November 24 2018- Chapter 3

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It was the morning of my SPCA's charity event and I was currently getting ready. I had my normal black jeans and plaid shirt on, but instead of a red plaid I was wearing a blue plaid.
This rest of the week I had lunch with Niall and everyone else everyday and I got to know Sawyer and Talia a lot better. Sawyer was very flirty and it was nice having someone pay attention to me for once, Guy was really busy with Brian everyday and Sawyer was mad that he lost bro time with Brian, so we talked a lot about that. Niall and Fiona were still together, but he kept complaining about her to me whenever we talked. Finn was still super quiet, he barely talked to me, like ever.
Niall was picking me up for the charity event, I have known him for less than a week but we have become good friends, he started coming to the shelter with me after school everyday, and he has found the dog he wants to show to his parents. She was beautiful, a mix between a husky and a German Shepard, puppy with blue eyes.(Picture Above) Niall fell in love with her the moment he saw her, the first day. He had taken this week to get to know her and she had gotten used to him now.

It was 8am when he texted me he was here. I walked downstairs, no one was awake this early on a Saturday, so I wrote a note letting them all know where I was.
"Hey Niall! You excited for today?" I say as I hop in his front seat.
"Hey Ru and yeah I am so excited, but I can't possibly be as excited as you!" He smiles with every word.
"I'm so excited, I hope a lot of people show up, all these animals deserve someone to at least consider them, they all are amazing!" The smile on my face growing.
"Well I mentioned it to all my friends and my parents told their friends about it, so I'm hoping everyone shows up" I smile at him, that's so sweet he told people about my event. "Fiona is coming too, she is so excited to meet Angel and she wants to see the kittens as her mom is letting her rescue one!" Of course she's coming.
"Oooo so you decided on Angel for the sweet girl!" I knew he was gonna go with that, Peaches was just too out there.
"Yeah I like Angel better, Peaches is just, I don't its just too...."
"Too out there?" I say to him.
"Yeah, do you think Angel is too common?" He glances at me, but his normal smirk is a full blown smile.
"No, out of all the dogs I have helped get rescued, I haven't heard of one Angel when they're renamed."
"Okay that's good."

We arrive at the Shelter to help load the animals on the trucks to bring to the community centre field, which is where the charity event is being hosted. We walk in just as Angel is being brought out of the back.
"Wait! We're going to take this one with us, Niall is going to rescue her today!" I say taking her from Bill, one of the workers. "Here Niall, you can take her to the car" I say handing him the cage.
"Hi sweet girl, I love you Angel" I hear him say as he walks off.
I help get the rest of the dogs into their kennels and onto the truck and their was just Pete left. Pete is a 4 year old pit bull, he was in dog fighting for the first 3 years of his life , but now he is recovering and he is the happiest boy I know.
"Hey Pete Pete!!" I say opening his cage and he jumps on top of me. "How's my boy? Let's hope you get adopted today! That would be great!" I walk him out to Niall's car as the trucks were all full and off to the event.
"Hey Pete!" Niall says opening the backdoor for him. We both hop in the front and Niall starts his car before driving off to the community centre.
"Off we go hahahah, I'm so excited!" I think my smile is the biggest today than it ever has been before.

We arrive 20 minutes later and everything is pretty much set up, all that was left to do was arrange the animals together. I bring Pete out of the car while Niall brings Angel, and we lead over to a pen by themselves. We start grabbing some other dogs and matching them together so the small dogs were together and big dogs and same breeds were together. After everything was finished it was already 10:00am, which was when the event started. I look out at the parking lot just in time to see a group of cars arriving, I walk out to greet them as does Niall.

