November 29 2018- Chapter 6

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"RUDYYYYY!! YOUR LATE!!" Micah screams, running into my room. The look on his face when he sees that I'm awake and ready to go, was priceless. "Rudy? You're late."
"No I'm not."
"Yes you are, hurry up the bus is outside.."
"Mic, when you get a boyfriend who has a car, you no longer take the bus" I say taking my time picking out my outfit for the day.
"Oh right, Amelia keeps telling me to buy a car, I guess that's why." He says laughing as he runs down the stairs.
I decide on my normal black jeans and a long sleeve denim shirt, with black slide on vans. Just as I slide on my shoes, I hear a honk outside, I run downstairs and see both Torin and Jem looking out the front window from behind the curtain.
"Ahem" I pretend to cough, they both jump slightly, before turning to me. "Boys, why are you spying on my boyfriend?" I question them.
"Baby he's not right for you, I think he's planning something to embarrass you, I don't want you to date him" Torin is the first to speak, the nerve in this guy.
"I agree baby, you shouldn't date him he's not right for you, there is someone else you should consider" Jem says, the f*cking nerve is both of these boys. I wonder who I should consider, is their someone else that likes me, Wait no that's not what I should be thinking about right now.
"You know what no, your just upset that you guys aren't the most important guys in my life anymore, now goodbye my boyfriend is here for me" I turn on my heel and walk out the front door, hopping in the front seat of Sawyers Jeep.
"Heyy" I say pecking his cheek.
"Hey baby, ready to go?"
"Yep" I say looking out the window, seeing my brothers still looking out at us, let's get them all riled up. "Wait first" I say leaning in pressing my lips against his softly. Niall's lips were so much softer than his, no no why am I thinking about this right now. He kisses me back with a lot more passion, he was kinda sloppy, and his lips were chapped, I could feel the dry skin ever time he moved his lips, but he was amazing actually, kinda. He deepened the kiss and his tongue slides into my mouth, I let him explore my mouth, before I pull away. He keeps us close pecking my lips one more time.
"Holy crap baby, that was amazing." Glad it was enjoyable for him at least.
"Yeah it was" I nod agreeing with him, one day into our relationship and I was already lying to him. He pulls away from my house and I glance back seeing the boys staring at me with scowls on their faces, I was gonna get in trouble after school.

I get through the day easily, except for getting confronted by a bunch of girls asking how I won Sawyer over that easily. Niall had a new fling, her name was Jade and she dressed in the most skimpiest things ever, worse than Fiona, she stole my seat at first, than made a big fuss about sitting next to Niall cause she couldn't play footsie with him. He reminded her that if she sat next to him they could make out, she excitedly moved next to him after he said that. I was still doing bad in Calculus, but luckily Niall agreed to tutor me everyday after the Shelter. Which was where I was now,  cleaning the dog kennels out.

"Rudy?" I hear Bill one of the workers call.
"Yeah?" I yell back, finishing up with the last cage.
"Do mind coming to office A for a sec?"
"Coming!" They never called me to the office before, I wonder why now.
I make my way to the offices, entering office A, in there sat Bill with a new pit bull standing next to him and Ronda, the shelters vet. "How can I help you?" I say sitting next to Bill.
"Rudy! As you see we have a new dog, and turns out she is Pete's mom! And we were wondering if you would be willing to foster her, so she can be with Pete a bit before we find a home for her?" Woah Pete's mom? Another dog my parents would never let me.
"I will check with my parents! She is absolutely beautiful with her green eyes, does she have a name?" My parents weren't going to let me foster her for sure.
"She doesn't actually, you could think of one for her if you want!" Bill responds, she looked so happy being with people.
"Hmmm she looks like maybe a De De" I say looking at her face.
"That's a great name! Ask your parents and get back to us, cause we will have to find another foster family for her if you can't, cause we are full here." Great putting the pressure on me much.
After I finish up at the shelter I text Niall, to see where he is.

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