's hand before, other than my brothers and Guys, it felt nice with Sawyer almost natural for us. We walk to my Biology class and as we reach the door he leans down and kisses my cheek.
"See you later beautiful!" He says calmly before walking off to his class. He just called me beautiful, he was so cute, oh my gosh did I like Sawyer George!?

That's all I thought about all Biology class, did I like him? Did he like me? I was now in. Calculus and Niall was sitting at the front, although his new assigned seat was next to me, since Guy was sitting next to Brian. He kept glancing back at me and I tried to ignore it but I made eye contact with him a couple of times.
"Niall?" Mr Barker the Calculus teacher asks.
"Yes Mr?" He grunts back.
"That is not your seat, please return to your seat next to Ms Little." Niall mumbles something along the lines of 'no f*cking way' before he grabs his stuff and makes his way back to our desk. I pretend to look at the worksheet in front of me, but I can feel his eyes on me. I decide enough is enough and I need to talk to him, to let him know it's not his fault I didn't talk to anyone yesterday.
"Niall?" I say quietly, meeting his eyes with own.
"Hmhm?" He grunts.
"It's okay" I say still staring at him. His whole body relaxes and I can see his eyes return to their normal calm selves.
"Really? I thought you hated me, I'm so sorry I didn't mean to do that, it's just she just broke up with me and you were there and you're so pretty and I just I don't I guess I just did it" he whispers the last part and looks away from me. He thinks I'm pretty? Wow! Wait no he can't think I'm pretty, no that's weird and gross.
"It's fine Niall, I'm sorry I overreacted, I'm okay I swear" I smile at him and he smiles back.
"Okay good, by the way that's wrong" he says pointing to the question I just finished. I laugh as he fixes it, I would just need to get him to tutor me or else I am gonna fail this class.
"Thanks Ni."

"Walk you too lunch?" Niall says as we walk out of Calculus.
"Sure" Just as I say that Sawyer walks up to me and interlocks our hands. "Hey!" I say with a full blown smile on my face.
"Hey Rudy!" He says back, his smile just as big as mine, I think I really liked this boy. "Walk you to your locker?" He asks as we stand outside my previous classes door.
"Um well Niall was gonna but you both can I guess!" I say gesturing to Niall beside me.
"Okay! As long as I get to be with you!" He was so sweet, I definitely liked his boy, a lot.
We all walk down the hall, Sawyers hand in mine and Niall walks right next to me, jeez a couple weeks ago neither of them even noticed me. I get to my locker and I exchange my books throwing them in my bag.
"Do you want me to hold that?" Niall asks, gesturing to my bag.
"Sure thanks Ni!" I hand him my bag and we continue walking down the hall. I wrap my other arm around Sawyers arm that he was holding my hand with and lean onto his side. I look up at him, his smile was so big, I think this boy liked me back.

We arrive at the cafeteria and make our way over to our table, I sit next to Talia and Finn like I do everyday and dig into my lunch immediately. I look around and see nobody is eating like they usually are at the start of lunch, instead they were looking over at Niall. I look up and follow everyone's eyes and see the one and only Fiona, Niall's ex sitting down in her regular seat next to him.
"Fiona? You're not welcome here anymore, remember you broke up with me, which is even worse, so leave" Niall groans, turning so he couldn't look at her anymore.
"I invited her dude, we're together now!" I hear Forrest say from next to Fiona. That was gonna piss Niall off.
"Niall" I say quickly trying to get him to look at me. "Niall" I repeat.
"Oh you little f*cker, you're dating my ex!! Do you not know the bro code? WE DONT DATE EXES! AND YOU INVITED HER TO SIT HERE!!?, YOU LEAVE NOW AND NEVER COME BACK OR IM GONNA BEAT YOU UP SO BAD YOU WONT BE ABLE TO HAVE KIDS WITH THIS BITCH" By the end of his little rant everyone in the whole cafeteria was looking at him.
"Niall" I say my voice raising, he looks at me guilt in his eyes. "Leave" I say getting up and walking out, I hear him following close behind.
"RU! I'm sorry Ru it's just it still hurts and he's supposed to be my best friend, ugh I'm sorry I know I shouldn't have done that" By the time he finished apologizing he had sat down against some random locker and had his head in his hands. I sit down next to him and pull him close to my side.
"It's okay Niall, I understand it's just you shouldn't have reacted like that, you would have looked like the bigger person if you had just ignored it and moved somewhere else to sit for lunch, everyone else would have followed you to the new place. But now you look like the smaller and more immature person, I only got mad for your own good" He had looked up to me half way through my mini speech and he hasn't looked away since.
"Thank you Ru!" He says pulling me into a quick hug.
"Rudy?" I hear someone call my name from down the hallway.
"Yeah?" I yell back standing up and walking towards the voice, I turn a corner and find Sawyer standing there. He was in the middle of the hallway holding a bouquet of bright yellow sunflowers. "Sawyer?"
"Rudy, I know I've only known you a short time, but your truly amazing and I love spending time with you and you're absolutely beautiful. I was just wondering if you would do me the blessing of being my girlfriend?" Oh my gosh he was so cute, Wait he's asking me what? What do I say? Oh wait yes, yes.
"Yes of course Sawyer!" I say going up and hugging him, taking the flowers from his hands at the same moment.
"Oh my gosh I can't believe you said yes, I thought for sure I would make a fool of myself" he laughs awkwardly after a few minutes of us hugging.
"I could never say no to you, you're too cute!" I smile at him.
"Cute? Is that all your boyfriend gets?" Boyfriend! I love that word!
"Oh he may be handsome or even hot, but cute is a perfect word haha" I say snuggling into his side as we walk down the hall, I had dropped my flowers off in my locker and we were on the way to my third period class.
"So now that we are official, would you like to go out with me, on like a real date?" He seemed a bit nervous asking me.
"Of course, boyfriend!" Oh how I loved that word.
"I'll pick you up at 8:00pm tonight, girlfriend!" He says pecking my cheek before walking off to his class.

