December 1 2018- Chapter 8

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Niall's POV

I watch as Rudy pulls the Kieran guy out of the living room and up the stairs. I go back to making out and grinding against the girl that was hanging off me, I think her name was Brittney or Bethany maybe Sarah, I really didn't know. I can't believe Ru said that to me, all this time I thought she was falling for me and I was wrong. But she made me fall for her, with her perfect laugh, smile, eyes and personality. She was the most caring person I know and grateful for everything anyone gave her. She made me fall for her and than broke my heart, which is why I let her go up those stairs with that guy. I was supposed to protect her but that was before she ruined me.
I decide to bring the blonde girl upstairs, she seemed too excited about it. She definitely was a screamer or she just thought I liked that. After I finished with her I cuddled a bit, which I never did, but I pretended it was Rudy in my arms instead of this blonde bimbo.
I wake up and hour later to people screaming down the hall, I listen carefully and hear the name 'Rudy' wait what? I hop out of the bed and throw my clothes back, whilst running down the hall to the screaming. I burst through the door and find Finn holding a confused Rudy in his arms, she was shaking and crying. I run over to her and go to pull her into my arms.
"NO, GET AWAY FROM ME!" She yells pushing me away. I step back and take a look at her, she was in a males shirt and I glance over to see Finn was shirtless, that means she was naked when he found her. Her makeup was smudged and her hair matted.
"What... what happened?" I ask Finn who was currently calming Rudy's cries down.
"I found her like this, she was passed out and had blood, down there, you know?" He says it so calmly, like it was normal. I sit down about 2 feet from them my head in my hands, how did I let this happen? She needed me and while I was banging the bimbo. I sit there watching my twin brother calm the love of my life down, after she had just experienced probably one of the most terrifying things in her life.

It was 3am by the time Rudy had fallen asleep in Finns arm, he decided to bring her back to our place until the morning. He carries her to my car placing her in the back, before hopping in the front.
"Niall we need to call her parents and tell them she's staying the night" Finn says settling into the drivers seat.
"I texted Jem and told him she was staying over, cause she already feel asleep, he said okay, just to return her in the morning" I say my voice cracking because of all the crying I had been doing, this whole night was my fault.
"Okay well Niall?" Finn says looking at me from the road.
"What happened tonight?"
"She rejected me so I let her make her own choices and this was my fault, this whole night, I can't believe I let her get that drunk and go upstairs with that freakin guy." I was so mad at myself.
"Niall you need to forget about that, right now all that is important is that Rudy is safe and isn't harmed, to much. She was so scared, she said he tied her hands behind her back and she couldn't do anything, she eventually passed out from stress. Who was it that she went upstairs with?" Finns voice remained calm, I don't how he did this.
"I don't know some guy, she was dancing with him throughout the night, I think she said his name but I can't remember. All I remember is her telling me we were only friends. Sh*t why can't I remember his f*cking name!" I slam my hands onto the centre console.
"Jeez Niall, don't wake her up, I just got her down" Finn says pushing my hands from the console.

We arrive home and I carry her inside, loving the feeling of having her in my arms again, her face was blotchy and swollen from crying and her body was still trembling. I bring her to my bed and pull some of my sweats on her, before I get in bed cuddling up around her.
"Ahhhhh, let go of me, get away! Niall!? Where are you? You said you'd never leave." I wake up to her screaming and thrashing her arms and legs.
"It's okay baby girl, I'm here now, I'm sorry I let that happen, I love you so much my love" I say pulling her into my arms, she settles down immediately and falls into a peaceful sleep again.

