December 23rd 2018- Chapter 12(part 2)

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"Hey Sunny!!" I say hugging her quickly. She was the one girl I was friends with when we were young but middle school changed that.
"Hey Rudy! Oh I heard you're good friends with Niall, do you mind putting in a good word with him about me? I've been waiting for him to see me for years but he never has." Yup still desperate as ever.
"Sorry Sunny Niall's actually takes right now." I say before I walk away to try and find him.
"FINNY!" I yell hugging him, that meant Niall was here.
"Oh hey Rudy! By the way Niall didn't want to come today, he got some news that he isn't to happy about. So after the party if you want I can bring you back with me, he only wants to see you." Oh no, bad news doesn't usually go over well with Ni.
"Yeah okay, thanks for telling me, I might head over now I don't really want to be here." It was true I only wanted to see Niall and now that I knew he was hurting I just wanted to cuddle him. I turn to leave the upstairs loft and head downstairs to my room when the one and only Grayson stops me. I wasn't ready for him all I wanted to do was get to my boy.
"Ohh heyy Rudy!" He was drunk like always.
"Hey Grayson sorry I'm heading out have fun!" I quickly say and go to leave but he grabs my wrist pulling me back in front of him.
"Not so fast Rudy, I never knew how to tell you this, but I love you Rudy and I want you to be my girlfriend" He was so drunk I don't even think he knew what he was saying. I look around for one of my brothers, I notice Torin in the corner talking to his friend Ethan. I keep looking at Tor until he finally makes eye contact with me, his eyes glance to my wrist being held by Grayson and he immediately heads over.
"Hey Grayson what's up bud?" Torin says which causes Grayson to drop my wrist and turn around. They do the little bro shake and hug which gives me enough time to slip away downstairs to my room. I text Torin a thank you also telling him where I was going. I change into one of Niall's hoodies and a pair of my sweats, throwing my curled hair into a messy bun and taking off my makeup before I head out.
I walk downstairs and try and sneak out front to walk to Nialls when Darren, Nialls father sees me.
"Rudy! How are you?" He says giving me a questioning look about my attire before he moves us away from all my dads colleagues.
"Hey Darren, I'm pretty good, yourself?" I politely say back.
"Great! Now I'm assuming you're going to see Niall, he's had a rough night and I just want you to know he isn't alone, but give him a chance to explain why the person who's there is there." Wow Niall must be in bad shape, who would be there?
"Okay thank you for the notice Darren, have a nice night" I say quickly hugging him before I make my way outside ready for the freezing 20min walk, of course I forgot my coat like always.

