The Encounter (pt.2)

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Sephrina slowly entered, kicking off her shoes by the vinyl mat she always knew she was home by the potent odor of chamomile. It made her feel in balance and tranquility she realized, the time had flown by as she would need to get ready soon. Her eyes scanned searching for her grandpa, she wandered around passing by the living room and pantry. A TV accompanied and filled the space with bright colors and muffled voices leading into the kitchen.

Her grandpa stood the smell of onions and cumin completely took her over, some pots were located on the stove. He gripped a small knife while slowly chopping vegetables on a cutting board his eyes flew up and a warm smile appeared on his face.

"Someones a little late," he spoke as his fingers roamed around the cluttered counter of empty condiments and cans.

"Yeah sorry about that," smirking back as she coiled a lock of hair around her finger.

"Ah, its fine sweetheart" his voice trailed.

"So, how was your day?" he replied walking over to a boiling pot of water.

"It was interesting," she said her mind floated off remembering what had happened earlier.

"I'm sure it was honey" he responded.

"You know college has never been my thing," he mumbled.

Sephrina arched her brow in confusion trying to stifle a laugh.

"Grandpa you mean high-school?" she said.

"Oh damn, I guess I am getting old aren't I?" he answered.

A spurt of laughter left their lips, she wanted to ask her grandpa how his day was as well but thought it would be awkward.

"Grandpa?" her scattered thoughts fell into one piece.

"Uh huh," he began scrapping the onto cuisine onto a plate.

"So a friend is coming over and we're going out tonight," she divulged as her eyes slowly dropped she had the feeling he wouldn't approve.

"Ok, well that's fine but where will this event be held?" the wrinkles on his forehead waved over and his eye's tightened.

" It's a house party," she said.

"I'm ok with whatever you want to do sweetie as long as your safe" he smiled before putting away a plastic bag in the fridge.

"Ok," she said feeling as if all the weight of the day had been lifted off her chest.

"There aren't any boys... is there?" his voice almost in uncertainty.

"Grandpa its just a girls night out" she lied.

He nodded in agreement while walking over to give Sephrina a gentle kiss on the forehead.

"As long as my baby's safe," he muttered before turning back around to continue tidying the kitchen.

She smiled before ascending up the stairs, freshened up and phoned Mila. Giving her the directions and address she slipped into her dress, at the front of her Victorian mirror. She examined the thin delicate cloth revealing her breast and torso the seamless straps of fabric ran over her small shoulders. A voice called out startling her.

"Sephrina there's someone here to see you," her grandpa announced.

She eyed her phone before jogging down the stairs, her grandpa was stood near Mila. They had a conversation going, Mila's eyes pronto connected with her's lighting up.

"Sephrina!" she beamed.

Her long hair was pinned up beautifully, as well as her outfit and make up silver sparkles just above the denim faded eyeshadow that made her radiant blue eyes twinkle.

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