"Hello everyone my names Rudy and I am the coordinator of all this, I'm so happy so many people arrived, all these animals are so very special, they're just looking for someone to love them the way they need to be loved!" I start walking over to the pens and introducing them all. "This is Minnie she is a 6 year old Pomeranian and she loves kids and is getting better with cats, she would be perfect for anyone really!" I continue walking around and introducing animals to people.
Before I know it's 4:00pm and the event was over and packed up, the whole day was super successful, a total of 17 dogs were rescued and 10 of the 20 cats we brought were also rescued. Niall's family fell in love with Angel and Princess loved her too. Pete was also rescued, which is amazing but I was gonna miss him a lot. I even thought about asking my parents if I could adopt him, I was told he was going to an amazing home though, but I never got to say goodbye to him.
"Ru!" I look up from my thoughts and see Niall with Fiona on his arm walking towards me.
"Are you upset?" He looks at me intensely.
"Nope" I say popping the p.
"Okay. Guess what?!" He says more exciting than before.
"Fiona rescued a little kitten! Um I think her name was Opal, right Fiona?" He says looking at her.
"Yeah it was Opal but I'm changing it to Harper!" She looks down at me sitting on the ground, her face full of joy.
"Congrats and thank you for rescuing, I'm sure she will have a great life in your home!" I say the same speech that I said to the rest of the rescuers.
"Okay well I have to go, see you Niall" she says goodbye kissing him deeply before walking away. He sits down next to me leaning against the tree I was sitting against.
"Ru?" He says softly after a couple minutes of silence.
"Why are you sad?" His voice was full of emotion.
"Pete got rescued, and I didn't get to say goodbye to him and I don't know... I kinda wanted to adopt him myself" my face was now wet from the tears falling down my face.
"Oh Ru, I'm sorry, how about we get you home now, does that sound nice?" He got up and held his hand out for me to grab, which I did. We walk slowly back to his car, not speaking just walking side by side. It took another 20 minutes to get back to my place, and I was surprised to see so many cars parked outside my house.
"Oh yeah by the way, my family is over here, with Angel and Princess" he says his face still full with joy.
"Okay" I say pushing the door open. I walk in to see everyone there, my family, Niall's family, Guy and his family, and Jem's fiancé and her daughter, all crowded in the front hall. All the sudden the emotions from losing Pete all came at once, I look at everyone before I run up the stairs to my room, I slam the door behind me. I jump on my bed and grab my teddy bear from when I was kid named Woofer, I cry into it whimpering every so often. I gave it at most 10 minutes before someone came after me, my dad always told him to wait a bit, as I can be quite nasty to people when I'm in a mood. I stayed there crying for a bit before I heard a quiet knock on the door.
"Baby? Can I come in?" It was Micah, I didn't respond, I knew he would just come in anyways. And sure enough 10 seconds later he walks in, he sits on the edge of my bed and grabs my waist pulling me to him. "What's wrong baby? Why are you so sad?" His face was concerned and it just made me cry even more.
"Pete is gone, Mic, he's gone and I won't ever see him again" I say after I calm down a bit.
"Oh baby it's okay, you'll see him again, I know who adopted him!" I jump up from his arms immediately.
"What? Who adopted him? Where is he?" So many questions were ringing in my head.
"Follow me baby!" Mic says, already heading out my door and down the hall. I chase after him, down the stairs and into the living room. When I burst brought the doors everyone is in there sitting or standing around he room. But my eyes were on the thing in the middle of everyone. There with a big red bow around his neck, stood Pete, the one and only Pete. As soon as he saw me, he came barrelling towards me, I bent down just in time to catch him as he jumped onto me.
"PETE PETE!! My boy how are you!!" I say as I hug him, enjoying his slobbery kisses for once. "I thought I lost you buddy." After a little while of hugging him, I look up to my parents. "Is he really mine?" I ask, they never let me get a dog before, what changed their minds.
"Yep, but don't thank us, thank Micah!" I stand up and turn to Mic, before I leap into his arms. I wrap my arms around his neck hugging him tightly.
"Thank you so much Mic! I love you!" I mumble into his neck.
"Don't thank me entirely, I was just the one who asked mom and dad, this was all Niall's suggestion, he told me how much you loved this dog and that he thought you should have him." I pull back from him and stare at him with wide eyes. I look over to Niall who was currently talking to Jem and Torin. I jump out of Micah's arms and run over to Niall, Pete chasing after me. I tackle Niall from behind, causing us both to fall forward. I land on his back and him on his stomach, he groans and rubs his head.
"Ruuuu! Why did you do that?" He says rolling over so I was straddling his groin. I pull him into a hug and he relaxes instantly.
"Thank you so much Niall, I love you!" I whisper in his ear, Wait did I really just tell someone I have known a week that I love them, but I did love him, he was a great friend.
"I love you to Ru" he whispers back, sending in shivers down my spine.

Wow this was a great chapter!!! A long one just for you guys!

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