December 17th 2018- Chapter 10

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Skip forward 12 days and Niall's and Rudy are still together unofficially..

"My love?" I hear Niall call from beside me, I had gotten used to his pet names, and actually kind of enjoyed them.
"Yes NiBear?" I say putting my Calculus down. We had gotten off from school on Friday and it was currently Monday, it was sad saying goodbye to Guy, as he is going away over Christmas and won't be back by the time I leave and Talia as she is spending all her time with Paul, who is moving in January.
"Who all do you need to get Christmas presents for still?" He asks while playing with my hands.
"Umm, Mic, Jem, Doc, Finn, Briggs and your dad, oh and my mom, who do you need to get presents for?" We were going shopping later today for Christmas presents.
"Finn, Dads, moms and Elle, I don't know what to get little girls, so you have to help me.." he continued playing my hands while I watched the tv in his room. "What did you get Torin, Elle, your dad and my mom?" He just wanted to steal my ideas.
"Well I got Torin a bike rack for his car, he said he wanted one and I found one for a great deal. I got Elle Belle a iPod, my parents finally agreed to let me get one for her and I got your mom a necklace with your guys' birthstones on them, which is what I'm trying to find for my mom today. And I got my dad a briefcase as his is old and ripped, from his lawyering stuff he does. What did you get the boys?" He literally only got my brothers and Briggs presents so far.
"I got all your brothers the Xbox One X and then a bunch of games, and then their single presents are personalized controllers." He pulled out his phone showing me the controllers. "Oh yeah and I got Briggs a new snowboard and hockey sticks" he says going back to playing with my hands. Jeez I knew they were rich but I had no idea they were this rich.
"Oh cool the boys are gonna love those and I didn't know Briggs was into snowboarding!" I knew he was into hockey cause he played on the AAA team.
"Oh yeah he just got into, He went with a friend last week, so I figured I could get him a board and Finn is getting him the rest of the stuff he needs.
"Okay well we should should probably go to the mall, we have lots of shopping to do!" I hop off his bed, kissing both Princess and Angel on their heads, before I run up the stairs.
"Rudy! I didn't know you were here!?" I turn around and see the one and only Layla standing behind me.
"Oh hey! Yeah Niall and I are always hanging out!" I made myself smile, already knowing I hated his girl.
"Oh cool, well see ya later, Niall and I have plans today!" What? He was going with me..
"Umm you better check with Niall about that, he and I already have plans we are going to right now!" I say back, pulling on my winter jacket.
"NIALLLLLL!?!?!" Layla scream, tears streaming down her face and her hands clenched. I hear him run up the stairs and when he gets to the top he stares at me, his face scrunching up when he sees I'm not upset.
"What's wrong my love?" He asks and I look past him, staring at Layla, he follows my vision and his body tenses when he sees its Layla. "What are you doing here!?!? Get out!" His voice full of anger.
"Ni Baby, we have plans today it's their anniversary, 2 years.." she sobs out, Niall's face turns vulnerable.
"Well I'm sorry I have plans today, I don't want to hang out with you, go run to Jackson." And with that he grabs his keys and my hand, pulling me out to the car.
I hop in, putting the seat warmer on right away, Niall's body was still tense and I could tell Layla bothered him, so I put my hand on top of his, squeezing it slightly.
"NiBear? What's wrong?" I ask as he drives off, we had a hour long drive to get to the mall, as our small town was far away from everything.
"I'm okay I promise, Layla and I actually have some history. When I was 15 and she was 14, she got pregnant, I stepped up to be the father, but they died this day 2 years ago cause her boyfriend pushed her down the stairs, when she was three days away from her due date. She was carrying twins, Isla and Harry." Ohhh that's what those names were.
"Oh I'm so sorry baby, we can go back, you should spend today with your family, not shopping with me.."
"No Ru, I want to spend today with you, I'm okay, it just wasn't meant to be, I want to be with you lovie.." His hand was squeezing mine, and a tear came down his cheek, causing my eyes to water, when boys cry it makes me cry.
"Okay baby, I love you so much." I reach up and kiss his cheek, my heart hurt for him right now, but I also felt happy that he chose me to spend this day with.

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