I wake up in the morning to light coming in my window from outside, I open my eyes to see a sleepy Ru looking at me from my arms.
"Morning Ru!" I say kissing her forehead.
"Morning NiBear!" She was in a much better state of mind today, I wonder if she remembered anything.
"Do you remember anything from last night Ru?" I say quietly pulling her closer, which want even possible as she was already practically laying on me.
"Yeah I remember what happened, but not everything, I don't want anyone to know Niall, not my family nor my friends, I don't even remember the guy, and the one thing I do remember is leading him on, so technically it was my fault." Her voice quivered as she spoke. How could she even think for a second that someone raping her was her fault?
"Oh baby it wasn't your fault, don't ever think that, he took advantage of you when you were drunk." I pulled her into my chest yet again, wanting to never leave her side.
"I understand, but I still don't want anyone to know okay? I'm good now, please?" She asks, looking at me with her beautiful chocolate brown eyes.
"Okay fine, I won't tell anyone, I promise baby." She comes back over to me and sits in my lap, cuddling into my neck.
"Thank you NiBear! I love you!" The way she said the words made my heart flutter, wow I was falling hard for this girl.
"I love you too my love!" I didn't even think about, before I did it. I pushed her chin up to look at me and I pressed lips against hers, she responded instantly her lips as soft as ever. I pull away pressing a kiss to her forehead, before I get off my bed pulling clothes out of my dresser. I slip on a red long sleeve with white lines down the arms and black overly ripped skinny jeans. When I look back over I see Ru staring at me, she was biting down on her perfectly plump lip, but I don't think she meant too.
"You like what you see Ru?" A smile came onto her face which caused a smile to come to my face.
"No I just realized how ugly and unfit you are ahahaha.." she continued to laugh her smile getting bigger every time she laughed.
"Oh really? I'm not fit? Oh well I'll show you differently.." I say before I run over grabbing her off the bed. I lift her into the air, her giggles getting louder each time.
"St...stop Niall, f..fine your fit, I said your fit.. hahahahaha." I put her back down keeping her close though. Her hand was on my chest, but she began sliding it up and down my chest to stomach and up to my jaw. She traced my abs with her finger and the outline of my jaw before she cups my face with both of her hands. She leans up on her tippy toes, kissing my lips briefly, before jumping back on the bed.
"You're a tease missy" I say jumping on the bed after her. I grab her sides and she squeals rolling away from me.
"Am not! Plus Niall I don't think I'm ready for us still, I don't know what my feelings are anymore. All I know is that I like kissing you, for now I don't think I can date anyone." My heart dropped a bit, she still doesn't want to date me, but can I blame her? But she is not saying she doesn't have feelings for me, and she enjoys kissing me.
"Okay, that's okay, so you enjoy kissing me do you?" I wink at her as I say it.
"Your full of yourself, and yeah I like kissing you, so if you want to just kiss me and not have a relationship that'd be okay with me." She looks down as she says it, I could tell she was nervous.
"Oh my gosh I thought you'd never ask" I say before crashing my lips against hers. Her lips were the softest I've ever kissed before, in my life. We continue making out, she deepened it first, exploring my mouth with her tongue, before I do the same to her mouth. She bites my lip, pulling on it with her teeth, making me moan into her mouth. I push her back getting on top of her, kissing down her jaw and down her neck, she moans into my ear tugging on my hair. She grinds her hips into mine, causing my member to harden, she laughs into my lips as I kiss her again. She pulls away all to soon, pecking my lips before cuddling into me.

We must've fallen back asleep because next thing I know I'm being woken up by Finn yelling from outside my door.
"NIALL!! WE WERE SUPPOSED TO RETURN RUDY THIS MORNING, ITS 4PM." Sh*t her brothers were gonna be so mad.
"It's okay Ni, I texted my dad and told him I'm coming home soon, and that I just got caught up studying for a test with you" She whispers from beside me. I look down kissing her lips gently before pulling her into a hug.
"Thank you love!" I say while sitting up.
"You need to stop calling me pet names, we aren't together, strictly kissing and you tutoring me, or else I'm gonna fail." She gives me her best puppy dogs eyes, which sucked, but still made her beautiful as ever, was I gonna be able to just kiss her?
"Sorry, I can't help it, but I know we are just best friends with benefits" I say wiggling my eyebrows.
"You're ridiculous, by the way we need to set some rules for this" she says gesturing between us.
"Okay, well we're aloud kissing that's all I know."
"Yeah kissing only, no pet names, no hand holding in public, or talking about us, act like we did before please?" These were stupid, but this is what you get when you're not in a relationship I guess.
"Okay everything will go back to the way it was before, now we should probably get you home." I grab her off the bed running upstairs with her in my arms.
"Ni.. Niall stopp hahahahaha.." her laugh was killing me.

I drive her back to her place holding her hand the entire time, which she aloud me to do, she of course feel asleep like she always did. I wake her up as we pull up outside her place, she was really grumpy, but really excited to see Pete. I kiss her quickly before her cute little bum runs off pretty jumping through her door.

WOAH! So they're like together but not really, kinda like friends with benefits, who would've known. Do you like Niall and Rudy, ahaha Nudy!! Or would you prefer her to be single and focus on the shelter and school?
Wait till the next chapter someone juicy is coming!

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