December 23 2018- Chapter 11

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"KIDSSSSS!!!" My mother yells from downstairs, I was currently beating Torin at Mario cart upstairs in the lounge area. All of us kids were hanging out since our parents took away our phones for the holiday.
"ONE SEC MOMMM!" Torin yells back, he wanted to beat me, but kept dying, Jem and Mic were laughing at him the whole time as I've always been the best at video games.
"No come on guys we need to go now" I say as I cross the finish line. I hop and run down the stairs, everyone else following behind me. "Yeah mom?" I say as we all sit down in the living room.
"So kids tonight we are having a Christmas party! And there will be kids there so we are asking that you clean up your space upstairs and have them upstairs, because the party is gonna be a business party with your dads colleagues, so please be nice and get along with everyone.." I don't know why my mom was so nervous, we had these parties every year.
"Okay Mom, we know the drill, do you need us to go get food from the store?" Jem asks, he was just sucking up so he could go visit his fiancé.
"Yeah that would be great hunny!" She says before getting up to clean the house.
"Dad?" I ask, after everyone is gone.
"Yeah Rudy?"
"Is Niall coming with Darren?" Darren and my dad worked in the same office, so I wanna shopping he was invited as I haven't seen Niall since he met my cousins and needed an excuse to see him.
"Um I'm not sure hun, sorry, go with Jem to the store please, only you know what to get" He says before walking away to his office.
"JEMMM! LETS GOOOO!!!!" I yell up the stairs.
"Coming Baby!!!"

We arrive at the grocery store about half an hour later as our stupidly small town doesn't have a store. I made a list on the way over of everything we needed but I was sure Jem was going to buy more than what was on my list.
"Okay you go pick out a few types of chips and pop for the kids and I'll find the appetizer ingredients for the adults. Please don't go crazy, you know how much it sucks to clean chips out of the carpet.." I say heading off to find the food I needed.
20 minutes later I meet Jem at the cash and see he went way over board buying every type of chip, pop, and candy, which was not on the list.
As we head out to the car I notice Jem eyeing me a lot, I could tell he was about to say something over protective brotherish.
"Hey Baby?" I knew it, the second I buckle up and he pulls out of the parking spot the questions always come.
"Yeah Jem."
"Are you and Niall seeing each other?" Oh my gosh not another brother I had to lie too.
"No why do you ask?"
"I don't know you two would be cute together" As do I and Niall think, I have just yet to tell him that. "But since you aren't seeing someone, do you mind talking and flirting with Grayson tonight? He kinda has a crush on you but is too nervous to say.." Oh no Niall was not gonna be happy.
"I mean I don't really like Gray like that, I don't mind talking to him but I'm not gonna flirt, I kinda have eyes for a certain someone!" As soon as I say that Jems eyes find my eyes.
"What? Who? If it's not Niall, then I don't want you dating anyone..." Oh my gosh did he want Niall and I together?
"What? Wait do you want Ni and I to date?" I ask him and know I'm right as he doesn't answer me. "Wow..."
"Okay Fine yes I want you two to date, but only cause he treats you right and he is a decent guy, I only want the best for you.." His voice got quiet as he says it.
"Niall and I aren't dating sorry, i love him but just as friends" I needed to talk to Ni before I told anyone what we were doing.
"Okay what ever you say Punkin" All my brothers called me baby but then they had their own nicknames for me.

We arrive back home around 5 and drop off the adult food off in the kitchen before heading up stairs to set up for the teenagers.
"Okay so Micah you set up food, Doc drinks, Jem you can leave as I know your not gonna want to stay tonight, Tor you vacuum please.." Elle was off at a friends place as she wasn't old enough for our teen parties yet and Docker was going to hang out with Briggs cause apparently we aren't cool enough for him.
"What are you doing Baby?" Docker of course asked.
"I'm going to be greeting downstairs.."
"No I wanna do that" Micah of course says, like he does every year.
"Fine, I'll do food" I say getting up and starting to pour the chips and candy into bowls.

An hour later everyone was here, the adults downstairs and teenagers upstairs, we had this party every year so we knew everyone that came.
"Hey Rudy!" I turn around and see Malcom my dads bosses son.
"Oh hey Mal..." Malcom has always had crush in

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