November 27 2018- Chapter 4

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I woke up to my alarm blaring off, on the other side of my room, I roll over pulling my pillow over my ears, it would go away soon. It didn't it continued for another 10 minutes, I roll back over to get up only to find Torin standing in my room.
"Baby?" He says looking at me.
"Hmhm?" I groan getting up and walking over to my desk to start getting ready.
"Baby?" He repeats.
"What?" I snap, I was never a morning person, never will be one, unless I'm excited for something that day.
"You have a drive waiting for you outside, be quick" and with that he walks off closing my door behind him. Oooo it's Guy, I haven't seen him since Saturday. I fix my hair quickly and throw on some light makeup, before I turn and throw on my normal plaid shirt and black jeans. I run downstairs and grab an apple from the fruit bowl on the counter.
"See ya Mom and Dad!" I scream running out the door. I look around for Guys dads car, but it isn't there instead standing there is Niall and his beautiful slick black car. "Niall? What are you doing here?" I say walking up to him, I notice that there is something different about him though. He doesn't have his normal smirk or his irregular smile on his face, instead he is frowning, I don't think I've ever seen him frown before.
"Ru" He says quietly before he gets in his car. I follow his act and get into his car with him. I look over at him, but he keeps his eyes on the road ahead of him, not looking away once.
We arrive at school, 10 minutes later, I sit still waiting for Niall to say something.
"Niall? What's wrong?" I say pulling on his arm, making him look at me. I take in his appearance, his eye were red and puffy, his hair was a mess, but the most surprising thing was what he was wearing, he had a black hoodie on and grey sweatpants. Something was wrong. "Ni?"
"Ru.......she broke up with me" he says quietly, looking down at his hands. Oh my god, Fiona did it before he could, and he was heart broken.
"Oh Niall I'm sorry" I say pulling him into a hug, he wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me closer to his body, his head was in the crook of my neck and I could feel his warm breath and his wet tears on my skin. I go to pull away but he keeps holding on to me, his whimpers have settled down and he was just holding onto to me now. "Niall?" I say softly and he pulls away, but he keeps us close, our faces inches apart. His eyes flicker back and forth from my eyes to my lips, before he leans in. His soft lips touch mine slowly and I freeze, why was he kissing me? Wait he was kissing me! This was my first kiss! I pull away and my instincts take over, my hand comes up and I slap him hard across his left cheek. "What the f*ck!?!? Niall!?!" I scream before I hop out of his car. I run into the school not stopping till I got to the library, I run to the very back and sit down in a corner behind two bookcases.

Roo Roo where are you? -Guy

Baby you're late for class where are you?-Mic


Baby where did you go?-Jemmy

Rudy it's mom where are you honey schools over and you're still not home. -Mom

Rudy it's dad tell me where you are now! -Dad

Baby baby where did you go!- Doc

Hey Rudy it's me Talia everyone is looking for you where'd you go?-Talia

Hey Rudy! Sawyer here let me know if you need anything!- Sawyer

Ru? I'm sorry-Niall

What the f*ck did my brother do this time? -Finn

Jeez what time is it, how long have I been alseep, I look at my phone and see it's 4:30pm, oh god I hope I'm not locked in here for the night. I slowly get up cracking my back on the way, I walk out to the door and it was still open. I walk out and down the empty hall ways.
"Miss?" I turn around and see the janitor walking towards me.
"What are you doing here?" He asks.
"Oh um I was just finishing up studying in the library, I'm on my out, sorry!" I walk away after that, debating on who I should call. I decide on Sawyer and call him quickly.
"Hey Sawyer it's Rudy."
"Rudy! Where are you? Let me tell Niall."
"No wait don't! Can you pick me up at the school?"
"Okay Rudy, be there in 10." He hangs up after that.

I sit down on the ground waiting for Sawyer to come get me, the sun was going down and I began to shiver, as I left my coat in Niall's car this morning. I slowly start to drift off, but a loud honk wakes me right up. I look up and see Sawyer in his car right in front of me. I get up and hop in his car.
"Where were you Rudy?" He asks slowly, trying not to push.
"I was here all day, but I didn't go to classes, I was in the library."
"Why?" He says turning the heater up.
"Did you hear Fiona broke up with Niall?"
"He told me that this morning and got really upset, so I hugged him and then he kissed me."
"He kissed you? What's so wrong with that?"
"I've only known him for a week Sawyer and that was my... first kiss" I whisper the last part.
"Ooh I see, but still why did you hide all day?"
"Because I slapped him after that and ran off, I kinda feel bad, but I don't like him like that at all." I looked down remembering the events that happened this morning, his lips were so soft, Wait no not soft gross!
"Well I don't think he thought much of that, he has been so scared all day after he didn't see you in Calculus, you kinda ruined him today." He looks up at me before starting his car and driving off to my house. I don't speak anymore and instead just pull my knees to my chest and rest my head on the window. I drift off to sleep shortly after.

"Rudy?" I hear Sawyer whisper. I don't move not wanting to get out of the warm car. I feel his arms wrap under my legs and around my back and him lift me out of he car. He knocks on my front door and it swings open almost immediately.
"Rudy?" I recognize my dads voice.
"Shhh she's sleeping" Sawyer says, I feel him start walking again, but he stops shortly after.
"Here give her to me" Jem says.
"No thanks, sorry I mean I don't want her to wake up, I can just put her in her bed and leave" Jeez Sawyer was brave, going against my brother like that.
"That's okay, boy, I can carry my baby sister upstairs" I hear Jem's voice getting louder, before he takes me into his arms.
"Okay well see yah" Sawyer says, I feel him come close to my face. "Bye Rudy, see you tomorrow" he whispers, kissing my cheek. Wow two kisses in one day.
Jem brings me up to bed, but it wasn't my bed it was his instead. He lays me down and pulls me close so I was cuddled into his body.
"You'll always be my baby, Rudy" Jem says softly, kissing the top of my head.

Woah did you guys expect that?
Are you team Niall or team Sawyer?
I'm team Sawyer but that doesn't matter cause this story is just writing itself, I don't even know half of what I write!


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