I arrive at Nialls a little over 20 minutes later, I use the spare key Niall gave me to get in as it was locked. As soon as I enter I hear Niall his voice was full of confusion and frustration. I head downstairs to his room only to not find him there, I set my things down and quickly change into another one of his sweaters. I head back upstairs following his voice until I spot him in the kitchen, his back was to me. But standing across from him is the one and only Fiona, his ex of 6 months. She spots almost immediately and smirks before she goes up to Niall and hugs him, to my surprise he hugs her back kissing the top of her head. She whispers something in his ear before she walks away from him and past me out the front door. His body was frozen before he slowly turns around, guilt strung on his face.
"Ru." He says quietly.
"Ni." I say back before I head downstairs knowing he had some explaining to do. I hear him follow behind me shuffling his feet. I sit on his bed grabbing the blanket he bought me and wrapping it around my shoulders. He sits next to me but doesn't say anything.
"Are you gonna explain to me what I just saw? Or do you expect me to just know.." I say after a few minutes of silence which causes him to sigh.
"Fiona was here because........ because she's pregnant, with my baby." Wow. I was not expecting that.
"Okay.... do you know for sure that it's yours?" I wouldn't put it behind her to pretend it was his to get him back.
"Yeah. She did a DNA test. Finn gave her my toothbrush a week after we broke up because he didn't want me to know unless it was mine for sure." Great. So Fiona would be around forever.
"How far along is she?" She couldn't be far along she wasn't big I don't think, I haven't looked close at her stomach.
"22 weeks, so a little over half way. She's showing but she hid it behind baggy sweaters these past couple weeks that's why no one noticed. But there is more Ru." He hadn't called me baby or love yet and I had a feeling he thought I would stop whatever we were if he had a kid.
"What is it?" I say butterflies in my stomach.
"She doesn't want to keep the baby, she wants to put it up for adoption. But I don't think I could do that after losing the twins. I think I'd want to raise it on my own and I understand if you don't want to do that so we don't ever have to be more then friends Ru.." Awww he was stepping up and being a dad.
"I'm really proud of you Ni, I think what you're doing is the right thing, but I don't care if you have a kid.... I like Niall, more then friends and I want to be with you through this journey, if you'll have me." I didn't even realize what I was saying till I had said it. Sh*t I just confessed my feelings for him probably at the worst time possible.
"Holy crap love, I like you so much more than friends, but you already knew that. I don't want you to feel forced into this life with me, seeing as it's not your child." He was looking at me with a full blown smile, probably shocked that I had admitted to liking him.
"NiBear, I don't care if it's not my child, it's yours and you are important to me so it's important to me too, plus I love babies Ni you know that. I'll support you through anything." It was truly crazy that we have known each other for such a short amount of time and this is what we were talking about.
"Thank you love. Thank you for supporting me, I truly appreciate it" He says pulling me into a hug, kissing my forehead.
"You're welcome NiBear, also can I stay the night I don't feel like going back to the party." I really didn't, I'd rather be with my boy then with a bunch of teens I see once a year.
"For sure love, just text your parents and let them know, you all are coming over here tomorrow anyways for Christmas, cause we have the most space. Have you packed for tinos yet?" Right we were leaving in 3 days.
"Ahhh Nope, I have mostly everything but haven't packed at all. Also I don't think we should make us official yet, then we'll never be left alone every again." I laugh at what I say a bit but it was true, I liked being able to be alone with him.
"Haha yeah that's true. It'll be our little secret for a little longer don't worry love" He says before he gets up and strips to his boxer throwing a pair of shorts on like he always does at night. I stay in my hoodie and sweats but I climb under the covers cuddling into Nialls side as her climbs in.
"Oh yeah Ni, do you know the gender of the baby? Or are you gonna find out? And is Fiona letting you have the baby yourself?" I had so many questions but I just asked the important ones.
"Yes she said she would be happy if it took it because she wants nothing to do with it and the gender is in an envelope on my bed side table" he says gesturing to he table behind him.
"Oh that's great if you want to keep it, can I read the gender? Or do you want to decide what you want to do first?" There I do with the questions again.
"I've decided I'm gonna step up for the baby, I don't want to risk not being able to find it a family. And sure, you read and I'll guess." His smile was back and it warmed my heart. I reach over and grab the envelope sitting up as I open it. I look around before I gasp quickly covering my mouth for saying the gender.
"What's your guess?" I mumble through my hand.
"I think.... hmmm, maybe girl?" His smile hadn't left his face which tells me he didn't really care what the gender was.
"Hmmmmm... NOPE! It's a boy Ni, you're having a son!" I didn't know it was possible but his smile got bigger, he quickly leaned forward pecking my lips before he takes the sonogram seeing for himself that the baby was indeed a little boy. Due around April.
"Oh my goodness love, we have a son. That's crazy. I know it's early and it's not both of ours but I'm really happy." He kisses me again before we lay down cuddling into each other and quickly falling asleep.

GUYS!! Niall is a father and Rudy is stepping up as the mother to an itty bitty boy. Wow betcha weren't expecting that! Everything was going to smoothly I had to throw some drama in haha. I'm so excited for them! Can't wait to find out what "they" name him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2019 ⏰

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