"Mom? Dad? Siblings?" I call out as I get in the door, around 5:00pm after being at the shelter all afternoon.
"Rudy?" I hear my dad yell from the kitchen. "Come here for a second."
"Okay, but I'm warning you, I smell like wet dogs, I have been bathing them all today..." I say entering the kitchen, but I see it's packed with my whole family and the Fords. "Woah why is everyone here? Are we having dinner? Cause I already made plans, whoops I'm sorry, I can probably cancel them..."
"No Rudy it's okay, you can go to your plans, we just want to let everyone know that the Fords and us will be going on a family vacation together this February!" He sounded so excited, but being stuck with mainly boys someone can be dreadful.
"Oh that sounds like so much fun, what week is it?" I say agreeing with all the excited comments going around.
"From the 10th to the 28th, so it will be a long one and here's the best part! We are going too the Greek island Tinos!!" Where the hell was that? And 18 days with my boyfriend, I needed to tell Sawyer this immediately, he was gonna wanna break up I bet.
"That long!" I whisper to I thought myself, before I feel a set of lips my ear.
"What darling you don't want to be this hot body for that long?" I turn around and see Niall trying to show off his muscles. I go on my tiptoes to reach his ear and whisper back.
"No, the only body I care about is my boyfriends, you know him, Sawyer.." I teased, he started to hate Sawyer when I started talking to him for some weird reason.
"WHAT!!?? YOU HAVE A BOYFRIEND? SINCE WHEN RU!" He screams, for both our families to hear, even though he already knew we started dating, he was the second person I told, the first being Guy, whom was super excited. I turn back around and see my dad and all my brothers staring at me.
"I'm gonna kill you for that Niall" I yell/say back to him, whilst punching him in his groin, not to hard, but hard enough.
"Mother f*c... FUDGER Ru, you punch like a guy" he says back, his voice full of pain. I start laughing at him, before I see the faces on my dad and brothers faces when I turn back around.
"Rudy, we need to talk, now! Your room" my dad says sternly walking off.

By the time I get up to my room, all my brothers and my dad were already there sitting a row on my bed. I climb up onto my mini loft by my window, cuddling into my blankets and stuffed animals.
"So Rudy what's his name?" My dad is the first to speak.
"Sawyer George!" I say the smile on my face already full blown again, just by the mention of his name.
"That's the one who brought you home the other night right?" Jem asks.
"That's him, he's really sweet I promise! And I really like him, so you have to like him too. Or else I don't like you anymore, he's really important to me and he makes me happy..."
"Okay we get Baby, you like him a lot and we have to be nice, we will try" Micah interrupts me and then gets up to leave, the rest of the, following me.
"Congrats on finally get a boy Rudy!" Doc says on his way out.
"Thanks Docky!" I tease back.
"Don't call me that" I hear him faintly yell from downstairs.

Sawyer took me to a soccer field for our first date and we screwed around with a soccer ball and he made us a picnic to eat. It was really cute. My dad didn't interview him very long and ended up telling me he liked me. Mic told me he approved of him too, but Torin and Jem both disagreed and said they didn't think he was right for me. But I just ignored it, they would come around eventually, and like him as much as I do.

Nate Garner as Sawyer Albert 186'1"(I know Nate is like 32 now but I'm imagining him as a teenager)

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Nate Garner as Sawyer Albert 18
(I know Nate is like 32 now but I'm imagining him as a teenager)

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