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        Connor pointed the gun at the brown haired traci, but his hands shook. He didn't shoot. Why? Why did he always do this? Every time he got close to knowing more about deviants, he wavered. His damn emotions were in the way! Just like that, it hit him. The blue haired traci looked to Connor as he realized it.

"You know what it's like, how we feel..." The blue haired traci said simply, she took her lover's hand. As they went over the fence, Connor knows what she was talking about. Panic began to rise in Connor's chest, Hank was talking to him, but he couldn't hear a word. The older man eventually had a his hands on Connor's shoulder, and shook him roughly.

"Connor! Connor!" Finally the android's eyes meet with the man's. He was shocked to see how much fear there really was in his eyes. "Let's get the fuck out of here." He took Connor's arm and quickly navigated him, though the people that crowded the Eden Club. Of course Gavin tried to stop them, he probably saw there rush, and decided to fuck with them. "Connor in the car and shut the door."

"Lieutenant, I understand I am not in the best mindset, but I can-" Hank turned to glare at him, quickly shutting him up. Connor then opened the car door, taking a seat quietly. Hank was shocked to see the android fidgeting.

"Where do you two think you're going? Huh?" Hank's hands were balled into fists from his anger. Connor was already having some sort of panic attack, that he was doing a great job hiding. This asshole was the last thing he wanted to deal with. "Did you decide that you needed to give your plastic pet a good fuck?" He laughed loudly, he probably thought he was funniest fucking person in the world. Hank saw Connor look away sadly. That was the only thing he needed, his fist connected with Gavin's face. "Aw shit!" Everyone turned to look, Hank had a lot of anger on his face.

"Stay away from me and Connor! If I catch you near either him or me again, you'll fucking regret it." Hank got into the old car, sighing. Still when he turned the car on, it blasted heavy metal. Despite the music, Connor felt sick to his stomach. How could this happen to him? He was supposed to be perfect, how did he become a deviant? It was his job to hunt deviants, how did this happen? How? He felt the car come to a stop suddenly. "Alright time to talk Connor." Hank turned to the android. If Connor had a heart it would have dropped. Hank got out of the car and headed to a bench, Connor assumed he was supposed to follow. Though he hesitated, he followed the detective to the bench. When Connor had reached Hank, he had his arms wrapped around his stomach. The android was nervous and felt sick to his stomach, that was impossible. Androids can't feel! No matter how many times he told himself that, the things he was feeling weren't going away. Finally the android couldn't stand it, he ran to the bars that stood between the sidewalk and the lake. He vomited up what looked like thirium only thicker with chunks of who knows what, Connor coughed up what was left. "Damn Connor, I didn't know you could throw up." The android was breathing heavy over the railing, the older man took a swing of the beer he was drinking. Hank then got up from the top of the bench, taking off his coat.

"H-Hank you need that for the cold, and I will be fine." Connor's stutter shocked them both. Still, Hank took his coat and cleaned off Connor's lips. It felt nice, the way the wind blew on him. Hank held him close to his body.

"What the hell is going on Connor? No, what the fuck is going on?" Hank asked, a little bit of anger and a little bit of concern was in his voice.

"I-I don't know! I don't know! Hank! I'm scared! I think... I think." Connor took a second to breath in the older man. "I think i'm becoming deviant."

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